Quick ViewMissAFKS1 Geography Test New Curriculum (0)A summative assessment to test pupil's knowledge of the must know facts for the new curriculum including naming the world's continents, oceans, the countries and captial cities of the UK and symbols on a map.
Quick ViewMissAFPrimary staff history questionnaire (0)<p>Questions for teaching staff as evidence for history subject leader.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFPupil voice questionnaire for History (0)<p>An opportunity for pupils to self-assess confidence, knowledge and ability in history.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFAlways sometimes or never true odd and even numbers reasoning statements (0)<p>8 odd/even mathematical statements for KS1 pupils to investigate whether they are always, sometimes or never true.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFApollo 11 moon landing facts to sort in chronological order (0)<p>Document contains 12 facts to sort in chronological order for the Apollo 11 moon landing.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFCVC words comprehension (0)<p>A simple reading comprehension focusing on CVC words.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFThe day the crayons quit teaching ideas (0)<p>A list of writing and spoken language ideas for the day the crayons quit text.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFYear 1 writing moderation assessment (0)<p>Contains writing targets for Year 1 for working towards, working at expected standard and greater depth of the expected standard.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFPupil presentation promise (0)<p>A presentation promise for pupils to sign and stick in front cover of books to consistently achieve high standards of presentation.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFGeography subject leader resource audit (0)<p>A geography audit to provide the subject leader with the opportunity to identify current geography provision in school.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFYear 2 times table assessment (0)<p>A combination of multiplication and division questions for the expected times tables for Year 2</p>
Quick ViewMissAFSolving word problems with halves and quarters (0)<p>A set of 10 word problems involving calculating halves and quarters.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFcalculate and compare fractions (0)<p>A set of 5 reasoning questions to compare which is greater/longer/higher in value etc.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFreading strategies when stuck bookmarks (0)<p>10 strategies for being stuck when reading for pupils in the style of a visual prompt bookmark.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFNon-fiction book review (0)<p>A reflective worksheet for pupils to evaluate and report on a non-fiction book.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFYear 2 writing target card (0)<p>Contains Year 2 targets covering transcription, handwriting, composition and vocabulary, punctuation and grammar.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFvenn diagram to make links between texts (0)<p>A venn diagram worksheet to identify links and similarities between two different texts.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFwriting predictions about a text (0)<p>Questions for pupils to reflect about their predictions of a new text.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFCurriculum enrichment long term plan (0)<p>A long term plan for year groups to plan for workshops, trips, visits and other enriching experiences etc.</p>
Quick ViewMissAFTA group assessment sheet (0)<p>Assessment sheet suitable for a TA to assess a group of children with space for names, objectives, success criteria, next steps etc.</p>