Bram Stoker, 'Dracula' - Chapter Summaries, RevisionQuick View

Bram Stoker, 'Dracula' - Chapter Summaries, Revision

This is a revision pack for A-Level English Literature students studying Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', who are on the OCR exam board in the Gothic Literature section of the specification. Each page has a full summary of events from that chapter and key quotations from characters. These summaries are a useful revision tool for the book but are not meant to be a substitute for reading the book. There are 27 summaries (one for each chapter, minus the note).
Psychology Revision Notes - SOCIAL INFLUENCEQuick View

Psychology Revision Notes - SOCIAL INFLUENCE

This revision pack is intended for GCE Psychology students and teachers on the AQA advanced course. It includes colourful diagrams and summaries of all the topics in the social influence area and is useful for revision and for teaching from a condensed source.
Monoclonal Antibodies - GCSE Biology AQAQuick View

Monoclonal Antibodies - GCSE Biology AQA

<p>Bright and colourful revision notes on Monoclonal Antibodies, their formation, and uses (intended for AQA GCSE Biology, Single Science). Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Best when viewed/printed in colour.</p>
Psychology Biological Approach - AssumptionsQuick View

Psychology Biological Approach - Assumptions

<p>Revision worksheet on the biological approach to Psychology, its assumptions and influences on behaviour (intended for BTEC Pearson Applied Psychology). Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Contains the biological approach to explaining aggression and leaves room for students to also explore the biological approach to consumer behaviour, and gender.</p> <p>Best viewed/printed in colour.</p>
Psychology Revision AQA - BASICS OF CONFORMITYQuick View

Psychology Revision AQA - BASICS OF CONFORMITY

This is a revision sheet for those who are revising or teaching the basics of conformity (Compliance, internalisation, NSI, ISI) in Psychology, ideally on the AQA specification. This is helpful as both revision or as a resource for teaching from a condensed source.
Development & Testing Drugs - GCSE Biology AQAQuick View

Development & Testing Drugs - GCSE Biology AQA

<p>Revision worksheet from ‘Infection and Response’ on the discovery, development, and testing of drugs (intended for AQA GCSE Biology Single Science). Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Contains ‘fill in the blank’ activities, which can be solved using BBC Bitesize’s revision notes on ‘Infection and Response - Treating, Curing and Preventing Disease’.</p> <p>Best viewed/printed in colour.</p>
Plant Organisation - GCSE AQA BiologyQuick View

Plant Organisation - GCSE AQA Biology

<p>Colourful notes on plant organisation and the transportation of materials throughout a plant (intended for AQA GCSE Biology Single Science). Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Best viewed/printed in colour.</p>
Ionic Bonding - AQA GCSE ChemistryQuick View

Ionic Bonding - AQA GCSE Chemistry

<p>Colourful, descriptive worksheets on ionic compounds and ionic bonding. Intended for use by students studying AQA GCSE Chemistry Single Science. Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Contains activities that can be answered using BBC Bitesize’s GCSE Chemistry revision guides.</p> <p>Best viewed/printed in colour.</p>
Covalent Bonding - AQA GCSE ChemistryQuick View

Covalent Bonding - AQA GCSE Chemistry

<p>Colourful and descriptive activity worksheets on small molecules, covalent bonding, and giant covalent structures. Intended for use by students studying AQA GCSE Chemistry Single Science. Contains diagrams and handwritten notations.</p> <p>Contains activities that can be answered using BBC Bitesize’s GCSE Chemistry revision guides.</p> <p>Best viewed/printed in colour.</p>