After the Storm Percy the Park Keeper PPT of the story & a comprehension quizQuick View

After the Storm Percy the Park Keeper PPT of the story & a comprehension quiz

A PowerPoint of the story with sound effects. I have scanned this into my computer from a book that's a bit too big for the scanner! Some of the images, therefore, are not as perfect as I would like. Nonetheless, I hope it helps! Also included is a PowerPoint comprehension quiz which is a true or false press the buzzer style quiz.
Literary Criticism A-Level - Feminism, Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Queer Theory etc.Quick View

Literary Criticism A-Level - Feminism, Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Queer Theory etc.

Includes a PPT and lots of resources. The Powerpoint I have been adding to as I teach Lit. Crit. with my A-level home tuition students. It contains links to Feminism, Marxism, Psychoanalysis and queer theory resources. It is very much a work in progress and I will add more as and when it is ready. Just thought it might be useful as it's not that easy to find accessible material online in my experience. Hope it helps. I have also included all sorts of things I have pooled from the Internet which have been useful as supporting materials for the various types of criticism. Thank you to all those who have produced the items - I think I've added all my sources either in the documents or the file names. Please let me know if you notice that any are missing and I will rectify that. Please leave me a review if you find the resources useful. Thanks.
Compare and Contrast texts and chocolate bars!Quick View

Compare and Contrast texts and chocolate bars!

<p>Powerpoint lesson with lesson plan and resources to teach Compare and Contrast principles at KS2/3. A good introduction to key terms and to how to approach a compare and contrast task. The lesson would require you buying chocolate bars but this could be scaled down to fun-size bars or individually wrapped chocolates if that’s easier (and less expensive!) I hope it helps. Many thanks to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for the texts and exercises on comparing and contrasting texts.</p>
Kipper's Toy box by Mick Inkpen activitiesQuick View

Kipper's Toy box by Mick Inkpen activities

Lots of activities and links to go with the popular story 'Kipper's Toybox'. Maths and sequencing activities, comprehension, craft activity, games, links to CBeebies bedtime hour reading and other resources. I hope it helps. Please leave a review if you like the resources.
Subject, verb, object and semicolons.  PPT and accompanying handout/worksheets.Quick View

Subject, verb, object and semicolons. PPT and accompanying handout/worksheets.

<p>A Powerpoint that goes through Subject, verb, object and then moves on to explain semicolons. I have used this with an adult student who is brushing up grammar skills for business English, but it would work well at any level from KS3 onwards. There are worksheets to consolidate learning of SVO and semicolons, and a handout on clauses. I hope they help! The PPT contains an interactive quiz originally from moodle.urbandale with thanks).</p>
The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes PPT for whole poem with some resourcesQuick View

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes PPT for whole poem with some resources

Powerpoint taking students through poem with accompanying activities. This is based on a resource I found on YouTube which is acknowledged in the powerpoint. There are accompanying tasks and worksheets that are my own. Also included is a copy of the poem. I hope you find them of some help!
A-Level English. Language Change lesson oneQuick View

A-Level English. Language Change lesson one

Lesson plan and all resources to teach an opening lesson on Language Change. PPT (with teaching notes) contains unit/exam requirements, 5 versions of a bible passage from 995 to 1961, the opening of Beowulf, a link to David Crystal discussing Beowulf and Old English, a timeline I have produced on the history of the English language from OE to PDE, and a homework/research task on how and why the English language has changed, developed and grown over the last twenty years. All of the handouts can be printed from the PPT slides, but I have also included files from where they can be printed directly. I hope it helps.
Writing a newspaper report of The Highwayman by Alfred NoyesQuick View

Writing a newspaper report of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes

Lesson plan, copy of the poem, handout of main events of the poem and powerpoint on how to write newspaper reports. The powerpoint (adapted from a ppt originally uploaded by lowrip1ckle with thanks) takes pupils through writing newspaper reports point by point with activities and links to current front pages. This can then be used to write their own newspaper reports on the poem. I use this for one-to-one tuition but it can be used in the classroom too. Hope you find it useful.
Kipper's Birthday by Mick Inkpen.  Lots of activities.Quick View

Kipper's Birthday by Mick Inkpen. Lots of activities.

Activities include: ordering the months of the year; telling the time; making a birthday wish-list using your name; writing a diary; simple addition using balloons and writing a birthday party invitation. All resources are on a PPT and can be printed out. The PPT also has an interactive slide that puts the months of the year in order. I hope it helps. Please leave me a review if you find the resources helpful!
Kids QuizzesQuick View

Kids Quizzes

<p>Since the first lockdown in March 2020, I have been running a (mostly) weekly quiz for kids on Zoom. The children taking part have ranged in age from around 8 to 14, so the questions are very broad. I deliver the quiz on Zoom, but use a PowerPoint presentation to show the children the questions and then the answers at the end of each round. As time has gone on, lots of the children have written their own rounds and delivered them, which has been great for their creativity and for their presentation skills. I hope the quizzes might be of some use to you and the children you teach. I have written many of the questions myself, but have also used some websites for inspiration or help. There is a document with all the links on with this download. Please let me know if I have missed off any sources, and I will rectify it.</p>
A-level English.  Language Change lesson two.Quick View

A-level English. Language Change lesson two.

Lesson plan and all resources to teach lesson 2 on Language Change. This lesson looks at synchronic and diachronic language change, Caxton' printing press, Johnson's Dictionary and The Great Vowel Shift. PPT presentation, handouts and video links included. There is a research homework task too. I have adapted a free TES resource and a free Teachit resource as the basis for this lesson, and have referenced my sources where appropriate. Please let me know if I have missed anything. I hope it helps.
How to write a newspaper reportQuick View

How to write a newspaper report

PPT lesson adapted from a great resource by lowrip1ckle, with thanks. Whole lesson using today's front pages to pick apart what goes into writing a newspaper report. I have used this as a follow up to teaching The Highwayman when getting students to write a report on the story, but it can be used for any work on newspaper report writing. Includes links to today's front pages and lesson plan.
A-level English Child Language Acquisition lesson 5Quick View

A-level English Child Language Acquisition lesson 5

Lesson plan and all links and resources to teach lesson five in a series of lessons on Child Language Acquisition. The primary focus of this lesson is the theory of Nativism but it also finishes up work on Behaviourism and Skinner (following on from lesson 3/4). I think I have referenced all materials within the documents, but please let me know if you spot any omissions. The PPT 'Child Language Acquisition - Theorists is from emmaherod on TES with thanks. I hope it helps.
Language under the microscope A-level English Language lesson 1Quick View

Language under the microscope A-level English Language lesson 1

<p>Lesson plan, PPTs , handouts and all resources for lesson introducing the concepts for looking at and analysing text. PPT on signifier, signified and the sign, PPT to accompany each activity (with notes beneath slides where applicable), glossary of terms, handouts of texts to analyse, homework activity. This lesson expands on the OCR first set of materials for the ‘language under the microscope’ unit and includes OCR resources where applicable. Many thanks to CNN Media at slideshare.netcitycollegemedia for the PPT on signifier, signified and the sign. I use this with my home tuition students, but it would work in a classroom setting or can be adapted as required. I hope it helps.</p>
What is Advent?  Presentation lesson with activitiesQuick View

What is Advent? Presentation lesson with activities

A Powerpoint which tells pupils what Advent is, and introduces them to the Advent period. There are teaching notes below each slide and activity suggestions. Also included are links to two videos. One can be used as a starter to think about what is/should be important at Christmas, and the other as a plenary to recap on what Advent is. It is aimed at EYFS/KS1. I hope it helps!
Space explored using Space Walkies by Robert Dunn.Quick View

Space explored using Space Walkies by Robert Dunn.

Lots of resources about our solar system and the moon landings. I have used a book called Space Walkies by Robert Dunn as a trigger for the activities and it is included here as a PPT, but you do not need to read the book to do the rest of the activities. There are word searches, labelling activities, number and shape activities, ICT skills activities and lots of other links including to online videos and games from CBeebies. Some of the worksheets are differentiated. I have also included some PPTs that I adapted from some collated by outonthewolds at with thanks. Please let me know if I have missed any references. I hope the resources help.
The Lost Acorns Percy the Park Keeper - Lesson plan and all materialsQuick View

The Lost Acorns Percy the Park Keeper - Lesson plan and all materials

A set of resources to teach a lesson on The Lost Acorns by Nick Butterworth. Included are:<br /> lesson plan; PPT of the story; True or False comprehension question PPT (press the buzzer) and a PPT with activities and links. The story can be used to spark writing about being lost, or on helping others, or looking at squirrels! It could also be used in the autumn when looking at seasons or the natural world. I hope it helps.
Cinderella and mixed up fairy tales EYFS KS1 traditional talesQuick View

Cinderella and mixed up fairy tales EYFS KS1 traditional tales

A PowerPoint of Cinderella using Disney film images, a press the buzzer style quiz to check understanding of the story, a starter activity to get pupils thinking about how many fairy tales they know, and a PowerPoint with lots of resources and links to resources/activities/crafts. I think I have included all links to show where I have found the resources on the third PowerPoint; please let me know if I have missed any. <br /> I am using this alongside a book called 'Mixed Up Fairy Tales' by Hilary Robinson and Nick Sharratt. I hope the resources help.
A-level English Lang OCR Topical Issues Ghetto Grammar - Should slang be banned?Quick View

A-level English Lang OCR Topical Issues Ghetto Grammar - Should slang be banned?

Lesson plan and all resources to teach a one to two hour lesson on 'Ghetto Grammar'. This lesson uses Lindsay Johns' talk on Radio 4's 'Four Thought' to prompt discussion, investigation and practise on prescriptivism and the language theories: overt/covert prestige, accommodation theory and language decay. There are links to the talk and a download of it, links to a video on how to speak in Estuary English and a short talk between Michael Rosen and Lindsay Johns. There are also lots of handouts for discussion/investigation and a homework task. I hope it helps.
A-level English.  Language in the Media.  Lesson one.Quick View

A-level English. Language in the Media. Lesson one.

Lesson plan and all resources to teach an opening lesson on 'Language in the Media' for A-level English. Included are: lesson plan; starter PPT; three 2015 articles on a news story about the rapid pace of language change; handouts on 'language and gender' and 'the five levels of language' and an analysis worksheet from OCR. The teacher will need to supply recent newspapers. I hope the resources help.
A-Level English Lang Topical Issues Lesson 1-accent, dialect, RP, descriptive & prescriptive grammarQuick View

A-Level English Lang Topical Issues Lesson 1-accent, dialect, RP, descriptive & prescriptive grammar

Lesson plan and all resources to introduce the OCR unit Topical Issues at A-level English Language. This lesson looks at accent, dialect and RP and at prescriptive and descriptive grammar. There are links to video and audio footage and handouts for research. Also includes extension and homework tasks for students to begin to think about their own accent/dialect and to conduct some research. I hope it helps.