IB Economics - Market FailureQuick View

IB Economics - Market Failure

This PPT (71 slides) provides the teacher an aid to assist them during classes when teaching about market failures. Its progression starts with the definition of a market failure, what are externalities (Negative and positive production and consumption externalities) ,policies to correct them, public goods. This PPT was created using as source the Ellie Tragakes IB Economics book. Tragakes, E. (2012), Economics for the IB Diploma second edition ,Cambridge UK, University Printing House
IB Economics -Demand and SupplyQuick View

IB Economics -Demand and Supply

Complete lesson that explains the forces of Demand and Supply in a market -based economy. This PPT (40 slides) wil aid the teacher in their classes to explain to students the basic concepts of what markets are, demand and supply and their corresponding determinants , movements along the curves and shifts in both demand and supply curves, market equilibrium. You can find reference to a video that can assist understanding. This PPT was created using as source the Ellie Tragakes IB Economics Book. Source: Tragakes, E. (2012), Economics for the IB Diploma second edition ,Cambridge UK, University Printing House
IB Economics - ElasticitiesQuick View

IB Economics - Elasticities

Complete Lesson - this is aimed to assist teachers when presenting the microeconomics topic about elasticities. The PPT (51 slides) covers PED, XED, YED and PES. There are graphs showing the impact of determinants. It includes reference to videos to help aid understanding. This presentation was prepared using as source the Ellie Tragakes IB Economics book. Source: Tragakes, E. (2012), Economics for the IB Diploma second edition ,Cambridge UK, University Printing House
IB Economics - Government InterventionQuick View

IB Economics - Government Intervention

This PPT (31 slides) provide the complete lesson of the types of government intervention used in markets : indirect taxes , subsidies and price controls. This PPT was created using as source the Ellie Tragakes IB Economics Book. Source: Tragakes, E. (2012), Economics for the IB Diploma second edition ,Cambridge UK, University Printing House
UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.6 Growth and EvolutionQuick View

UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.6 Growth and Evolution

On this section students will go over concepts of business growth, global markets and expansion, and how this should be aligned with the strategy selected. Digging deep into efficiency concepts they will understand the benefits and differences of economies of scale, and how multinational companies handle it’s businesses, and how relevant the analysis tools like ANSOFF can become handy to understand, direct and achieve the business goals. Therefore how to grow one business, if it is achieved organically or inorganically, are concepts covered in depth due to its relevance.
UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.5 External EnvironmentQuick View

UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.5 External Environment

Here the student will understand the variations and different depths of what the analytical tools at its disposal to understand the external environment, passing from PEST analysis, to PESTLE and STEEPLE, and most importantly how these tools are relevant specially in the global business world of today.
Unit 2: IB Human Resource Management: 2.1 Human ResourcesQuick View

Unit 2: IB Human Resource Management: 2.1 Human Resources

This unit will give the student a fare and comprehensive knowledge of the concepts behind Human REsources theory and practice. Will give them an overlook over the externalities influencing how people are brought to a job, how the process work, and then the right set of tools available to managers in order to build a working culture that can be proactive over the accomplishment of business goals. Needless to say the importance of these matter in a global and changing world, as is todays business world.
UNIT 1: IB Business Management  & Environment. 1.1 Business Organization & EnvironmentQuick View

UNIT 1: IB Business Management & Environment. 1.1 Business Organization & Environment

Course is oriented to be the first contact of IB’s Business students with the business world, concepts and reality. This material have been proved over more than 8 years teaching it, with the obvious improvement that this time permits, and the results of such content has been second to non. Is structured in a way that alumna have fun learning the everyday complexities of business, as well as the human and sustainability of this economic activity. Special attention need to be underline on the participation of the alumna, so the concepts can be learned via logical discussions and discovery of concepts, more than a memorized process, over this, promoting participation and research, as well as videos of actual relevance is highly recommended.
Unit 1 IB Business Management & Environment SLQuick View

Unit 1 IB Business Management & Environment SL

6 Resources
This bundle will give the educator the possibility of having the entire UNIT for its better performance in class, at the time that will enhance the teaching experience with high quality materials, not only proved by the author, but done with new and in a fun way for the students.
UNIT 4 IB Marketing: 4.2 Marketing PlanningQuick View

UNIT 4 IB Marketing: 4.2 Marketing Planning

Planning the marketing operations is one of the most important responsibilities in business, has been and will be this way, so in this section the student will be able to understand and learn the concepts and the rationalities behind market segmentation, its methodologies and the execution of today’s marketing planning tasks.
UNIT 2 IB Human Resource Management: 2.4 MotivationQuick View

UNIT 2 IB Human Resource Management: 2.4 Motivation

There are in human activity a great deal of psychological factors that influence human resources, when working as a group, and these factor are well depicted by modern theorists, but more importantly are the inner factors as well as external ones, when they are grouped and well used by modern business administrators. the student will benefit form a deep understanding of these elements, when rounded up as a part of the moderns business world.
UNIT 2 IB Human Resource Management: 2.3 Leadership and ManagementQuick View

UNIT 2 IB Human Resource Management: 2.3 Leadership and Management

The student will get a grip on the different theories available to understand how leaders work, their motivation, their tool and their values, to overcome the difficulties of actual management needs, either when it comes to actual born leaders as well as the tools that have been developed to fulfill the leader role.
UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.3 Organizational ObjectivesQuick View

UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.3 Organizational Objectives

Students will be able to cover from strategy to ethics in the business world, so they will understand fundamentals in how the objectives of an organization are planned, as well as how important are the analysis tools in these processes. They will learn as well, how to have a “forest-type” view of a business perspective, and how to organize it in order to comply with those expectations, and don’t get caught in tactical decisions, different from those that will lead the organization to comply with the strategy.
UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.2 Type of Business OrganizationsQuick View

UNIT 1 IB Business Management & Environment: 1.2 Type of Business Organizations

These slides contain the fundamental knowledge to understand and determine the main organization types, and how their missions vary in depth and in scope. Students will be clear on differences over private and public institutions, as ell as the variations of possible combinations on ownership, that most of the globe recognize as legal options to produce and sell goods and services, including the NGO format.
UNIT 4 IB Marketing SL: 4.4 The 4 PsQuick View

UNIT 4 IB Marketing SL: 4.4 The 4 Ps

This section deepens the student knowledge on the Marketing Mix, its components and its relevance on a well planned and executed marketing plan. Since in our business world things, habits and almost everything keeps changing, we an ever growing need to understand an implement marketing according to the times we live on.
UNIT 4 IB Marketing: 4.1 The Role of MarketingQuick View

UNIT 4 IB Marketing: 4.1 The Role of Marketing

The student will initiate a trip to understand the complications of the human mind, and how modern business science, deals with structuring and manage data pertaining consumer habits, and how actual businesses plan and execute day to day operations accordingly, in order to achieve the business goals.
IB Marketing SLQuick View

IB Marketing SL

4 Resources
The teacher will have a thorough material on marketing, that will let him or her achieve a significant improvement of the student’s knowledge on this area, and additionally is a material cumulated during my last 8 years teaching the subject, fundamental on achieving classes with high grades as per our IB international standards.
UNIT 5 IB Operations Management SLQuick View

UNIT 5 IB Operations Management SL

3 Resources
This will conclude the entire IB Business Management unit, with a clear ans summarized view of the importance and value of the operations within today’s global business world.
UNIT 3 IB Finances SLQuick View

UNIT 3 IB Finances SL

8 Resources
This bundle will help the teacher not only to structure a comprehensive material based on the curricula, but a sound material used and updated during 8 years as IB Business teacher.
Unit 2 IB Human Resource Management SLQuick View

Unit 2 IB Human Resource Management SL

4 Resources
The educator will have a t it disposal a complete UNIT on the Human Resource topic, that will let him or her, teach their students in a practical and fun way, that will enhance the learning experience. This material has been used for years and has proved its value to the author.