Urban Heat IslandsQuick View

Urban Heat Islands

<p>This PPT gives a clear and visual representation of what an urban heat island effect is, while looking at the profile and explaining variations as well as management strategies, including a 6 mark examination question and crossword.</p>
Youthful Population case study - IGCSE GeographyQuick View

Youthful Population case study - IGCSE Geography

<p>This could be used as an example in any curriculum as a case study for a youthful population, causes and consequences in conjunction with the video.<br /> It also has strategies to slow down the population growth (in this context).</p>
Deindustrialisation in Detroit - Case studyQuick View

Deindustrialisation in Detroit - Case study

<p>This is perfect for the causes and consequences of deindustrialization for the IB Geography Syllabus - Option G</p> <p>There is a YouTube Video/PPT and Template for students to complete.</p>
Urban microclimatesQuick View

Urban microclimates

<p>This is a PPT with a short video and 6 mark examination question used to teach urban microclimates (including an UHI).</p> <p>This is suitable for A-Level and IB Option G - Urban Environments and/or revision.</p>
Singapore - Population PoliciesQuick View

Singapore - Population Policies

<p>PPT with two videos embedded. The PPT goes through the history and current situation (from a ‘stop at two’ anti-natalist policy to post 1987, pro-natalist.</p> <p>A handout with notes and links are embedded with space for students to work through, examination style questions are also included.</p>
Brixton Gentrification and Contested Land Case StudyQuick View

Brixton Gentrification and Contested Land Case Study

<p>This would suit IB Geography, doubling up as a case study for both gentrification and contested land.</p> <p>There is a PPT with various visuals as well as a word document with links to further resources for students to work through. This is clear and structured.</p> <p>This could be one full lesson (or two), the teacher can adjust and adapt the handout.</p>
Social entrepreneurship and human developmentQuick View

Social entrepreneurship and human development

<p>Unit 5 Social entrepreneurship and human development<br /> IB Geography<br /> Including: Fair trade, micro-finance, corporate and social responsibility with examples and links to videos</p>
Demographic DividendQuick View

Demographic Dividend

<p>This is suitable for IB Geography - Demographic Dividend.</p> <p>There is a PPT, with a handout for studnents (notes)/worksheet as well as a case study.</p> <p>This will take 1-2 lessons depending on the duration and ability of the class.</p>
Air pollution: causes, consequences and strategies (two case studies)Quick View

Air pollution: causes, consequences and strategies (two case studies)

<p>A PPT with the causes of air pollution in Delhi.</p> <p>Notes/handout with various actvities, links and articles included. Based on two case studies; Mexico City and Delhi, both can be evaluated in terms of their respective strategies, or a simple compare and contrast.</p> <p>Useful for Option G IB Geography or A Levels.</p>
PPT Epidemiological transition IB Geography - Option FQuick View

PPT Epidemiological transition IB Geography - Option F

<p>Mostly useful for IB Geography teachers teaching - Option F<br /> The PowerPoint covers both diseases of affluence and poverty looking at a variety of diseases associated with each. Including diseases associated with an ageing population and the implications associated with these.</p>
Infographics - Paper 2Quick View

Infographics - Paper 2

<p>An introduction to Infographics in IB Geography with a PPT (included videos), handout with notes and a template to guide the evaluation of one, both can be adapted.</p>
IB Geography -  Option A Case Study G.E.R.DQuick View

IB Geography - Option A Case Study G.E.R.D

<p>IB Geography (new syllabus) - Option A - Freshwater<br /> 3. Water scarcity and water quality<br /> 4.Case study of one internationally shared water resource and the role of different stake holders in attempting to find a resolution.</p>
Air pollution in Delhi - IB Option G:   Urban EnvironmentsQuick View

Air pollution in Delhi - IB Option G: Urban Environments

<p>The PowerPoint introduces the causes of air pollution in Delhi, how this is made up etc. A few clips are there to go through, I talk mainly about Nov 7-8, 2017 when levels were particularly high. A table is laid out for students to do their own research, to finish with a ten mark question is included (straight from the syllabus) which can be marked according to the IB markbands or commented upon etc.</p>
Human Development Index (HDI) videoQuick View

Human Development Index (HDI) video

<p>Video evaluating the Human Development Index (HDI) for IB Geo. It may be a useful resource during a lock down or cover lesson.</p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSYTm839ezo" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSYTm839ezo</a></p>
Thomas Malthus, The Club of Rome (Limits to Growth) and Esther BoserupQuick View

Thomas Malthus, The Club of Rome (Limits to Growth) and Esther Boserup

<p>IB Geography Unit 3<br /> Thomas Malthus - his views and why they may/may not be relelvant today, with a Neo-Malthusian view (Club of Rome and the Limits to growth model)<br /> Anti-Malthusian view (Esther Boserup)</p> <p>PPT with images to stimulate discussion</p> <p>Handout/notes/with examination questions</p>
Spearman's rank calculation - Hydraulic radius and distance from the sourceQuick View

Spearman's rank calculation - Hydraulic radius and distance from the source

<p>Links to Option A - IB Geography, a worksheet for students to go through the process and try to apply in a practical sense.</p> <p>Could also be used for IGCSE paper 4 (higher level students)</p> <p>This can be used prior to fieldwork if students are doing any work related to the Bradshaw model (testing various hypotheses).</p>