Quick Write MatsQuick View

Quick Write Mats

Ten different writing stimulus mats that can be used for 10 min quick writes - useful for getting the creative juices flowing!! Some have been made to support SEN / EAL pupils and others are more suitable for all.
The Night of the Gargoyles - SmartnotebookQuick View

The Night of the Gargoyles - Smartnotebook

A Smart notebook of lesson ideas and links that we used to teach Year 5 and 6 children as part of our 'Shadow' topic. Ideal for whole class literacy work, but equally useful for guided reading time. The book 'The Night of the Gargoyle' is written by Eve Bunting with illustrations by David Wiesner. It is text light but wonderfully rich in language. We put some more of our ideas on this blog - http://theliteracyleader.com/2015/10/11/the-night-of-the-gargoyles/
Kensuke's Kingdom - Guided Reading plan week 1Quick View

Kensuke's Kingdom - Guided Reading plan week 1

The first week of guided reading for 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. Highlights the different comprehension strategies to develop understanding starting with a video clip to activate schema. Contains useful website links at the end.
Fairy Story key words and imagesQuick View

Fairy Story key words and images

A word and images mat with lines to help children structure fairy stories. This works from sentence level to an entire story. Usefully used to support new to English, EAL or SEN structure their writing.