Physical Education Report Templates for Primary School TeachersQuick View

Physical Education Report Templates for Primary School Teachers

This super simple templates will make your evidencing and report writing a total breeze: UK Primary School Physical Education Staff Audit Document: This gem will assist you in identifying areas for staff development, enabling you to put strategies in place to improve the overall quality of Physical Education teaching in your school. Governors Report: Physical Education: This document will come to your rescue when it’s time to provide an overview of your school’s physical education programme. It’s a real time-saver and will keep Governors well-informed about the intent, implementation and impact of the PE curriculum in your school. Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium: We all know how crucial it is to demonstrate the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding. This comprehensive resource will help you gather the evidence you need to showcase the amazing work you’ve done and the impact it’s had. You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Sports Day Planning - Free Guide for TeachersQuick View

Sports Day Planning - Free Guide for Teachers

Looking for support planning your next Sports Day - our comprehensive plan will help you build a full day of activities that incorporates a mix of traditional races in the morning, with inclusive activities in the afternoon. Hi there, I couldn’t help but notice all the chatter on Facebook groups about teachers going through major headaches and sleepless nights while tackling Sports Day planning. As a teacher myself, I’ve seen it all, and let me tell you, I totally get where you’re coming from! But, here’s the thing: I actually love planning sports days. Yup, I’m that weirdo! But hey, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea! That’s why, during my two days working for imoves, I took it upon myself to create something super handy for your next sports day extravaganza. It’s like a secret weapon to save your sanity! Download this gem of a document I’ve prepared, stash it away somewhere safe, and bring it out when the time comes to deliver an absolutely epic sports day. Trust me, it’ll be a game-changer! By following this hassle-free guide, you’ll say goodbye to stress and hello to a sports day that’s truly unlike any other. Ready to conquer the world of sports day planning? Grab your free guide to ‘Planning the Perfect Sports Day’ right now! Until next time, Ryan You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Teach Gymnastics in Primary Schools - Guide for TeachersQuick View

Teach Gymnastics in Primary Schools - Guide for Teachers

Teaching Gymnastics in Primary School can be a little daunting, especially as a non-specialist. That’s why this free guide has been designed to help you build your own confidence, and help you deliver lessons with ease following our 7 step approach. You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Cricket Resources for Primary Schools - Plan for TeachersQuick View

Cricket Resources for Primary Schools - Plan for Teachers

This comprehensive plan contains a week’s worth of cricket-themed tomfoolery to get the kids moving, and hopefully, give you a bit of a giggle too. You needn’t be the next Andrew Flintoff or Heather Knight to pull these activities off, just remember to aim for fun more than runs. By the end of the week, you’ll not only have introduced the students to cricket but also reinforced their classroom learning in an engaging and hands-on manner. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! Now all you need is a cricket-themed nickname. “The Sweeping Scribe”, perhaps? Go knock ’em for six! You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Self Care BingoQuick View

Self Care Bingo

Use this lovely mental wellbeing activity to promote self-care amongst your class - suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years old. Print off a sheet for each child and ask them to cross off a heart every time they achieve a task. The goal is to cross off all the hearts in one week! Download your worksheet for FREE!
PE Curriculum Builder - Primary Schools - Free Guide for TeachersQuick View

PE Curriculum Builder - Primary Schools - Free Guide for Teachers

This curriculum builder workbook is designed to help you to develop a progressive, child-centred long-term plan for Physical Education in your primary school. We take you through 5 simple steps to build that overall school approach, before breaking it down into year groups, and practically planning your curriculum. We will then help you to share it with your colleagues so that they can teach their own PE lessons following a well-structured plan that links and builds on progress that children have made each academic year. Physical education is one of the few subject’s children are able to develop not just specific skills and capabilities for that subject; but also improve broader academic achievement, and ‘softer’ skills such as teamwork, resilience and a growth mindset. By planning a curriculum that is focused on the needs of the children, we can ensure that every child is: Given the knowledge and skills to develop competence in a broad range of physical activities Physically active for sustained periods of time Given the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities Leading a healthy, active life Download your FREE curriculum build today! ** You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting**
Worry Monster Activity - Wellbeing for ChildrenQuick View

Worry Monster Activity - Wellbeing for Children

The worry monster is a popular activity that is often used by primary school teachers to monitor worries, concerns and anxieties that children may be experiencing. Here’s how it works: Get an empty box and cut a 1 to 2-inch-wide slot in the lid Decorate your box however you want! Anytime your children have a worry, they write it down on a piece of paper and pop into the worry monster box. You can then discuss the general matter as a group if it’s a recurring concern, like exams. Some children may need additional support if they have raised issues like bullying, friendships, home life or school work. You’ll find even more mood management activities like these on the imoves platform, including lots more breathing and calming techniques for children aged 4 to 11 years old. ** You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting**
Teach Dance with Confidence in Primary Schools - Free Guide for TeachersQuick View

Teach Dance with Confidence in Primary Schools - Free Guide for Teachers

This handy guide is crammed with useful tips, advice and activities to help build your confidence so you can ENJOY teaching awesome dance lesson to your primary school class. It’s broken down into 3 bite size chunks, and included some simple tools for you to use in your next dance lesson: Chapter 1: Understanding Music Structures Chapter 2: The 6 Principles of Dance Chapter 3: Teaching Methods You can access this anytime, anywhere, and also share with your colleagues. Use the accompanying CPD video to advance your understanding. It’s just a little something to help you feel super confident when teaching dance, so you and your class can have loads of fun with this inspiring and creative subject. You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Active Learning - Primary Schools - Free Guide for TeachersQuick View

Active Learning - Primary Schools - Free Guide for Teachers

Use handy guide is crammed with useful tips, advice and activities to build more physical activity into your school day. It’s broken down into 2 bite size chunks, and includes some simple tools and takeaways for you to implement within your classroom to support your children’s learning: Part 1 - Classroom set up and expectations Part 2 - Practical activities for your classroom Access this report anytime, anywhere, and share with your colleagues too! You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Colouring Sheets - Rainy Day ActivitiesQuick View

Colouring Sheets - Rainy Day Activities

Use these colouring in sheets for rainy days, or when you want to promote a little relaxation and calm into your classroom. Each sheet contains a positive message to promote total wellbeing and positivity amongst your children. You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting
Support Mental Wellbeing - Primary Schools - Free Guide for TeachersQuick View

Support Mental Wellbeing - Primary Schools - Free Guide for Teachers

This step-by-step guide has been developed to help you support children’s mental health and wellbeing in your primary school. It’s broken it down into 3 bite size chunks, and have included some simple tools for you to use in your classroom to support your children’s wellbeing: Chapter 1: Emotional Wellness Chapter 2: Social Wellness Chapter 3: Physical Wellness This handy guide can be accessed anytime, anywhere, by you and your colleagues. It’s just a little something to give you the extra support you may need to get you through this crazy, crazy journey. You’ll find even more tools and resources like this on the imoves platform - sign for a free account by visiting