Blank Periodic Table
Any blank Periodic Table that I found had hydrogen on top of the Alkali Metals so I made one that doesn't :-)
AQA GCSE Physics 2.6 Atomic Structure
Data sheet summarising the topic.
Mind map starter to stick onto a larger piece of paper for pupils to complete
AQA Biology B1.2 Coordination and Control
Mind map starter for the whole topic. Works well stuck onto a large piece of paper. Can be completed singly or in groups.
Fact sheets for Nerves and basic part of Hormones; Fertility; and Hormones in Plants.
AQA GCSE Chemistry 3.2 Water
One sheet is a summary of the topic.
The other is the starter for a mind map - works well stuck onto a larger piece of paper to allow pupils to add information as suits them best.
AQA GCSE Physics 2.6 Radioactivity
Data sheet summarising the topic.
Mind map starter to stick on a large piece of paper and complete.
Photos of Real Plants for Sequencing Activities
Use as many or as few as appropriate. Can be used as discussion prompt for what plants need to grow and the features of living things.
Different running style activity cards.
Do you run better if ...
Set of activity cards that encourage children to think about different aspects of posture whilst running and to evaluate which are important.
Distribution and Measurement of Organisms
One has most of the information on. The other has prompts for pupils to fill in the information themselves. Works well stuck onto a large piece of paper and using it as the basis for a mind map. Could be done either individually or in groups.
Material Properties
Key word cards.
List of objects.
List of materials.
Question sheet: Would .... make a good ...? to slot in materials and objects.
Makes a good discussion - what properties does the object need? What properties does the material have? Is it the material you'd usually use? If not, why not?
Triangle and Quadrilateral True or False
Sets of 3 cards giving statements about shapes that may or may not be true, plus a card each giving examples. Small groups discuss the statements to see if they agree or not. The example card gives further information. Useful to promote discussion about properties of shapes, assess understanding or test learning.