Programming the new NSW K10 Modern Languages syllabusQuick View

Programming the new NSW K10 Modern Languages syllabus

2 Resources
The template has been purpose-written for the new NSW K10 Modern Languages syllabus. It contains Stg 4 content, sample reporting outcomes and prompts to guide teachers in constructing syllabus-aligned, NESA-compliant units of work. The accompanying unit of work sample demonstrates how this template can best be used. The sample unit of work was delivered at the start of the 2023 NSW school year to a Y8 elective class of German, who had just completed the mandatory 100 hours of language instruction in Year 7. In this unit, the students learned how to express what they like to eat and drink in a host family/ exchange scenario. The unit was constructed using the accompanying template. It uses an #epi instructional sequence and contains differentiated assessment task ideas, based on the Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced content suggested in the syllabus. Reporting outcomes are included.
NSW K10 Modern Languages template: Stg 4Quick View

NSW K10 Modern Languages template: Stg 4

This template has been purpose-written for the new NSW K10 Modern Languages syllabus. It contains Stg 4 content, sample reporting outcomes and prompts to guide teachers in constructing syllabus-aligned, NESA-compliant units of work. The accompanying unit of work sample demonstrates how this template can best be used.
NSW K10 Modern Languages - Stg4 Unit of WorkQuick View

NSW K10 Modern Languages - Stg4 Unit of Work

This unit of work was delivered at the start of the 2023 NSW school year to a Y8 elective class of German, who had just completed the mandatory 100 hours of language instruction in Year 7. Students learned how to express what they like to eat and drink in a host family/ exchange scenario. The unit was constructed using the accompanying template. It uses an #epi instructional sequence and contains differentiated assessment task ideas, based on the Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced content suggested in the syllabus. Reporting outcomes are included.