<p>Density 2 lessons<br />
First lesson focusing on regular shaped objects and calculations for density<br />
Second lesson with Archimedes story and focusing on finding the density of irregular shaped objects</p>
<p>Powerpoints and scratch files showing clearly how to code a zombie game in scratch.</p>
<p>Two powerpoints showing how to first of all make a scratch game then how to add extras e.g. make it two player</p>
<p>Links to the youtube videos which were adapted into teachable powerpoints.</p>
<p>These lessons are very engaging for KS2, KS3/ KS4 and useful for game design.</p>
<p>Students will learn:<br />
Use drawing tools<br />
Be able to identify and use:<br />
Events<br />
Loops<br />
Selection<br />
<p>Use problem solving skills to:<br />
Create code in Scratch to control sprites<br />
Develop code in Scratch – independently if possible</p>
<p>Short lesson on HIV and AIDS</p>
<p>Contains:<br />
Powerpoint<br />
worksheets for higher middle and lower ability students</p>
<p>Learning outcomes:<br />
Describe the methods of transmitting HIV.<br />
State that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection may lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).<br />
Compare prevention and treatment options.</p>
<p>Incredibly engaging solar system lesson for KS3.</p>
<p>Star wars themed with music, animations and fantastic resources.</p>
<p>Learning outcomes:<br />
STATE the names of planets and other structures in the solar system<br />
DESCRIBE the nature of orbits and major structures in the solar system<br />
EXPLAIN the different nature of planets in the solar system<br />
EXPLAIN how planets and the asteroid belt formed</p>
<p>Resources:<br />
Powerpoint<br />
A3 solar system to write on<br />
Circus information<br />
Card sort<br />
Research task</p>
<p>Full lesson on asexual and sexual reproduction for Cambridge iGCSE.</p>
<p>Learning outcomes:<br />
Recall examples of organisms that reproduce sexually and asexually<br />
Define the two types of reproduction<br />
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of reproduction</p>
<p>Resources:<br />
Powerpoint<br />
Worksheets for lower, middle and higher ability students</p>
<p>Full introduction lesson to for KS3/2.</p>
<p>Using this powerpoint students will make a scratch game to avoid the objects.</p>
<p>Resources:<br />
Powerpoint<br />
finished game</p>
<p>Learning objectives:<br />
Be able to identify and use:<br />
Events<br />
Loops<br />
Selection<br />
<p>Use problem solving skills to:<br />
Create code in Scratch to control sprites<br />
Develop code in Scratch – independently if possible</p>
<p>Fantastic revision document for transport across membranes.<br />
Includes:<br />
Two sided A3 revision poster with scaffolded questions.<br />
Information sheets to accompany the poster.<br />
Powerpoint with PPQs and Markscheme</p>
<p>Learning Outcomes:</p>
<li>Understand that particles move across membranes by simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis and active transport.</li>
<li>Understand the fluidity of membranes allows materials to be taken into cells by endocytosis or released by exocytosis.</li>
<li>Understand that vesicles move materials within cells.</li>
<li>Apply the structure and function of sodium–potassium pumps for active transport and potassium channels for facilitated diffusion in axons.</li>
<li>Apply understanding of osmolarity to tissues or organs to be used in medical procedures must be bathed in a solution with the same osmolarity as the cytoplasm to prevent osmosis.</li>
<li>Plan to an experiment to estimate the osmolarity of tissues by bathing samples in hypotonic and hypertonic solutions.</li>
<p>Learning Objective: Understand how membranes control the composition of cells by active and passive transport</p>