A 5 page document that has a list of exam questions for each theme. In the first column is a list of exam questions which are colour coded into the two types (causation/ factor, and what I call 'nature of'). In the second column I have given a list of key factors/ themes/ areas students could include in the question, with some hints and tips. Students found this very useful for their exam practice.<br />
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All questions come from the Edexcel website and the two books for this course (one published by Hodder and the other Pearson). <br />
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I have used the Edexcel website and exam material extensively to create this document.
These revision cards cover theme 4 (economic, social and cultural change). I got them printed on different coloured card. I have broken down each theme e.g. Urbanisation and then included specific evidence e.g. reasons for growth etc. Students then use the space below to include specific detail and evidence. At the bottom of the card I have included what question area it would be useful for. Can be used as an ongoing homework review task during the teaching of the course or given out for revision at the end of the course.
A knowledge checklist/audit covering the four themes. It can be used as a revision/ review resource purely by students or teachers can make use of it to check students' overall understanding of parts of or the whole course and tailor revision sessions/lessons to suit. It has two sections - understanding before revision/review and after.
These revision cards cover theme 1 (monarchy and government). I got them printed on different coloured card. I have broken down each theme e.g. Henry VIII and the succession and then included specific evidence e.g. succession acts etc. Students then use the space below to include specific detail and evidence. At the bottom of the card I have included what question area it would be useful for. Can be used as an ongoing homework review task during the teaching of the course or given out for revision at the end of the course.
These revision cards cover the interpretations section (general crisis of government in Elizabeth's last years). I got them printed on different coloured card. I have broken down this interpretation e.g. Essex's campaign in Ireland and then included specific evidence e.g. Essex's aims, war of attrition. Students then use the space below to include specific detail and evidence. At the bottom of the card I have included the four key question areas and students can highlight/ circle which are relevant. Can be used as an ongoing homework review task during the teaching of the course or given out for revision at the end of the course.
These revision cards cover theme 3 (state control and popular resistance). I got them printed on different coloured card. I have broken down each theme e.g. Lord Lieutenants under Elizabeth and then included specific evidence e.g. role before Elizabeth etc. Students then use the space below to include specific detail and evidence. At the bottom of the card I have included what question area it would be useful for. Can be used as an ongoing homework review task during the teaching of the course or given out for revision at the end of the course.
A list of over 100 keywords that cover the whole course. Students can use this resource in a number of ways - given to students at the beginning of the course for them to fill in as they go through the lessons or used as a revision tool.
This 9 page document has a list of individuals that cover all four themes and the interpretation. I have written it in a Q and A format. Students can fold the table in half and use it to revise from or test one another. I also used it in lessons as a quick revision test. 'Essential to learn' individuals are in red and the rest are in black (students can learn these to really show off their knowledge!)
This 7 page document has a list of key acts/ laws/ publications that cover all four themes and the interpretation. I have written it in a Q and A format. Students can fold the table in half and use it to revise from or test one another. I also used it in lessons as a quick revision test. 'Essential to learn' acts/laws/ publications are in red and the rest are in black (students can learn these to really show off their knowledge!)
These revision cards cover theme 2 (religious changes). I got them printed on different coloured card. I have broken down each theme e.g. Catholic plots under Elizabeth and then included specific evidence e.g. Babington Plot, Ridolfi plot etc. Students then use the space below to include specific detail and evidence. At the bottom of the card I have included what question area it would be useful for. Can be used as an ongoing homework review task during the teaching of the course or given out for revision at the end of the course.
<p>A revision table covering the THEMES for this course. In the left hand column is the content and students are expected to fill in THREE answers, whether it be examples, key individuals, figures etc. The four themes are colour coded. This had really helped my students ensure they have some clear examples for all aspects of the course. Really useful for students to complete individually in their own revision time or great for whole class revision - see how much individuals/ groups can remember without notes and then get them to fill in with notes.<br />
One for the Interpretations section of this unit will be available soon.</p>
This 8 page document has a list of key dates that cover all four themes and the interpretation. I have written it in a Q and A format. Students can fold the table in half and use it to revise from or test one another. I also used it in lessons as a quick revision test. 'Essential to learn' dates are in red and the rest are in black (students can learn these to really show off their knowledge!)<br />
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This resource will be FREE for a LIMITED TIME. Hopefully it will give you an idea of the quality of resources I have for sale.