Quick ViewhongxuLesson notes/presentation on Matrix transformation for A level Year 1 Further Maths (2)<p>Some of the slides can be printed out as worksheets or notes to be completed or used in lessons</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Year 1 maths on indices (can be used for GCSE higher tier) - worksheet (2)<p>The worksheet helps to build a better understanding and use of index laws, including the conversion between roots and fractional index forms, negative index and fraction forms.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Further Maths Year 1 key points for sketching graphs of rational functions (TrueFalse cards) (2)<p>True-false cards for group discussion/activity. Suitable for topic revision.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuMethod sheets and a bingo activity for finding a missing number in equivalent ratios (GCSE F&H) (1)<p>Suitable for GCSE higher and foundation tiers, used as pair activity.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Year 1 Maths on Mechanics: Kinematics when calculus is involved (quiz or match cards) (1)<p>It is already a Quizlet activity. You can find it in Quizlet. You can also use it as match card activity.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuManipulation of hyperbolic functions for A level Further Maths Year 1 (match cards) (0)<p>match cards for group activity in learning A1 further pure unit on hyperbolic functions</p>
Quick ViewhongxuInvestigate stationary/max/min points in differentiation for A Level Maths Year 1 (0)<p>match cards for group activity</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level maths Decision 1 on graph theory including definition for some concepts and a quiz (0)<p>Can be used as worksheet and group activity.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuWork out areas of circles or part of circle with answers in terms of pi (domino cards) for GCSE (0)<p>Pair activity for starter</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level maths Year 1 on trigonometry: solve trigonometrical equations (match cards) (0)<p>Solve trigonometrical equations using both trigonometrical (ie identities) and algebra knowledge</p>
Quick ViewhongxuLesson Notes/presentation: Compare position and direction vectors for A level maths (0)<p>The 2 slides can be used as lesson presentation or display, posters for comparing position and direct vectors.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuBinomial expansion revision for A level Year 1 maths (match card activity) (0)<p>Pair or group activity suitable for topic revision</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Year 1 Further Maths Mechanics on Work, Energy and Power (pair check on concepts and theory) (0)<p>This is a pair/group activity for peer mutual check on some concepts and theory with answers included.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Year 1 maths on Mechanics: Kinematics Revision (Quizlet questions) (0)<p>It is already a quizlet activity for A1 Mechanics revision on Kenematics.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuMatrix transformation for A level Year 1 further Pure (match card activity) (0)<p>Cut each sheet to 4 cards for pair or group match card activity, suitable for topic revision.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuWorksheets for understanding and solving direct proportion problems (0)<p>Solve direct proportion problems involving units conversion, formula, etc.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuHyperbolic functions definition for A level Further Maths Year 1 (match cards) (0)<p>Match card activity for learning hyperbolic functions in A1 further pure unit</p>
Quick ViewhongxuRoots and coefficients of equations for A level Year 1 Further Maths (match cards activity) (0)<p>Match cards for pair activity.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level maths Decision 1 on graph theory (find missing words for concepts) (0)<p>Can be used for worksheet and group discussion.</p>
Quick ViewhongxuIndices for A level Year 1 or GCSE Higher maths (domino cards) (0)<p>Pair activity</p>
Quick ViewhongxuA level Year 1 maths on Mechanics: Object in Contact (Quizlet activity questions/answers) (0)<p>Group activity. You can find it in Quizlet</p>