Amazon rainforest and deforestationQuick View

Amazon rainforest and deforestation

Powerpoint discussing the amazon rainforest and deforestation. Contains video link. Looks at both sides of arguments and could then lead into a class debate. Also contains comprehension activity linked to the text.
Brightness of bulb investigationQuick View

Brightness of bulb investigation

A ppt I have put together to look at an investigation into the brightness of bulbs when the number of cells is increased or decreased, including slides on variable and write up.
Fossil and amber ppt with activitiesQuick View

Fossil and amber ppt with activities

A ppt with video links and information included to help children understand how fossils are formed. Activities in lesson (included in ppt) are practical ways of understanding how fossils are formed and make fun amber lollipops.
Spelling gameQuick View

Spelling game

Easily editable fun spelling game for re-enforcing teaching of spellings. Children have a game board each and a dice. They roll the dice and whichever number comes up, they are challenged by their partner to spell it. If they get it correct they cover it with a counter.
Titanic Newsround lessonQuick View

Titanic Newsround lesson

A single English lesson based on producing a Newsround style report based on the sinking of the Titanic. It includes videos, weblinks, activities and the main task itself. I searched high and low for a similar resource and couldn’t find anything so hopefully this helps people.
Newsround report on sinking of the TitanicQuick View

Newsround report on sinking of the Titanic

A week of English Titanic planning that builds to pupils writing and performing their own Newsround style report based on the sinking of the Titanic. Includes fact finding, comprehension, SPaG lesson and drafting and performing their report.