Year 7 Cells BookletQuick View

Year 7 Cells Booklet

<p>A booklet to start Year 7 pupils off with the topic of Cells.</p> <p>Recapping MRSGREN<br /> Cell diagrams - using prior understanding of facial structure being made of smaller components with specific jobs<br /> Labelling a microscope - image removed for copyright but can use your own image to label<br /> Microscope calculations - with step by step example<br /> Converting units<br /> Unicellular organisms - Amoeba and Euglena<br /> Specialsied Cells table with follow up application questions<br /> Diffusion skittle practical with follow up real world application<br /> Revision instructions and examples</p>
Year 7 Cells RevisionQuick View

Year 7 Cells Revision

<p>Using recall and application to build schema in Year 7 pupils.</p> <p>Making sure they have the facts in the first part of the resource to then apply the knowledge to exam style questions in the second half.</p> <p>Answers can be found in my Cells Unit of work bundle</p>