UKS2 The Labyrinth (Theseus and the Minotaur) setting description
<p>The outcome of this unit of work is to produce a setting description based on The Labyrinth from Theseus and the Minotaur.</p>
<p>Breakdown of lessons:<br />
Lesson 1: To recognise word classes<br />
Lesson 2: To recognise a sentence and understand its structure<br />
Lesson 3: To link clauses using conjunctions<br />
Lesson 4: To use brackets, dashes and commas to mark parenthesis<br />
Lesson 5: To use ambitious vocabulary<br />
Lesson 6: To use expanded noun phrases<br />
Lesson 7: To use fronted adverbials<br />
Lesson 8: To plan my setting description<br />
Lesson 9: To write the first draft of my setting description<br />
Lesson 10: To write the first draft of my setting description<br />
Lesson 11: To edit my setting description for basic SPaG<br />
Lesson 12: To edit my setting description for the text type features</p>
<p>All resources for the lessons are included, along with word banks and planning frames.</p>