working with negative numbers on number line
Adding subtracting negative and positive integers with a number line.<br />
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The game is for two players, A and B.<br />
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The rules<br />
1. The counter(red small triangle) is put on the space below 0.<br />
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2. The players take turn two throw two dice. <br />
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(If dice roller is not visible on your activinspire go to:<br />
Tools/More Tools/Edit User Defined Buttons/Commands/All commands<br />
scroll down and add dice roller from left to right. Now it is visible on your toolbox.)<br />
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3. The total score for a throw is <br />
left number-right number on the dice. If the total score is positive, move the counter right. If the total score is negative, move the counter left. <br />
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4. The game is over when the counter lands on or beyond the 12 or -12 space. If the counter lands on 12,player A wins. If it lands on -12 player B wins.