Christianity: St. Columba PresentationQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Presentation

This eye-catching and informative lesson presentation on St. Columba helps pupils to rediscover the spiritual dimension of his life and encourages them to explore and reflect on their personal faith or values and to put these into action in ways which benefit others, as St. Columba did. Choosing to learn about St. Columba also helps pupils deepen their understanding of how religion and values can shape and contribute to the lives of individuals and communities.<br /> <br /> <strong> When to use this presentation</strong><br /> This resource can be used alone or in conjunction with ‘St. Columba: Life and Times’, a free resource which can be found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>. After this presentation has been shown and discussed, you may want to spend one more period on a range of engaging activities to reinforce students’ learning which can be found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.<br /> <br /> **************************************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating and detailed instructions on how and when to use this presentation)<br /> ✶ PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable and with animation)<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> Page Count</strong>: 39<br /> **************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=Christianity&amp;page=1"> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> **************************************************************
Christianity: St. Columba Crossword PuzzlesQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Crossword Puzzles

Learn and play at the same time! ‘St. Columba’ crosswords are designed not just for creating ‘busy-work’ for students, but for engaging the students in the learning process and enhancing their learning experience. Crosswords are well-known as being a very popular activity with students. They offer a simple and creative way to incorporate active learning into your teaching!<br /> <br /> <strong>Differentiation</strong><br /> All your students can benefit from this resource. The clues are differentiated to suit all ability levels. There are two different crosswords included which are created for more able (crossword 1) and less able pupils (crossword 2). The crosswords are further differentiated by giving the pupils the option to choose the activity they want to do for each crossword. There are three versions that you can use. Students who have completed one crossword, may be challenged to a second or provided with the extension task, 'Crack the Code', if preferred.<br /> <br /> <strong>When and how to use these crossword puzzles</strong><br /> Both crosswords are suitable for homework, during class activities or for revision. When used for revision, a crossword makes the process more interactive and fun, and it can be less intimidating for students as a revision tool. <br /> <br /> Answer keys are provided! Just print as many copies of the crossword puzzle as you need. You may want to give each student a copy or, you may consider giving the students the option to work in pairs. You can encourage your students to interact with each other while completing the puzzle to identify possible misconceptions they may have about St. Columba’s life. <br /> <br /> At the end of this topic you can celebrate pupils’ success with one of these <strong><a href="">certificates.</a></strong><br /> <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use this resource and printing tips)<br /> ✶ Crossword 1<br /> ✶ Crossword 1: Answer Key <br /> ✶ Crossword 2<br /> ✶ Crossword 2: Answer Key <br /> ✶ Extension task: Crack the code<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> PAGE COUNT</strong>: 13<br /> **************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=puzzle&amp;page=1"> All puzzles</a></strong><br /> **************************************************************************
Christianity Activity PackQuick View

Christianity Activity Pack

<p>In order to engage a wide range of students and abilities it is important to find ways to integrate religious education with other subject areas. Do you have pupils who love Maths? Do you have pupils who also love Religious Education? If so, this is the activity for them! ‘Introduction to Christianity through Mathematics’ brings together Maths skills whilst consolidating students’ knowledge of beliefs and practices of Christianity.</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt;DIFFERENTIATION&lt;/strong&gt;<br /> These differentiated activities have the advantage of combining students’ Maths skills with the enjoyment of playing. They are well differentiated to engage all students in the learning process and to enhance their learning experience. The activities are set at different levels of difficulty to help all students to achieve the learning objectives. Students can choose the activity they feel comfortable with.</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt;LEARNING INTENTIONS&lt;/strong&gt;:<br /> The sentences / words are developed in alignment with the learning objectives for the lesson: ‘Introduction to Christianity’:<br /> ★ to give examples of 2-3 Christian beliefs and practices;<br /> ★ to explain the key words: ‘baptism’, ‘confession’ and ‘Holy Communion’.</p> <p>The activities are suitable for homework or during class activities (as a starter or plenary). Answer keys are provided for all activities!</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt; This resource contains&lt;/strong&gt;:<br /> ★ Cover<br /> ★ Teacher notes<br /> ★ Choice 1: 10 activities<br /> ★ Choice 1: Answer Keys<br /> ★ Choice 2: 10 activities<br /> ★ Choice 2: Answer Keys<br /> ★ TOU/Credits</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt; PAGE COUNT&lt;/strong&gt;: 31</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt;Related Resources&lt;/strong&gt;<br /> <a href=";q=puzzles">All puzzles</a></p>
Christianity: St. Columba RevisionQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Revision

St. Columba is a well-known and beloved Saint whose memory is still living and strong, especially in Ireland and Scotland. Support your teaching on St. Columba and make your students’ learning more enjoyable and meaningful by using this highly visual method of organising information about this saint.<br /> <br /> These 7 mind maps complement the presentation on St. Columba (found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>) and can be used in conjunction with 'St. Columba: Life and Times' , a free resource which can be found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.<br /> <br /> <strong> When and how to use these mind maps</strong><br /> ✶ these comprehensive mind maps are very useful reference tools and an excellent visual aid to engage all pupils;<br /> ✶ pupils can work in groups and each group is asked to write down 1-2 paragraphs about one aspect of St. Columba such as his life, works or legacy etc, using the information included in each mind map;<br /> ✶ the resource could be used as a prompt for creative, factual or descriptive writing; <br /> ✶ the mind maps can also be printed off, laminated and displayed, making great additions to your classroom walls.<br /> *********************************************************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including detailed instructions on when and how to use these mind maps, the benefits of using mind maps and printing tips)<br /> ✶ 7 mind maps<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> Page Count</strong>: 13<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
Christianity: St. Nicholas the Truth and the LegendQuick View

Christianity: St. Nicholas the Truth and the Legend

This <strong>St. Nicholas: the Truth and the Legend</strong> teaching pack:<br /> ✵ is fully resourced<br /> ✵ lasts 1-2 periods<br /> ✵ is suitable for KS3/KS4<br /> <br /> <strong>Learning Intentions: the lesson is designed to help most pupils to: </strong><br /> ✵ identify 4 – 5 facts about St. Nicholas’ life;<br /> ✵ clarify some misconceptions regarding St. Nicholas;<br /> ✵ explain the reasons for St. Nicholas’ fame as a saint. <br /> <br /> <strong>‘St. Nicholas: the Truth and the Legend’</strong> is a well-structured lesson which aims to help students interact in a meaningful way with St. Nicholas’ life, through a mixture of engaging activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: 3:3:1; crack the code, watching a video clip, class discussions, exit tickets etc. <br /> <br /> <strong>PLEASE NOTE</strong>:<br /> 1. The resource complements <strong><a href="">‘St. Nicholas Presentation’</a></strong> and is also the sixth lesson of the unit 'Exploring Autumn and Winter Festivals' (unit plan can be found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong> and the complete unit of study <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>). <br /> 2. The PowerPoint, created with clearly defined progression and eye-catching images, can be used to boost vocabulary, to consolidate understanding and encourage confident thinking.<br /> 3. If you need to leave this with a sub teacher, this NO PREP resource is the perfect solution: the resource contains everything needed to deliver the lesson. The lesson is easy to follow and fun to teach. Just download, print and go! <br /> <br /> <strong>CONTENT</strong>:<br /> ✵ Cover<br /> ✵ Teacher Notes <br /> ✵ PowerPoint Presentation (editable)<br /> ✵ Worksheets <br /> ✵ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong>PAGE COUNT: 37 + 22 PPT SLIDES</strong><br /> *********************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong>:<br /> <strong><a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></strong> <br /> *********************************************************************
Christianity: St. Columba Activity PackQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Activity Pack

This activity pack consists of a set of 10 activities to use with your students when teaching about St. Columba. There is a mixture of engaging and attractive activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students. They are encouraged to debate, to express their own opinions and to think more deeply about this topic.<br /> <br /> <strong> How to use this pack?</strong><br /> It is recommended that these activities be used after teaching about St. Columba. Resource suggestions to teach the topic of St. Columba:<br /> <strong><a href="">St. Columba Presentation</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">St. Columba: Life and Times</a></strong><br /> <br /> All activities are clearly linked to success criteria. They are suitable for homework, during class activities (as starters or plenaries) or for revision. Answer keys are included.<br /> <br /> *********************************************************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use these activities and printing tips)<br /> ✶ 10 Activities and answer keys:<br />       ☺Activity 1: Scrambled sentences<br />       ☺ Activity 2: Write an acrostic poem<br />       ☺ Activity 3: If these are the answers, what were the questions?<br />       ☺ Activity 4: Note taking and cartoon storyboard<br />       ☺ Activity 5: Design your own illuminated manuscript<br />       ☺ Activity 6: Design your own stained-glass window<br />       ☺ Activity 7: Group activity<br />       ☺ Activity 8: Reflective questions<br />       ☺ Activity 9: Identify the symbols<br />       ☺ Activity 10: St. Columba’s portrait<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> Page Count</strong>: 36<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=Christianity&amp;page=1"> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
Christianity: St. Nicholas The Wonderworker PresentationQuick View

Christianity: St. Nicholas The Wonderworker Presentation

<p>This <strong>St. Nicholas Presentation</strong> teaching pack:<br /> ✵ is fully resourced<br /> ✵ lasts 1-2 periods<br /> ✵ is suitable for KS3/KS4</p> <p><strong>Learning Intentions:</strong><br /> The presentation is designed to help most pupils to:<br /> ✵ identify 4 – 5 facts about St. Nicholas’ life;<br /> ✵ clarify some misconceptions regarding St. Nicholas;<br /> ✵ explain the reasons for St. Nicholas’ fame as a saint.</p> <p>This eye-catching and informative lesson presentation on St. Nicholas helps pupils to rediscover the spiritual dimension of his life and encourages them to explore and reflect on their personal faith or values and to put these into action in ways which benefit others, as St. Nicholas did. Choosing to learn about St. Nicholas also helps pupils deepen their understanding of how religion and values can shape and contribute to the lives of individuals and communities.</p> <p><strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong></p> <ol> <li>After this presentation has been shown and discussed, you may want to spend one more period on a range of engaging activities to reinforce students’ learning which can be found <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>.</li> <li>The PowerPoint, created with clearly defined progression and eye-catching images, can be used to boost vocabulary and to consolidate understanding.</li> <li>If you need to leave this with a sub teacher, this NO PREP resource is the perfect solution: the resource contains everything needed to deliver the lesson and it is easy to follow. Just download, print and go!</li> </ol> <p><strong>CONTENT:</strong><br /> ✵ Cover<br /> ✵ Teacher Notes<br /> ✵ St Nicholas the Wonderworker PowerPoint Presentation:<br /> a. Editable, animated PowerPoint Presentation (25 slides)<br /> b. The presentation in PDF format (30 pages - print and file for planning)<br /> ✵ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>PAGE COUNT</strong>: 55</p> <p><strong>Related Resources:</strong><br /> <a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></p>
Christianity: St. Nicholas Jigsaw PuzzlesQuick View

Christianity: St. Nicholas Jigsaw Puzzles

<p>Regardless of their age, all students love a puzzle - learning and fun at the same time! (learning and satisfaction at completing a challenging puzzle at the same time!) Motivate and enthuse your students with these six differentiated jigsaw puzzles (1 text puzzle and 5 image puzzles) which have the advantage of combining learning about St. Nicholas with the enjoyment of playing.</p> <p><strong>When and how to use this resource</strong><br /> The puzzles are suitable to be used as part of the lesson ‘St. Nicholas – the truth and the legend’ during class activities, for revision or as a stand-alone activity. Pupils can work on them individually, in pairs or in mixed-ability groups.</p> <p>All you need to do is to print off the puzzle (as many copies as you need), laminate them for durability, cut them out carefully to ensure close matching and finally, put the pieces in envelopes. Each jigsaw puzzle is numbered-coded for organisational convenience. Please be aware that all image puzzles are graphic heavy and will require a colour printer and lots of ink!</p> <p><strong>This resource contains:</strong><br /> ☆ Cover<br /> ☆ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use this resource, the benefits of using a jigsaw puzzle and printing tips)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded text puzzle (8 pages)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded image puzzle 1 (8 pages)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded image puzzle 2 (8 pages)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded image puzzle 3 (8 pages)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded image puzzle 4 (8 pages)<br /> ☆ Numbered-coded image puzzle 5 (8 pages)<br /> ☆ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>Page Count</strong>: 54</p> <p><strong>Related resources</strong><br /> <a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></p>
Christianity: St. Columba Jigsaw PuzzlesQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Jigsaw Puzzles

Regardless of their age, all students love a puzzle - learning and fun at the same time! Motivate and enthuse your students with these five differentiated jigsaw puzzles which have the advantage of combining learning about St. Columba with the enjoyment of playing. <br /> <br /> <strong>Differentiation</strong><br /> All your students can benefit from this resource. There are five jigsaw puzzles included (1 text puzzle and 4 image puzzles) which are of different levels of difficulty to help all students to achieve the learning objectives. Ask pupils to pick one which they are most comfortable with. <br /> <br /> <strong> When and how to use this resource</strong><br /> The puzzles are suitable to be used as part of the lesson ‘St. Columba’ during class activities, for revision or as a stand-alone activity. Pupils can work on them individually, in pairs or in mixed-ability groups. <br /> <br /> All you need to do is to print off the puzzle (as many copies as you need), laminate them for durability, cut them out carefully to ensure close matching and finally, put the pieces in envelopes. Each jigsaw puzzle is numbered-coded for organisational convenience. Please be aware that all image puzzles are graphic heavy and will require a colour printer and lots of ink!<br /> <br /> At the end of this topic you can celebrate pupils’ success with one of these <strong><a href="">certificates.</a></strong><br /> <br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use this resource, the benefits of using a jigsaw puzzle and printing tips)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded text puzzle (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 1 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 2 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 3 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 4 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> Page Count</strong>: 46<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=puzzle&amp;page=1"> All puzzles</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
Christianity: St. Columba - Complete Unit of StudyQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba - Complete Unit of Study

9 Resources
<strong>SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE!</strong><br /> <br /> St. Columba is a well-known and beloved Saint whose memory is still living and strong, especially in Ireland and Scotland. Choosing to learn about St. Columba helps pupils deepen their understanding of how religion and values can shape and contribute to the lives of individuals and communities. <br /> <br /> Included in the <strong>St. Columba Complete Unit of Study</strong> are the following files:<br /> <br /> <strong>FILE 1: St. Columba Presentation</strong><br /> An eye-catching and informative lesson presentation on St. Columba which helps students to rediscover the spiritual dimension of his life. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 2: St. Columba Revision</strong><br /> Seven mind maps that complement the presentation on St. Columba and make your students’ learning more enjoyable and meaningful. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 3: St. Columba Crossword Puzzles</strong><br /> Two crosswords with differentiated clues to suit all ability levels and an extension activity.<br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 4: St. Columba Jigsaw Puzzles</strong><br /> Five differentiated jigsaw puzzles which have the advantage of combining learning about St. Columba with the enjoyment of playing. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 5: St. Columba Activity Pack</strong><br /> A set of 10 activities to use with your students when teaching about St. Columba. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 6: St. Columba Fun Activity Pack</strong><br /> A set of four differentiated puzzles which can be used during class activities, for homework or for revision. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 7: St. Columba Life and Times</strong><br /> A well-structured lesson which aims to help students to engage in a meaningful way with St. Columba’s life through a mixture of stimulating and attractive activities.<br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 8: Certificates: Celebrating Success!</strong><br /> A wide range of colourful and motivating certificates - just print, personalise and laminate!<br /> *********************************************************************<br /> <br /> If you would like more information about the bundle content, you can watch a video showcase <a href="">here.</a><br /> <br /> <strong>TOTAL PAGE COUNT: </strong> 233<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=""> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
Christianity: St Columba Fun Activity PackQuick View

Christianity: St Columba Fun Activity Pack

This fun activity pack consists of a set of four differentiated puzzles to use with your students when teaching about St. Columba. ‘St. Columba - Fun Activity Pack’ is designed not just for creating ‘busy-work’ for students, but for engaging students in the learning process while consolidating their learning about St. Columba. The key words used in these puzzles have been carefully chosen to offer the repetition needed for this new word list to be integrated into the students’ growing RE vocabulary. <br /> <br /> <strong>When to use these activities?</strong><br /> The resource can be used <strong>during class activities</strong>, <strong>for homework</strong> or for <strong>revision</strong>. Answer keys are provided for all activities! Just print as many copies of each activity as you need. You may want to give each student a copy or, you may consider giving the students the option to work in pairs. <br /> <br /> At the end of this topic you can celebrate pupils’ success with one of these <strong><a href="">certificates.</a></strong><br /> <br /> ***********************************************<br /> <strong> This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use these activities and printing tips)<br /> ✶ 4 Activities and answer keys:<br />         Activity 1: Crack the code<br />         Activity 2: Wordsearches<br />         Activity 3: Word snakes<br />         Activity 4: Word jumbles<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> <strong> Page Count</strong>: 37<br /> ***********************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=puzzle"> All Puzzles</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
Christianity: St. Columba Activity BundleQuick View

Christianity: St. Columba Activity Bundle

6 Resources
<strong>SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE!</strong><br /> <br /> This pack includes a wide range of engaging activities which support your teaching on St. Columba and will make your students’ learning more enjoyable and meaningful. <br /> <br /> Included in the <strong>St. Columba Activity Bundle</strong> are the following files:<br /> <strong>FILE 1: St. Columba Crossword Puzzles</strong><br /> Two crosswords with differentiated clues to suit all ability levels and an extension activity.<br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 2: St. Columba Jigsaw Puzzles</strong><br /> Five differentiated jigsaw puzzles which have the advantage of combining learning about St. Columba with the enjoyment of playing. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 3: St. Columba Activity Pack</strong><br /> A set of 10 activities to use with your students when teaching about St. Columba. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 4: St. Columba Fun Activity Pack</strong><br /> A set of four differentiated puzzles which can be used during class activities, for homework or for revision. <br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>FILE 5: Certificates: Celebrating Success!</strong><br /> A wide range of colourful and motivating certificates - just print, personalise and laminate!<br /> *********************************************************************<br /> <br /> If you would like more information about the bundle content, you can watch a video showcase <a href="">here.</a><br /> <br /> <strong>TOTAL PAGE COUNT: </strong> 138<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=""> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************
{Free} Christianity: St. Columba Life and TimesQuick View

{Free} Christianity: St. Columba Life and Times

St. Columba is a well-known and beloved Saint whose memory is still living and strong, especially in Ireland and Scotland. He is also one of the three Patron Saints of Ireland together with St. Patrick and St. Brigid. <br /> <br /> This resource is a well-structured lesson which aims to help students to engage in a meaningful way with St. Columba’s life through a mixture of attractive activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: give me 3; watching a video clip, sequencing activity, class discussions and drawing illuminated letters. A flipchart with interactive activities and worksheets complement the PowerPoint presentation. All activities are clearly linked to success criteria. I have included a few pictures of completed work from my students.<br /> <br /> It complements <strong><a href="">St. Columba Presentation</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">St. Columba Activity Pack</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">St. Columba Fun Activity Pack</a></strong><br /> <br /> <strong>Learning intentions</strong><br /> The lesson is designed to help most pupils to:<br /> ✶ identify 2-3 facts about St. Columba’s life, works and legacy;<br /> ✶ explain the keyword: ‘illuminated letters’<br /> *********************************************************************<br /> <strong>CONTENT:</strong><br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes <br /> ✶ PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable and with animation)<br /> ✶ Flipchart Interactive Activities<br /> ✶ Worksheets<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits<br /> ✶ Completed work <br /> <br /> <strong> PAGE COUNT</strong>: 42<br /> *********************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=Christianity&amp;page=1"> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /> *********************************************************************
Introduction to the life and teachings of Jesus ChristQuick View

Introduction to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

<p>This resource is designed for OCR’s GSCE (9-1) in Religious Studies (J625/01 or J125): ‘Beliefs and Teachings and Practices’ (Christianity). It aims to prepare the students for the study of ‘Jesus Christ’ by offering an introduction to His life and teachings and also, to embed literacy skills across your teaching of Religious Studies. It is designed to last 2-3 periods.</p> <p><strong>Learning Objectives</strong><br /> Pupils will learn to:<br /> ✶ identify 2-3 facts about Jesus’ life;<br /> ✶ explain Jesus’ main teachings.</p> <p><strong>Differentiation</strong><br /> ✶ All pupils: can explain Jesus’ main teachings and give a brief account of Jesus’s life using 3-4 key words<br /> ✶ Most pupils: can explain Jesus’ main teachings and give an account of Jesus’s life using 5-6 key words<br /> ✶ Some pupils: can explain Jesus’ main teachings and give a detailed account of Jesus’s life using all key words</p> <p><strong>Delivering topic content using a different strategy</strong><br /> Developing literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing sit at the core of all curricula around the globe and thus, developing literacy skills is a key focus in every classroom. This resource provides you with another approach to a routine task and focuses on an approach called: 'Reading to Write’ which was developed in Australia. Using this strategy, the content of a topic is taught through the reading and writing rather than using the reading and writing after the teaching.</p> <p>Please note that this resource is just an introduction to the topic: ‘Jesus Christ’; the rest of the resources addressing this topic will follow soon.</p> <p>**********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including detailed instructions, the steps and the benefits of the strategy)<br /> ✶ PowerPoint Presentation ((fully editable and with animation)<br /> ✶ KWL<br /> ✶ Worksheets (for teachers and pupils)<br /> ✶ Lesson Plan<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>Page Count</strong>: 38</p> <p>**********************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=christianity">Christianity</a></strong><br /> **********************************************************************************</p>
St. Nicholas' Day BundleQuick View

St. Nicholas' Day Bundle

3 Resources
<p><strong>SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE!</strong></p> <p>St. Nicholas is one of the Saints most beloved by Christian people in the East as well as in the West. Discuss with your students why St. Nicholas’ Day is a special day using this fully resourced bundle that lasts a minimum of 6 hours and it contains interactive presentations, puzzles, differentiated worksheets and challenges! The bundle is suitable for KS3/KS4.</p> <p>If you need to leave this with a sub teacher, this NO PREP bundle is the perfect solution: the pack contains everything needed to deliver the lessons and it is easy to follow. Just download, print and go!</p> <p>Included in the St. Nicolas’ Day Bundle are the following files:</p> <p><strong>FILE 1: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Presentation</strong><br /> This eye-catching and informative lesson presentation will help students to rediscover the spiritual dimension of St. Nicholas’ life and encourage them to explore and reflect on their personal faith or values, and to put these into action in ways which benefit others, as St. Nicholas did.</p> <p>The presentation, created with clearly defined progression and eye-catching images, can be used to boost vocabulary, consolidate understanding and encourage confident thinking.</p> <p><strong>FILE 2: St. Nicholas the Truth and the Legend</strong><br /> A well-structured lesson which aims to help students interact in a meaningful way with St. Nicholas’ life, through a mixture of engaging activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences: 3:3:1; crack the code; video clip; class discussions; exit tickets etc.</p> <p><strong>FILE 3: St. Nicholas Jigsaw Puzzles</strong><br /> Motivate and enthuse your students with these six differentiated jigsaw puzzles (1 text puzzle and 5 image puzzles) which combine learning and fun! The puzzles are suitable to be used as part of the lesson ‘St. Nicholas – the truth and the legend’ during class activities, for revision or as a stand-alone activity. Pupils can work on them individually, in pairs or in mixed-ability groups.</p> <p><strong>PAGE COUNT</strong>: 146 + 22 PPT SLIDES<br /> Related Resources<br /> <a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></p>
Sanctity of lifeQuick View

Sanctity of life

<p>This lesson meets the standards of the new Higher RMPS exam (valid from August 2016) and of OCR’s A-level in Religious Studies (H573/02, valid from 2016) and it is designed to last 1-2 periods.</p> <p><strong>‘Sanctity of life’</strong> is the starting point in a series of resources addressing the application of ethical theory to contemporary issues of importance. Teaching Medical Ethics has never been more exciting than nowadays when unprecedented advances are made in the area of biomedical technology and when, more and more, people face very difficult ethical questions as a result.</p> <p><strong>Learning intentions</strong><br /> The lesson was designed so that most pupils will be able:<br /> ✶ to <strong>explain</strong> the key words: ‘ethics’, ‘sacred’, ‘sanctity’ and ‘quality of life’;<br /> ✶ to <strong>identify</strong> the grounds of the sanctity of life from a Christian point of view;<br /> ✶ to <strong>evaluate</strong> the moral implications of the sanctity of life.</p> <p>There is a mixture of engaging and attractive activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: entrance and exit tickets; brainstorming; working out definitions; think, pair, share; watching video clips and discussing them. Pupils are also encouraged to debate, to express their own opinions and to think more deeply about this topic. I have included a sample of pupils’ feedback which was very positive.</p> <p>A flipchart with interactive activities complements the PowerPoint presentation. All activities are clearly linked to success criteria. This resource can be used in conjunction with ‘Sanctity of life’ mind map (available <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>) which help students to review information effectively and quickly.</p> <p>***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>This resource contains</strong>:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Preview<br /> ✶ Feedback from pupils<br /> ✶ Teacher notes<br /> ✶ PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable and with animation)<br /> ✶ Flipchart Interactive Activities<br /> ✶ Worksheets<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>PAGE COUNT</strong>: 43<br /> ***************************************************************************<br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=higher&amp;page=1">All Higher and A-level resources</a></strong></p>
The Good Samaritan Presentation and Activities: free sampleQuick View

The Good Samaritan Presentation and Activities: free sample

This is a free sample version of ‘The Good Samaritan Presentation and Activities’ that you can find <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>. Please feel free to download it so that you may make a reasonable judgement as to whether this would be appropriate for your students.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <strong>Content</strong>:<br /><br /> 1. Cover<br /><br /> 2. Teacher Notes <br /><br /> 3. PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable and with animation)<br /><br /> 4. TOU/Credits<br /><br /> <br /><br /> <strong>Page Count</strong>: 15<br /><br /> **********************************************************************************<br /><br /> <strong>About the full version:</strong><br /><br /> ‘The Good Samaritan Presentation and Activities’ is a well-structured lesson which aims to help students to interact in a meaningful way with this parable through a mixture of engaging activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: crack the code, Think-Pair-Share, reflective questions, class discussions etc. The activities are designed to engage all students in the learning process and to enhance their learning experience. You can encourage your students to interact with each other while completing the activities, to identify possible misconceptions they may have about this parable. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> This resource is designed to last 1-2 periods and complements ‘The Good Samaritan Jigsaw Puzzles’ which can be found <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The lesson is designed to help most pupils:<br /><br /> ❤ to narrate the parable of the Good Samaritan<br /><br /> ❤ to identify who our neighbour is<br /><br /> ❤ to describe ways in which our neighbour could be helped<br /><br /> <br /><br /> The animation added to all slides helps teachers to pause whenever necessary to explain, expand or clarify any questions pupils may have. Should the teacher want to add other pieces of information which he/she thinks is relevant to this parable or to change the order of slides, this PowerPoint is fully editable to allow all of these. <br /><br /> **********************************************************************************<br /><br /> <strong>Related Resources</strong><br /><br /> <strong><a href=";q=Christianity&amp;page=1"> All Christianity Resources</a></strong><br /><br /> **********************************************************************************
World Religions Activity PackQuick View

World Religions Activity Pack

8 Resources
<strong>SAVE 50% BY PURCHASING THE BUNDLE!</strong><br /> <br /> In order to engage a wide range of students and abilities it is important to find ways to integrate religious education with other subject areas. Do you have pupils who love Maths? Do you have pupils who also love Religious Education? If so, this is the activity for them! ‘Introduction to World Religions through Mathematics’ brings together Maths skills whilst consolidating students’ knowledge of beliefs and practices of six world religions. <br /> <br /> <strong>DIFFERENTIATION</strong><br /> These differentiated activities have the advantage of combining students’ Maths skills with the enjoyment of playing. They are well differentiated to engage all students in the learning process and to enhance their learning experience. The activities are set at different levels of difficulty to help all students to achieve the learning objectives. Students can choose the activity they feel comfortable with.<br /> <br /> The activities are suitable for homework or during class activities (as a starter or plenary). Answer keys are provided for all activities!<br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> Included in the <strong>Introduction to World Religions through Mathematics</strong> are the following files:<br /> ♱ Introduction to Christianity through Mathematics<br /> ☸ Introduction to Buddhism through Mathematics<br /> ☪ Introduction to Islam through Mathematics<br /> &#2384; Introduction to Hinduism through Mathematics<br /> ☬ Introduction to Sikhism through Mathematics<br /> ✡ Introduction to Judaism through Mathematics<br /> <br /> Don't forget to celebrate your students' success with the certificates included! <br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> <strong> Each file contains</strong>:<br /> ★ Cover<br /> ★ Teacher notes<br /> ★ Choice 1: 10 activities<br /> ★ Choice 1: Answer Keys <br /> ★ Choice 2: 10 activities <br /> ★ Choice 2: Answer Keys<br /> ★ TOU/Credits<br /> <br /> **********************************************************************************<br /> Related Resources<br /> <strong><a href=""> All puzzles</a></strong><br /> ***********************************************************
Easter Activities and PresentationQuick View

Easter Activities and Presentation

<p>‘<strong>The True Story of Easter Presentation an Activities</strong>’ NO PREP teaching pack is fully resourced, lasts 1-2 periods, and it is suitable for KS3/KS4.</p> <p>This well-structured lesson aims to help students interact in a meaningful way with this feast, through a mixture of engaging activities which ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students: brainstorming, word sorting, group work, ‘write your story’, KUI activity etc. This resource also clarifies some misconceptions students may have about the Easter Story by looking at the Biblical accounts of it.</p> <p><strong>Learning Intentions</strong>: the lesson is designed to help most pupils to:<br /> identify the events of Jesus’ life that are celebrated at Easter;<br /> describe 2-3 of Jesus’ appearances after the Resurrection;<br /> clarify some misconceptions about the Easter story.</p> <p><strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The PowerPoint, created with clearly defined progression and eye-catching images, can be used to boost vocabulary, to consolidate understanding and encourage confident thinking.</li> <li>The animation added to all slides helps teachers to pause whenever necessary to explain, expand or clarify any questions pupils may have. Should the teacher want to add other pieces of information which he/she thinks are relevant to the Easter story, or to change the order of the slides, this PowerPoint is fully editable to allow all of these.</li> <li>If you need to leave this with a supply teacher, this NO PREP resource is the perfect solution: the resource contains everything needed to deliver the lesson. The lesson is easy to follow and fun to teach. Just download, print and go!</li> </ol> <p><strong>CONTENT:</strong><br /> ✠ Cover<br /> ✠ Teacher Notes<br /> ✠ The True Story of Easter’ PowerPoint Presentation<br /> a. Editable, animated PowerPoint Presentation (23 slides)<br /> b. The presentation in PDF format<br /> ✠ Worksheets (available in colour and blackline for your convenience)<br /> ✠ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>PAGE COUNT</strong>: 46 pages PDF format (print and file for planning) + 23 PPT SLIDES</p> <p><strong>Related Resources:</strong><br /> <a href=";q=christianity">All Christianity Resources</a></p>
Parables: The Good Samaritan Jigsaw PuzzlesQuick View

Parables: The Good Samaritan Jigsaw Puzzles

<p>Regardless of their age, all students love a puzzle - learning and fun at the same time! Motivate and enthuse your students with these six differentiated jigsaw puzzles (1 text puzzle and 5 image puzzles) which have the advantage of combining learning about the parable of The Good Samaritan with the enjoyment of playing.</p> <p><strong>When and how to use this resource</strong><br /> The puzzles are suitable to be used as part of the lesson ‘The Good Samaritan’ during class activities, for revision or as a stand-alone activity. Pupils can work on them individually, in pairs or in mixed-ability groups.</p> <p>All you need to do is to print off the puzzles (as many copies as you need), laminate them for durability, cut them out carefully to ensure close matching and finally, put the pieces in envelopes. Each jigsaw puzzle is numbered-coded for organisational convenience. Please be aware that all image puzzles are graphic heavy and will require a colour printer and lots of ink!</p> <p><strong>This resource contains:</strong><br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including learning objectives, ways of differentiating, detailed instructions on how and when to use this resource, the benefits of using a jigsaw puzzle and printing tips)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded text puzzle (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 1 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 2 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 3 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 4 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 5 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Worksheet - reflective questions<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits</p> <p><strong>Page Count</strong>: 55</p> <p><strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=puzzle&amp;page=1">All puzzles</a></strong></p>
Jesus Christ Jigsaw PuzzlesQuick View

Jesus Christ Jigsaw Puzzles

<p>Regardless of their age, all students love a puzzle - learning and fun at the same time! Motivate and enthuse your students with these three differentiated jigsaw puzzles which have the advantage of combining learning about Jesus Christ with the enjoyment of playing.</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt; When and how to use this resource&lt;/strong&gt;<br /> The puzzles are suitable to be used as part of the lesson ‘Jesus Christ, the Son of God’ during class activities, for revision or as a stand-alone activity. Pupils can work on them individually, in pairs or in mixed-ability groups.</p> <p>All you need to do is to print off the puzzle (as many copies as you need), laminate them for durability, cut them out carefully to ensure close matching and finally, put the pieces in envelopes. Each jigsaw puzzle is numbered-coded for organisational convenience. Please be aware that both image puzzles are graphic heavy and will require a colour printer and lots of ink!</p> <p>At the end of this topic you can celebrate pupils’ success with one of these &lt;strong&gt;&lt;a href=;certificates.&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt; This resource contains&lt;/strong&gt;:<br /> ✶ Cover<br /> ✶ Teacher Notes (including detailed instructions, the benefits of using a jigsaw puzzle and printing tips)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded text puzzle (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 1 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Numbered-coded image puzzle 2 (8 pages)<br /> ✶ Worksheet (reflective questions)<br /> ✶ TOU/Credits</p> <p>&lt;strong&gt; Page Count&lt;/strong&gt;: 31</p> <p><strong>Related Resources</strong><br /> <strong><a href=";q=puzzle&amp;page=1">All puzzles</a></strong></p>