Wuthering Heights - Fully resourced
<p>A SoW that was written for Year 13 A Level Literature students. It has been written to teach for the Cambridge international A Level syllabus, but will also be adapted for teaching to the Edexcel syllabus next year.<br />
I have included all resources that are needed for teaching, however students may benefit from some of the quotes used being printed out too - this can be done straight from the Powerpoint.</p>
<p>There are also links to be found in the slides - these point to resources found online. I have also included a link to a padlet and a popplet on slides 16 and 25. You may wish to replace the padlet link with your own, as this lesson was originally shared as a hyperdoc for students to complete independently. Equally the popplet link will enable you to access the quotes and see some of my student’s ideas, but again you may wish to recreate this if you see fit.</p>
<p>I have also included a selection of critical essays to set as reading.</p>