Exploring GravityQuick View

Exploring Gravity

<p>Lesson recaps on the difference between mass and weight. Resource includes activities and worksheets as well as an IWB presentation to guide pupils through the lesson. The equipment list has been added to help with the ‘planet box’ activity. Feedback would be much appreciated.</p>
Sound waves on an oscilloscopeQuick View

Sound waves on an oscilloscope

Worksheet created to help class understand how an oscilloscope can be used to find the time period of a wave and calculate the frequency. Designed for Edexcel iGCSE.
Igneous Rocks, Salol Practical + Plenary ActivityQuick View

Igneous Rocks, Salol Practical + Plenary Activity

Structured practical handout for write up of salol practical. It also helps if a USB microscope is used to show the salol slides. Plenary Activity is Find Someone Who : - Pupils each have one grid. They need to connect 4 in row by finding other pupils that know the answer. They should put the initials of the pupils who know the answer in the corner. First person has to prove that their 4 pupils know the answer wins a prize for the group. Feedback would be much appreciated.
Acid Rain: Find someone whoQuick View

Acid Rain: Find someone who

Useful as a starter or plenary. Pupils each have one grid. They need to connect 4 in row by finding other pupils that know the answer. They should put the initials of the pupils who know the answer in the corner. First person has to prove that their 4 pupils know the answer wins a prize for the group.
Find Someone Who: Physics of sky divingQuick View

Find Someone Who: Physics of sky diving

Useful as a starter or plenary. Pupils each have one grid. They need to connect 4 in row by finding other pupils that know the answer. They should put the initials of the pupils who know the answer in the corner. First person has to prove that their 4 pupils know the answer wins a prize for the group. Feedback would be much appreciated.