070 - Teaching & Learning StrategiesQuick View

070 - Teaching & Learning Strategies

#ukedchat summary & archive ' What have been the most successful teaching é learning strategies you have ever implemented in your class?' from Thursday 3 November 2011 hosted by @eyebeams. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
064 - DifferentiationQuick View

064 - Differentiation

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Differentiation' from Thursday 22nd September 2011 hosted by @theheadsoffice. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
060 - Getting to know your new classQuick View

060 - Getting to know your new class

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Getting to know your new class' from Thursday 25th August 2011 hosted by @CreativeEdu. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
134 - What are your tips for for improving SPAG?Quick View

134 - What are your tips for for improving SPAG?

#ukedchat session 134 – What are your tips for teaching and improving spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) across the key stages? on Thursday 17th January 2013 hosted by Martin Burrett (@ICTmagic). Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
067 - Independent LearningQuick View

067 - Independent Learning

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Independent Learning' from Thursday 13th October 2011 hosted by @jamesmichie. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
045 - Children become truly independent learnersQuick View

045 - Children become truly independent learners

#ukedchat summary & archive 'How do we help children become truly independent learners? Is it really possible?' from Thursday 12th May 2011 hosted by @bevevans22. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
047 - Effective Group WorkQuick View

047 - Effective Group Work

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Effective group work: getting pupils learning collaboratively' from Thursday 26th May 2011 hosted by @colport é @dailydenouement. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
062 - Targets for New School YearQuick View

062 - Targets for New School Year

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Targets for New School Year' from Thursday 8 September 2011 hosted by @ianaddison. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
147 - Behaviour policies, rewards and sanctions.Quick View

147 - Behaviour policies, rewards and sanctions.

UKEdChat Summary 147 - Behaviour policies, rewards and sanctions. What works well? Thursday 18th April, 2013. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See details at www.ukedchat.com
172 – Strategies and tips to improve behaviourQuick View

172 – Strategies and tips to improve behaviour

UKEdChat Session 172 – Strategies and tips to improve low-level behaviour issues? Date: Thursday 10th October 2013 Host: Martin Burrett @ICTmagic. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See details at www.ukedchat.com
022- Thinking SkillsQuick View

022- Thinking Skills

#ukedchat archive from 18th November 2010. Thinking Skills. Join #ukedchat every Thursday evening via twitter for educational chat. See ukedchat.com for further information.
169 – Effective feedback – How to do it.Quick View

169 – Effective feedback – How to do it.

UKEdchat session 169 – Effective feedback – How do you make your marking count? Date: Thursday 19th September 2013 Host: @dailydenouement. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See details at www.ukedchat.com
034 - How pupils give each other quality feedbackQuick View

034 - How pupils give each other quality feedback

ukedchat summary and archive from Thursday 24th February 2011 session 'How can pupils give each other quality feedback and enhance their learning?'. Join ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm via twitter using the hashtag #ukedchat. See ukedchat.com for details.
120 – What can we do to help children with autism?Quick View

120 – What can we do to help children with autism?

#ukedchat session, '120 – What can we do to help children with autism to get on at school?' on Thursday 18th October 2012 hosted by @DJTom3. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
020 - Lesson ObservationsQuick View

020 - Lesson Observations

'Lesson Observations' #ukedchat summary and archive from Thursday 4th November 2010. Join #ukedchat every Thursday evening between 8-9pm via twitter for educational conversation. Information at ukedchat.com
098 - Questioning within teachingQuick View

098 - Questioning within teaching

Session 98 - How important are questions in teaching and what is the best type of questioning? Archive and summary hosted by @mrlockyer. Join #ukedchat every Thursday evening between 8-9pm (UK) on twitter. See www.ukedchat.com for further information and details.
074 - What are we actually preparing pupils for?Quick View

074 - What are we actually preparing pupils for?

#ukedchat summary & archive What exactly are we, as educators, preparing our students for?' from Thursday 1st December 2011 hosted by @dailydenouement. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
057 - Creating an Inclusive ClassroomQuick View

057 - Creating an Inclusive Classroom

#ukedchat summary & archive 'Creating an Inclusive Classroom' from Thursday 4th August 2011 hosted by @theheadsoffice é @dailydenouement . Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com
007 - Inclusive ClassroomsQuick View

007 - Inclusive Classrooms

'How can we make our classrooms a more inclusive learning environment? (Are ‘tech tools’ the answer?)' #ukedchat summary from 5th August 2010. Join #ukedchat every Thursday evening between 8-9pm (UK time) via twitter.
137 –  How to reduce to the mark-load?Quick View

137 – How to reduce to the mark-load?

#ukedchat session, '137 – How to reduce to the mark-load & still give quality, valued feedback?' on Thursday 7th February 2013 hosted by @C_Farr0w. Join #ukedchat each Thursday evening between 8-9pm to discuss the latest educational issues via twitter. See live at http://tweetchat.com/room/ukedchat Information and details at www.ukedchat.com