We will rock you! A song about Stone Age life.Quick View

We will rock you! A song about Stone Age life.

Sing along to the tune of.... we will rock you, by Queen! In case you hadn't guessed! Year 3 had good fun singing this song, I hope you enjoy it too. It can get a bit loud...<br /> <br /> Updated: 16.1.2017. I've added a different version on a song lyrics video and also a word doc of the new version. It's the same track but a little more wordy, shorter and has dance opportunities at the end!
Walk like an (Ancient) Egyptian, song about Ancient Egypt.Quick View

Walk like an (Ancient) Egyptian, song about Ancient Egypt.

A catchy, quick song for KS2 studying Ancient Egypt, to the tune of Walk like an Egyptian by The Bangles. <br /> <br /> Have a peek at my YouTube channel, search for suebleazard SingKids! I hope you enjoy this song and find it useful! Thank you for feedback!<br /> <br /> Keywords search: Ancient Egypt. Pyramids. Tutankhamun. Assembly
Mr and Mrs Have. Poem for Harvest.Quick View

Mr and Mrs Have. Poem for Harvest.

Here's a poem I wrote for year 3 to perform as part of a Harvest assembly. It's comical and light-hearted, and is broadly about the difference between 'having' and 'needing'. It would be good for Harvest time or any work that involves sharing, being thankful for what you have, thinking of others, etc.
Hey Romans! song about the Romans for KS2Quick View

Hey Romans! song about the Romans for KS2

<br /> UPDATED 24/7/2017 New video with added vocals, as requested! It's a really fast song so this should make it easier to learn. I've left the old video on here too, which is just the karaoke backing. <br /> This song and many others available on my You Tube channel: sue bleazard SingKids!<br />
The Naughty Bus Song!Quick View

The Naughty Bus Song!

Here is a song for fans of Naughty Bus, a beautiful book by Jan and Jerry Oke. My song follows the same story and is catchy, easy to sing with lots of repetition. I hope you enjoy it! <br /> Here is a link to my EYFS songs, which are all on my You Tube channel; sue bleazard SingKids!<br /> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8efzKsrQPHaUBkjxhVf-q72Jp6F0T0l8
Walking on lava! Song about volcanoes, to the tune of "walking on sunshine". Quick View

Walking on lava! Song about volcanoes, to the tune of "walking on sunshine".

Here is a song about volcanoes, sung to the tune of &quot;walking on sunshine&quot; by Katrina and the Waves. Good karaoke backing tracks can be found on You Tube, the song carries on for longer than my words, so just fade the music out quickly after the last chorus. <br /> I wrote this for year 3 but I hope any KS2 class will enjoy singing it.<br /> Feedback is much appreciated, thank you!
Hey Little Hen! Chicken Clicking song. KS1 online safety song.Quick View

Hey Little Hen! Chicken Clicking song. KS1 online safety song.

I wrote this song for year 1, it's based on the book &quot;Chicken Clicking&quot;, by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross. As well as complementing the book, it emphasises key e-safety rules for ks1 children. The song is suitable for lessons and assemblies, especially for e-safety week or anti-bullying week in school. <br /> The lyrics video is also available on my YouTube channel, suebleazard. <br /> Thank you for leaving feedback! <br /> <br /> key words: e-safety online safety edtech safeguarding
Anglo Saxon SongQuick View

Anglo Saxon Song

This is a song I wrote to help my Year 4 class remember facts about the Anglo Saxons, mainly where they came from and why.<br /> It is based on Blame it on me, by George Ezra. Find a karaoke backing on You Tube and sing along! It is a bit low pitched in the verses but the pitch gets higher in the chorus. My class last year really enjoyed singing it, I put the words into a powerpoint too, which I'll put on here. Could be useful for an assembly. <br /> Hope you like it, it's the first thing I've ever put on tes!
Olympic song, I'm Rio bound...Quick View

Olympic song, I'm Rio bound...

Here's a song to complement work on the Olympics, the music is &quot;Half the world away&quot;, by Oasis. <br /> If you prefer songs on videos with lyrics, please have a look at my You Tube channel, suebleazard, where you'll find some more of my songs.<br /> Please take a moment to leave feedback, it's much appreciated. Thank you!<br />
KS1 Famous Explorers Song.Quick View

KS1 Famous Explorers Song.

I wrote this song for a Year 1 class assembly all about famous explorers. <br /> Updated 20.2.2017: lyrics video added.<br /> Find this song and more on my You Tube channel, Sue Bleazard SingKids!
Victorians: Children at work: Industrial World Song.Quick View

Victorians: Children at work: Industrial World Song.

Here is a song all about children at work, based on the tune of 'material girl' by Madonna. I have included a backing track which I played on the keyboard and recorded on Audacity. I have played the vocal line clearly, so I hope you can see how the words fit in! <br /> This song would complement lessons or assemblies on the Industrial revolution as well as Victorians and children at work. I hope you like it and find it useful, feedback is very much appreciated!<br /> <br /> Updated: new improved video and backing, 9.3.2017
Remembrance Song: Fields of PoppiesQuick View

Remembrance Song: Fields of Poppies

Here is a song that would make a good starter for work on the First World War, or included as part of Remembrance Day assemblies or services.<br /> The backing track is the Eva Cassidy version of Fields of Gold, the words are my own.
The Good Samaritan, rhyming story.Quick View

The Good Samaritan, rhyming story.

This is the full story of the Good Samaritan, written in rhyming verse. There is a verse that repeats a few times so that children can join in if you are reading it aloud. <br /> <br /> Key word search: Parable, Bible story, poem.
E-Safety Song. All about online safety, KS2, KS3.Quick View

E-Safety Song. All about online safety, KS2, KS3.

Here is a song about online safety, to a very well known song. The repetitive structure helps to emphasise these key rules for staying safe online, an ideal song for e-safety week or anti-bullying week. <br /> This song and others can be found on my YouTube channel, suebleazard.<br /> Thank you for feedback!<br /> <br /> key words: e-safety online safety edtech safeguarding anti-bullying
Florence Nightingale SongQuick View

Florence Nightingale Song

<p>A song for KS1 learning about Florence Nightingale. Great to launch learning, complement work or as part of a class assembly. This song and many others are also available on my Youtube channel; suebleazard singkids</p>
Pancake Day Song! EYFS, KS1.Quick View

Pancake Day Song! EYFS, KS1.

Here is a song all about making pancakes, the tune is a jazzed-up version of the wheels on the bus! Learning the song promotes discussion about step by step skills such as baking, ingredients, or even non-reversible changes! <br /> Have fun!<br /> <br /> This song,and other Early Years songs, is available on my You Tube channel, sue bleazard.
Buzzy buzzy bees! Counting song, adding one moreQuick View

Buzzy buzzy bees! Counting song, adding one more

<p>Here is a counting song that reinforces adding one more and the flowers and bees graphics boost number bonds. A fun song to sing, especially in the Spring or Summer term, and easy to add actions and movement!<br /> Vocabulary includes: one more, numbers 1 to 10. Bees, buzzy, buzzing, flowers, trees, honey.</p>
Rhyming Times Tables SongsQuick View

Rhyming Times Tables Songs

Times tables are much easier to learn if they are linked to a silly rhyme, so here are my rhyming times tables songs! <br /> I hope your classes find them useful and fun to sing, please leave feedback, it's much appreciated!<br /> <br /> These songs and lots more can be found on my YouTube channel, sue bleazard SingKids!
KS1 Song: Traditional Tales: Once upon a time...Quick View

KS1 Song: Traditional Tales: Once upon a time...

Here is a song to introduce the unit on Traditional Tales in KS1. It has a catchy, folksong style and the verses include the gingerbread man, little red riding hood, three little pigs and Goldilocks. <br /> It would also be fun to sing as part of a class assembly. <br /> <br /> Please leave feedback, it's much appreciated! Thank you!