Religious Attitudes to Sex and ContraceptionQuick View

Religious Attitudes to Sex and Contraception

<p>Third of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Attitudes to Sex and Contraception’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Purpose of MarriageQuick View

Purpose of Marriage

<p>Fifth of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Purpose of Marriage’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, concluding with recall questions to check understanding. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Same-Sex RelationshipsQuick View

Same-Sex Relationships

<p>Fourth of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Same-Sex Relationships’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Relationships - Types of FamilyQuick View

Relationships - Types of Family

<p>First of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Types of Family’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Roles in the FamilyQuick View

Roles in the Family

<p>Second of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Roles in the Family’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Christian Wedding CeremonyQuick View

Christian Wedding Ceremony

<p>Sixth of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Christian Wedding Ceremony’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, recall questions to check understanding, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Christianity and DivorceQuick View

Christianity and Divorce

<p>Eighth of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Christianity and Divorce’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Judaism and DivorceQuick View

Judaism and Divorce

<p>Ninth of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Judaism and Divorce’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Jewish Wedding CeremonyQuick View

Jewish Wedding Ceremony

<p>Seventh of nine lessons from the Eduqas Relationships Unit, entitled ‘Jewish Wedding Ceremony’. It includes questions with model answers. Slides also suggest various youtube clips for use with this PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint includes a starter, key question, key word, homework question, feedback answers, plenary, concluding with key points of the lesson. There is also a booklet to accompany this series of lessons from the Relationships module.</p> <p>The teachings are from a Christian and Jewish perspective.</p> <p>These lessons are ideal for non-specialist teachers and for setting cover. They are also an excellent base for specialist teachers who can adapt to suit their needs.</p>
Relationships BookletQuick View

Relationships Booklet

<p>This booklet accompanies lessons 1-9 from the Eduqas unit on Relationships. It includes information and corresponding questions. Model answers to all questions in this booklet are found in the accompanying PowerPoints.</p>
Introduction to JudaismQuick View

Introduction to Judaism

<p>Powerpoint resource suitable for Eduqas, WJEC and AQA course on Jewish Beliefs. Includes starter and key question on first slide; teaching slides; exam questions consisting of homework, classwork and extension work with feedback answers for self/peer assessment; plenary and key points complete the resource. Marks for questions tally with Eduqas 2, 5, 8 and 15, but can be adapted to 2, 4, 8 and 12. Excellent resource for teaching assessment for learning. Suitable for on-line teaching where feedback slides can be removed and fed-back the following lesson for pupils to mark their own work. Feedback slides minimise marking for teachers, whilst giving immediate feedback and ensuring that pupils are able to improve and extend their learning.</p>
Jewish Holy Books (GCSE)Quick View

Jewish Holy Books (GCSE)

<p>Powerpoint resource suitable for Eduqas, WJEC and AQA course on Jewish Beliefs. Includes starter and key question on first slide; teaching slides; exam questions consisting of homework, classwork and extension work with feedback answers for self/peer assessment; plenary and key points complete the resource. Marks for questions tally with Eduqas 2, 5, 8 and 15, but can be adapted to 2, 4, 8 and 12. Excellent resource for teaching assessment for learning. Suitable for on-line teaching where feedback slides can be removed and fed-back the following lesson for pupils to mark their own work. Feedback slides minimise marking for teachers, whilst giving immediate feedback and ensuring that pupils are able to improve and extend their learning.</p>