KS3 Passive speaker project booklet and independent guideQuick View

KS3 Passive speaker project booklet and independent guide

A booklet I designed to go alongside the production of a passive speaker, easy to mark, tick off red amber or green if the students have achieved it, highlight comments. This lasted as a 6-7 week project including the making of the product.<br /> Booklet contains a cover page, Page 1: Introduction and literacy, Page 2: research, Page 3: Ideas &amp; Page 4: Evaluation<br /> PowerPoint contains instructions of template making for phones with sound at the back of bottom of the phone
Block Bots Project FolderQuick View

Block Bots Project Folder

A project folder for blockbots, a simple project to get students using tools and equipment in the workshop, this folder is the research, design and evaluation part of the project, with all steps and levels on each page to make marking as quick as possible. Suitable for year 7s and 8s could be used for cover work for year 9. <br /> Folder includes: Cover sheet, Page 1: Introduction, literacy and sharing ideas, Page 2: Analysis and specification, Page 3: Design Ideas, Page 4: Evaluation, Support sheet for page 3 &amp;Wagol (what a good one looks like) for page 3
KS3 technology Booklet for steady hand gameQuick View

KS3 technology Booklet for steady hand game

Steady hand game booklet I designed for a 3-4 week year 7 project<br /> Page 1: Cover sheet Page 2: Planning Page 3: evaluation sheet. As well as a support sheet for the evaluation<br /> <br /> Materials Needed for box:<br /> 3x10mm mdf 180mmx70mm - top, bottom and door of box<br /> 1x 10mm MDF 45mmx180mm - back<br /> 2x 10mmMDF 45mm x 45mm square - sides
Illustrator Logo TutorialQuick View

Illustrator Logo Tutorial

A step by step tutorial on how to make a logo on Adobe illustrator, great for KS3 and 4. This task can be done independently so could be used for cover work. There is an advanced section towards the back of the PowerPoint for the more able students to aim for
Passive speaker Independent template making taskQuick View

Passive speaker Independent template making task

A step by step guide for children to follow to allow them to make templates for their passive speakers.<br /> Add on the tables, higher ability students can follow easily, giving you time to support others.<br /> <br /> 2 slides - one for phones with a speaker on the back and one for phones with speakers at the bottom.