IGCSE Biology Paper 6 Alternative to Practical Active Learning Workshop
<p>Fully resourced practical and skills workshop for a range of practical techniques and problem solving skills in Biology. Ideal for revision for final exams or study days. Carousel format. Hours of planning has went into this and it can be used in a variety of different ways. CIE Paper 6 focused but can be used for a range of exam boards all over the world. Active learning.</p>
<p>See a list of the stations below;</p>
<p>Station 1: Biological Drawing and Magnification<br />
Station 2: Catalase and Potato Experiment<br />
Station 3: Describing a trend in graphs and tables<br />
Station 4: Amylase and Starch Experiment<br />
Station 5: Percentage Increase and Decrease<br />
Station 6: Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast<br />
Station 7: Drawing Graphs (Line and Bar)<br />
Station 8: Protein Concentration and Biuret Reagent<br />
Station 9: Controls<br />
Station 10: Agar Jelly and Surface Area<br />
Station 11: Scales, Measurements and Rate of Reaction<br />
Station 12: Chromatography and Green Pigment</p>
<p>Includes what to order from science technicians to make your life easy.<br />
Includes all printable carousel instructions for each station with a list of tasks.<br />
Includes good examples of exam practice and what candidates achieved.<br />
Includes all questions.<br />
Also includes a video work through of describe questions.</p>
<p>Ready to print and go!</p>