Inspired by Angela Maiers' book Classroom Habitudes, this teaching guide provides a complete set of materials to help create classroom habits and attitudes for 21st Century Learning.
Have your students keep all their work in one place as they help you to implement classroom habitudes into your 21st century classroom! This is a perfect way to help your students stay organized as they work through the variety of activities found in Angela Maiers' book Classroom Habitudes as well as in the accompanying Classroom Habitudes Teacher Guide.
Help your students discover what they are passionate about with this card set and activity sheets. This is great to use independently or with Genius Hour lessons.
Student folder to accompany their Passion Projects with all the activities to start your students on their journeys to discover their passions and showcase their genius. User-friendly. Great for independent study, too!
Over 20 printable quotes to inspire and motivate your emerging geniuses! Immerse them in an environment that fuels their passion and encourages them to follow where their genius leads!
Know someone who could use a little inspiration? Want to acknowledge a job well done? Or just let someone know that you believe in them? Collection of 50 printable cards with notable quotes ready to download, print, and distribute! Let them know that they MATTER!
Student activity pack with planning pages to use for independent study. Perfect for Genius Hour, Wonder Projects, and Passion Projects! User-friendly outline for your students to use as they work on different research projects!
Have your students keep all their work in one place as they discover their genius and research ways to share that genius with the world! This is a perfect way to help your students stay organized as they work through their research and make plans to exhibit their projects.
Print and post seven unique posters, designed and presented by Angela Maiers to educators everywhere, that inspire perseverance, courage, curiosity, self awareness, and beyond.
We are in the presence of genius every day. People who can inspire us, teach us, add beautify and hope to our lives. What I have found is that most people don’t realize how brilliant they are. There is no greater joy in the world than giving someone a front row seat to their own brilliance. When you give a Genius Ticket that is exactly what you are doing.
Activity Pack filled with practical, easy to implement ideas you can do right now to let others know THEY MATTER! This also includes a creative original Sketchnote design.
A step-by-step teacher's guide to start your students on a journey to discover their Genius! Lessons 1-3 are included with all the resources suggested for each. If you've been excited about helping your students find their Genius, but weren't sure where to begin, this is the guide for you!
Imagine a classroom where passion-driven genius work is not extracurricular, but is a part of the routine. Students are invited and expected to collaborate to support each other’s genius; to experiment with ideas, discover new possibilites and make epic things happen. Genius Hour is more than a “program” where students do fun projects together. Genius Hour is a nearly unprecedented<br />
opportunity for teachers to guide students in how to be effective learners and citizens, by helping them connect what they do in school to the broader community. It’s our job to nurture our geniuses<br />
so they can change the world. Join us today to unlock a world of genuine curiosity and wonder.<br />
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-This e-book is for teachers and administrators, lessons could be used in all classrooms and be differentiated accordingly. <br />
-Whole class lessons, small group lessons, whole school lessons
Lesson 2: Students will understand what Genius Hour is and why it is important. What makes genius hour different is the focus on the process of students becoming more engaged in their work.
Lesson 5: Students will be able to articulate their own unique genius. When introducing Genius Matters, it can be daunting for students to choose their own passion to explore, as many students have never been asked this before. To build the foundation for Genius Hour, students must first gain self-awareness of their own genius.
Lesson 1: Students will learn how to record, keep and revisit their observations made during genius hour over the GH course. This addresses how to help students setup an online notebook or journal for future lessons.
Lesson 4: Objective: Create the mindset of being a Genius Learner to prepare students<br />
to explore and share their genius. You can’t settle for the ordinary when you comprehend you’re<br />