<p>A full lesson planned to promote the subject as part of a taster day for potential A Level Language students. Planned for AQA but can easily be adapted to any specification.</p>
<p>A full lesson planned to promote the subject as part of a taster day for potential A Level Literature students. Planned for AQA but can easily be adapted to any specification.</p>
<p>A full lesson which is used as part of a series of lessons (more to follow) designed to prepare students for an assessment for Textual Meanings and Representations on Paper 1 (AQA). This lesson focuses on the first question. I will be uploading a lesson for the second question and for the comparison question too. The focus is exam strategy and practising skills. Includes a part model answer and a text.</p>
<p>A full lesson leading on from the previous which focuses on approaching and writing the comparison question on Paper 1. Includes a model response.</p>
<p>A full lesson that follows on from a previous upload using an article about Prince Harry and Megan Markle. This lesson is Text B in a mock Paper 1 Section A (AQA) exam paper - the older text from 1946 focused on Princess Elizabeth and Philip. The lesson leads students through the approach to this question in the exam with strategies for approaching the older text contextually. A lesson will be uploaded later to use the two texts for the comparison question.</p>
<p>A full lesson that leads on from the previous textual analysis lessons and encourages peer and self evaluation of work. Focus is on improving writing and understanding the mark scheme.</p>
<p>A series of lessons focusing on how to approach the 3 questions on Paper 1 Section A (AQA). It includes advice on the question, a staggered approach, texts and model answers. This really helped my students build on their confidence in approaching these exam questions.</p>
A full lesson preparing GCSE students to answer the "Blood Brothers" question for Eduqas GCSE English Literature. The lesson uses an extract and question created in the style of the exam focusing on the relationship between Mickey and Linda. There is a full step by step lesson powerpoint, a question and a WAGOLL.
A series of 3 Terminology Tests with accompanying answers to support the revision of AO1 - used with AQA English Language A Level specification although will be suitable for other exam boards.
<p>A full lesson for preparation for the Paper 2 Language Discourses topic of language and occupation. Focused on the use of business jargon and specific lexicon in the workplace. Includes an essay question and part model response.</p>
A full lesson exploring the presentation of women; including the relationship between Juliet, the Nurse and Lady Capulet. Covers the whole scene as part of the textual study for GCSE.
<p>A whole lesson to develop skills for approaching the analysis of the texts for Section B of Paper 2 (AQA). The lesson includes a text focusing on Language Change.</p>
<p>A full lesson designed to promote independence when analysing poetry. Includes a memory recall starter activity. Can be easily adapted to other specifications. Work really well with a class of reluctant speakers.</p>
<p>A sample exam paper created using two texts previously used as Language Change for the old specification. Each text has a part model response and was used in feedback with students after an assessment.</p>
A lesson focusing exploration of language and character in the conversation between Capulet and Paris in this scene. Links to AO3 and the position of women in society.
A lesson designed to encourage students to think more specifically about meanings and representations in texts - preparation for Paper 1 Section A. The lesson is centred on the song Sunscreen.
Full lesson using an extract from Light on Snow. Focuses on answering the impressions and personal response questions. This can be adapted to another extract easily. It is for the new specification Eduqas.
<p>A full lesson focused on approaching Lady Lazarus in preparation for the AQA English Literature (A) A Level paper Modern Times Context. Can easily be adapted to any specification. Includes an essay question.</p>