A few resources that I use to teach naming salts and neutralization reactions. This is mostly adapted from stuff off TES, but the naming salts guide I made for a student who was finding this particularly hard.
<p>All 5 lessons that cover the Activate 3.1 Genetics topic and a formative assessment.</p>
<li>Genetics - Genetics key terms and intro to punnet squares</li>
<li>Inherited disorders - Focuses on sickle cell, but more punnet square practice</li>
<li>Selective breeding - Overview and advantages/disadvantages</li>
<li>Genetic engineering - Good set of animation looking at insulin</li>
<li>Cloning - Using pet cloning as example</li>
<li>Basic formative quick 10 min assessment with answers</li>
<p>Let me know if you spot any mistakes or have an suggestions for improvement</p>
Revision mats covering all of the KS3 activate genetics topic. Hyperlinks work if you upload them to a homework sharing platform etc or have ipad access.