Waterfall formation KS3 (fill the gaps)Quick View

Waterfall formation KS3 (fill the gaps)

<p>This is a resource for lower-ability Key stage 3. The students are required to fill the gaps with the words taken from the box. There are diagrams to aid this process.</p> <p>Whilst I primarily use this with lower ability students, it is something that can be used/slightly adapted for higher ability.</p>
Hot desert climate graphQuick View

Hot desert climate graph

<p>This is a PowerPoint with a hot desert climate graph template. The template is able to be printed for the students to complete using the data that is on the slide (along with instructions). I have found students to really struggle with the units/spacing when creating their own climate graphs. The final slide is an animated graph that is completed. This allows for effortless peer/self assessment.</p>
Tropical rainforest climate graphQuick View

Tropical rainforest climate graph

<p>This is a PowerPoint with a tropical rainforest climate graph template. The template is able to be printed for the students to complete using the data that is on the slide (along with instructions). I have found students to really struggle with the units/spacing when creating their own climate graphs. The final slide is an animated graph that is completed. This allows for effortless peer/self assessment.</p>
OCR A Level Geography: Human Rights Progress checkerQuick View

OCR A Level Geography: Human Rights Progress checker

<p>This is a progress checker for the Global Connections, Human Rights, topic.</p> <p>The progress checker has been created using considerable elements of the OCR Spec’ (including case studies).</p> <p>This is extremely helpful to give to students at the start of the topic to ensrue they are aware of the requirements throughout. As the course progresses, they are able to RAG rate their understanding (using the exam board terminology) as well as make reference to where it is covered in their notes.</p>