Coasts - Erosional LandformsQuick View

Coasts - Erosional Landforms

<p>Full lesson introducing some of the different types of erosional landforms that can be found along the coast. Students will be able to identify and define some of the most common erosional landforms (and one depositional - the beach). Students will be able to describe and explain how landforms such as the cave, arch, stack, stump and wave cut platforms are formed through the use of a diagram, short video clip and a team model-making challenge.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide. Links to video clips and websites can be accessed through the images on the slides - if this doesn’t work please see the notes for the hyperlink.</p> <p>2 sets of landform tables and 3 sets of CASS formation sentences are included.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Coasts - Weathering and Mass MovementQuick View

Coasts - Weathering and Mass Movement

<p>Full lesson covering the different processes of weathering and the types of mass movement that can occur at the coast. The lesson objective is for students to be able to describe and explain these processes and how they affect the coastal landscape. This can be achieved through discussion, video, images of real life examples, and drawing diagrams. Fun code breaker to start the lesson.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Code breaker worksheet and mass movement match up worksheet included.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Coasts - Erosion and GeologyQuick View

Coasts - Erosion and Geology

<p>Full lesson covering the different types of erosion and geology along the coast. Students will learn about the different types of erosion at the coast and will be able to explain how they create coastal landforms. Students will learn about different types of rock and will consider how resistance can affect rates of erosion.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>4 sets of cards showing the different types of erosion; diagrams of concordant/discordant coastline; cliff formation diagrams are included. The diagrams can also be found on BBC Bitesize.</p>
Coasts - Coastal Management Decision Making TaskQuick View

Coasts - Coastal Management Decision Making Task

<p>Full lesson covering coastal management strategies including a decision making task that can be used as an assessment. Students will be able to identify and categorise hard and soft engineering strategies and explain how they work. Students will also consider the advantages and disadvantages of them.</p> <p>The location studied for the decision making task is Godrevy in Cornwall. Students will need to describe its location and will study the social, economic and environmental importance of the location, along with the challenges that erosion brings. Students will then work in small groups to research and decide upon the strategies they will use along this coastline, and they must justify why they have chosen them in a short piece of writing worth 9 or 12 marks.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Resources for the group task are included, as well as a mark scheme for the writing. Research sheets for each type of management strategy can be found at the end of the powerpoint.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Coasts - Transport and DepositionQuick View

Coasts - Transport and Deposition

<p>Full lesson covering coastal transport and deposition. Students will define the different types of transport and describe the process of longshore drift. They will also be able to describe the process of deposition and describe how it results in the formation of depositional landforms such as sand spits, tombolos, sand bars and beaches. Students will also be able to describe and explain the formation of sand dunes, as well as creating a food web for a sand dune ecosystem.</p> <p>Content will be covered in 2-3 lessons, maybe 4 depending on ability and needs of students.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Case studies included in the lesson are local to the academy at which the lesson was taught but can be altered. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>All resources included: Transport definitions; sand spit formation and diagrams; case study OS maps; sand dune formation sentences; sand dune food task. Differentiated versions of some of these resources are included. Images of some of the resources only show a section. The full resource can be viewed when downloaded.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Coasts - Characteristics of Ocean WavesQuick View

Coasts - Characteristics of Ocean Waves

<p>Full lesson focusing on the characteristics of ocean waves and the factors that affect their strength. I would suggest teaching this lesson following on from Lesson 1 - ‘Introduction to UK Physical Landscapes - Coasts’.</p> <p>Through discussion, images and various tasks, students will learn about the formation of waves, as well as the characteristics of constructive and destructive waves.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students, and SEND students. Opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Differentiated wave formation comic strip worksheets and Wave type card sort worksheet is included.</p>
Introduction to UK Physical Landscapes - CoastsQuick View

Introduction to UK Physical Landscapes - Coasts

<p>Introduction to UK Physical Landscapes - Coasts</p> <p>Full introductory lesson to UK Physical Landscapes and in particular coasts. The main lesson objective is for students to be able to identify and locate a variety of UK landscapes. This can be achieved through discussion and images, as well as giving students to opportunity to improve map skills through use of an atlas.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Blank UK map is included.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Biomes - Distribution & CharacteristicsQuick View

Biomes - Distribution & Characteristics

<p>Full lesson covering the distribution and characteristics of the world’s biomes. The lesson includes an introduction to ecosystems and then biomes through teacher input and videos. Students will learn about the distribution of the different biomes by shading in their own map, followed by writing a description. Students will also consider why biomes are located in those specific regions. Students will use the biome factsheets with a range of up to date information to learn about the characteristics of each biome, through individual/group investigation.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Lesson powerpoint; 8 biome factsheets; world maps; wordsearch (x6) are included.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Tropical Rainforests - Distribution & ClimateQuick View

Tropical Rainforests - Distribution & Climate

<p>Full lesson (Lesson 1) covering the distribution and climate of Tropical Rainforests.</p> <p>The lesson includes a recap of the distribution of Tropical Rainforests, from the previous lesson introducing biomes. Students will learn why Tropical Rainforests are located at the tropics through teacher input and video clips. Students will investigate the climate of Tropical Rainforests by creating their own climate graph.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Lesson powerpoint is included.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Geography Christmas QuizQuick View

Geography Christmas Quiz

<p>A great way to finish the Autumn term with a Christmas Quiz! The quiz consists of 15 multiple choice questions about some of the unique and quirky ways that Christmas is celebrated around the world.</p> <p>Can be played individually or in small teams. Suitable for KS3 and perhaps KS4, depending on the interests of your classes. All answers are included in the slides. Answer slides include some background information about each tradition to further students’ understanding.</p> <p>Have fun!</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
UK Physical Landscapes - CoastsQuick View

UK Physical Landscapes - Coasts

7 Resources
<p>A KS3 unit work consisting of 7 complete lessons covering Coasts:</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Introduction to UK Physical Landscapes<br /> Lesson 2 - Characteristics of Ocean waves<br /> Lesson 3 - Erosion and Geology<br /> Lesson 4 - Erosional Landforms<br /> Lesson 5 - Transport and Deposition<br /> Lesson 6 - Weathering and Mass Movement<br /> Lesson 7 - Coastal Management Decision Making Task</p> <p>All lessons are fully resourced with some differentiated resources. Suggestions about how to use the lessons and resources can be found in the notes section under each slide.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>
Tropical Rainforest - LayersQuick View

Tropical Rainforest - Layers

<p>Full lesson (Lesson 2) covering the layers of the Tropical Rainforest.</p> <p>The lesson introduces students to the different layers of the Tropical Rainforest through video clips. Students will then use their knowledge and understanding to name the layers through a labelling task. Students will then investigate further into the characteristics of each of the layers through a card sort activity. Finally, students will consider how the characteristics of the Tropical Rainforest impact on nutrient cycling.</p> <p>This lesson comes with several resources as there are a variety of ways these tasks can be carried out. The labelling task can be completed individually using the A4 printout, or alternatively an A3 printout is available for pair/small group work. There are individual A5 and A4 worksheets for students to record information from the card sort about each of the layers. Alternatively, students can have a large A3 worksheet. This and the card sort could even be laminated for future use.</p> <p>Aimed at KS3 but has links to the AQA GCSE specification. Can be differentiated for low and high ability students with opportunities to stretch and challenge students. Suggestions can be found in the notes section at the bottom of each slide.</p> <p>Lesson powerpoint, Starter task printout, Card sort, and Tropical Rainforest layers worksheet are included - also in A3 and A4 formats.</p> <p>I hope you find this resource useful. Please leave constructive comments below. Thank you!</p>