Year 2 HabitatsQuick View

Year 2 Habitats

<p>This PPT is designed for year 2 learning about the different habitats. Animations and colourful picture to create an interactive lesson, alongside details descriptions of the different habitats.</p> <ul> <li>desert</li> <li>ocean</li> <li>forest</li> <li>river</li> <li>mountain</li> <li>coast</li> <li>polar<br /> -savannah</li> </ul>
Year 2 prepositionQuick View

Year 2 preposition

<p>As one of the key feature in a setting description, preposition helps children to describe the setting clearly and accurately. The slide follow a ready, steady and go format in terms of assessment, flexible for scaffolding. Also, it supports modlling, leading children to work independently as the end goal.</p>