GCSE Elizabeth homework bookletQuick View

GCSE Elizabeth homework booklet

<p>Designed for the Edexcel GCSE course<br /> This booklet covers the whole Elizabeth unit and includes a range of activities meant to consolidate learning that can be set weekly. This can also be used as a revision booklet.</p>
USA Theme 5: How to write a Section C answerQuick View

USA Theme 5: How to write a Section C answer

<p>Edexcel ‘In Search of the American Dream: the USA, c.1917–96’<br /> Essay guidance for answering the question ‘How far do you agree with the view that Reagan’s economic policies in the years 1981-96 were just a way to make the rich richer?’<br /> Includes varying levels of example essays, which I usually get my students to mark and give feedback on so they can see the difference between a low, mid and high level essay. Also includes planning sheets, articles and structure sheets.</p>
Lesson 8 - The rise of African NationalismQuick View

Lesson 8 - The rise of African Nationalism

<p>Introduction to the ANC<br /> Textbook reading task for context on political opposition tolerated in SA<br /> Guided reading on resistance groups before 1948<br /> Comparison to emergence of stronger resistance after 1948</p>
Lesson 1 - Intro & SA Historical ContextQuick View

Lesson 1 - Intro & SA Historical Context

<p>Introduction to the South Africa A Level course<br /> Image inference task on the themes in the topic<br /> Explains the racial profile of SA and the development of white rule<br /> HW reading included</p>
Lesson 4 - Implementing ApartheidQuick View

Lesson 4 - Implementing Apartheid

<p>How successfully was Apartheid codified and implemented between 1948 and 1959?<br /> Aims of apartheid<br /> What did the N.P do once in power?<br /> The Implementation of Early Apartheid Laws<br /> All resources and HW tasks included</p>
Lesson 7 - The Tomlinson Report and BantustansQuick View

Lesson 7 - The Tomlinson Report and Bantustans

<p>Lesson explores the significance of the way the Bantustans were set up<br /> Short videos revealing the conditions in Bantustans &amp; politicians’ justification of them<br /> Students explore how far the Bantustans successfully ensured separate development in South Africa</p>
Lesson 6 - Education and ApartheidQuick View

Lesson 6 - Education and Apartheid

<p>Aims of apartheid laws regarding education<br /> Data collection sheet on the different aspects of apartheid laws on education including the Eiselen Report and Bantu Education Act<br /> Essay practice on the question: To what extent did the education reforms of the 1950s successfully enforce apartheid?</p>
Lesson 5 - The Rivonia TrialQuick View

Lesson 5 - The Rivonia Trial

<p>Context on the lead up to Mandela’s arrest<br /> Video on account of the trial by the ANC’s defence lawyer<br /> Task analysing Mandela’s speech (video clip performing this part of the speech included)<br /> Global response to the trial and overall impact</p>
Lesson 6 - Strengthening 'separate development', 1961-68Quick View

Lesson 6 - Strengthening 'separate development', 1961-68

<p>Assessing the impact of Verwoerd’s assassination on the National Party<br /> Activity: Why was the National party in a strong position in the 1970s?<br /> Students use textbook to answer questions/make notes on economic recovery &amp; the Townships and African Women<br /> Card sort on developing the Bantustans</p>
Edexcel Paper 2: How to write a good Section A essayQuick View

Edexcel Paper 2: How to write a good Section A essay

<p>Guidance lesson on the question ‘How far could the historian make use of Sources 1 and 2 together to investigate differing attitudes towards apartheid in South Africa in 1948?’<br /> Lesson includes golden rules and how to approach this question<br /> Source worksheet and exemplar essay included</p>
Edexcel Paper 2: How to write a good Section B essay (Unit 1)Quick View

Edexcel Paper 2: How to write a good Section B essay (Unit 1)

<p>Guidance lesson on how to answer a South Africa Section B essay question: How far was growing Afrikaner Nationalism the most significant cause of the National Party winning the 1948 election?<br /> Lesson includes general information on the exam structure and mark scheme, a breakdown of the essay structure and activities to practice writing a good introduction, paragraph and conclusion.</p>
Lesson 3 - Death of Steve BikoQuick View

Lesson 3 - Death of Steve Biko

<p>Unit 3 Lesson 3<br /> Lesson focuses on the life and death of Steve Biko<br /> Includes a film clip of Biko’s funeral to show how it became very politicised<br /> Source practice question at the end</p>
Lesson 2 - The Soweto UprisingQuick View

Lesson 2 - The Soweto Uprising

<p>Unit 3 Lesson 2<br /> Lesson focuses on causes, main events and significance of the Soweto Uprising<br /> Includes a practice source question at the end</p>