Year 7 KS3 Measurements Home InvestigationQuick View

Year 7 KS3 Measurements Home Investigation

Another at home resource. We usually do a measurements task in school where students design a classroom, this is a really structured and simplified 3 lesson investigation involving exercises to improve their measurement knowledge and a final task of designing a bedroom. They seemed to really enjoy the task and it gave them something away from the screen!
KS2-KS3 Co-ordinates Home learning workbookQuick View

KS2-KS3 Co-ordinates Home learning workbook

Hi everyone, I’ve made a workbook for my bottom set year 7s to work through at home. I can easily see this being used in KS2 as well! I made this quite late at night and have picked some resources from others, but I thought in these troubling times that someone else might be able to benefit from this too!