Inspector Goole Essay Revision LessonQuick View

Inspector Goole Essay Revision Lesson

This PowerPoint lesson is aimed as students who have studied the book and are preparing for the exam. <br /> Activity Sequence:<br /> 1. Students are shown an outline essay plan with prompt questions which they add post- it notes to in order to revise key quotations and analysis. <br /> 2. Students highlight a model paragraph for key ingredients (an answer slide is provided ready highlighted).<br /> 3. Students then write their own paragraph using the inspector's final speech.<br /> 4. Homework slide - to prepare timelines for major characters
AQA English Language Descriptive writing lessonQuick View

AQA English Language Descriptive writing lesson

<p>Designed for paper 1 Q5, this highly effective lesson teaches students how to use the picture clues, develop their planning and use a variety of interesting openings to engage their audience. For low ability students it helps you explain how to use the exam as scaffolding and for higher ability students it helps you to go beyond the confines of the paper into a metaphorical response to the task.</p> <p>The pack includes a PPT lesson, worksheet and new exam for AQA Paper 1 Question 5.</p> <p>All images and texts are copyright free.</p>
AQA Paper 2 Q4Quick View

AQA Paper 2 Q4

This lesson uses the AQA Specimen Assessment Materials 3 to prepare for Question 4. The papers are available from the AQA secure site.<br /> <br /> There is a lesson PowerPoint and a model comparison to help students identify the sequence of an answer. I have used a range of quotation in the answer to model the precision needed for a higher level answer.
Self-Assessment SheetsQuick View

Self-Assessment Sheets

<p>Solve the issue of peer and self-assessment easily with these checklists. All the AQA text types are covered: descriptive writing, narrative writing, speech, letter, article, leaflet, discursive essay and literature essay.</p> <p>When can you use them?</p> <ul> <li>Stick them in at the start of a piece to help them prioritise in their planning.</li> <li>link them to your marking codes and use them for D-I-R-T time.</li> <li>Use them to help structure paired feedback.</li> <li>Give them out as a starter to recap a piece they wrote in a previous unit.</li> <li>They can help differentiate annotating a model answer in class.</li> </ul> <p>Once copied onto coloured paper, it makes it very clear to any work scrutiny where self and peer assessment is happening.</p>
AQA English Language and Literature tracking gridQuick View

AQA English Language and Literature tracking grid

A simple but detailed way for students to track their progress across Years 10 and 11. These grids have been highly praised in observations as they helps students to structure their progress conversations with observers. They also make a grade focus for parents evening conversations.
Analyse the Form of Lord of the FliesQuick View

Analyse the Form of Lord of the Flies

For AQA level 6 students need to 'show finegrained and insightful analysis of language form and structure'. <br /> <br /> In this lesson students consider 4 different forms and how they apply to Lord of the Flies: adventure story, allegory, fable and dystopia. They finish by applying this learning to 2 example essay questions.<br /> <br /> I use this once students have finished reading the novel and are at the stage of whole text review. It also makes an excellent revision lesson/
SPaG activity revising types of sentencesQuick View

SPaG activity revising types of sentences

In this resource, students are taken through simple compound and complex sentences and quizzed at each stage . There is also an extension activity to add phrases or clauses to the start of sentences. <br /> I have used it as mini starters over a series of lessons focusing on one sentence type per lesson, and also in one go as revision for a writing assessment. Both approaches worked extremely well.
Random CapitalsQuick View

Random Capitals

Fed up with constantly circling missing or misused capital letters? This PowerPoint and card sort helps students revise the rules and common errors such as seasons. <br /> <br /> Suitable for KS2 or 3 this short activity can be used as a starter, part of a marking feedback lesson or a standalone activity.
AQA Paper 1 Section A 1984Quick View

AQA Paper 1 Section A 1984

This lesson uses the opening of 1984 to introduce question 1 and 2 skills. it requires the teacher to model an answer using class feedback.