Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Highly differentiated, flexible lesson.Quick View

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Highly differentiated, flexible lesson.

<p>See how the format works FOR FREE!.<a href=""><strong>Get Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong></a> GRATIS.</p> <p><strong>Part 1: Cloze sheets</strong> (25 gaps) on each leader’s life and career. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word is used once only. Differentiated four ways, 4 - least help to 1 - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>4: gap is __________________<br /> 3: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> 2: gap is d_________________<br /> 1: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly on TES, so please download the free version – <a href=""><strong>Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong> </a> – to really see how the differentiation works).</p> <p><strong>Part 2: 20 questions from the text</strong>. Questions begin with straightforward fact recall, becoming more challenging (broadly following Bloom’s Taxonomy), moving through analysis and ending on evaluative / interpretative questions. Version 1 of the questions provides a grid for students’ answers; Version 2 is for more-able students, answering in exercise books, with scope for more expansive answers.</p> <p><strong>Part 3: a blank Venn Diagram</strong> to directly compare the leaders’ lives. A4 and A3 versions.</p> <p>There’s also a much more detailed explanation with tips from how my students have responded to this activity.</p> <p>All word documents are fully editable: you may wish to tweak some of the instructions or questions to suit your class.</p>
Vietnam War Leaders: highly differentiated, flexible lesson.Quick View

Vietnam War Leaders: highly differentiated, flexible lesson.

<p>Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem. See how the format works FOR FREE!.<a href=""><strong>Get Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong></a> GRATIS.</p> <p><strong>Part 1: Cloze sheets</strong> (25 gaps) on each president’s life and career. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word is used once only. Differentiated four ways, 4 - least help to 1 - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>4: gap is __________________<br /> 3: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> 2: gap is d_________________<br /> 1: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly on TES, so please download the <strong>free</strong> version – <a href=""><strong>Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong> </a> – to really see how the differentiation works).</p> <p><strong>Part 2: 20 questions from the text</strong>. Questions begin with straightforward fact recall, becoming more challenging (broadly following Bloom’s Taxonomy), moving through analysis and ending on evaluative / interpretative questions. Version 1 of the questions provides a grid for students’ answers; Version 2 is for more-able students, answering in exercise books, with scope for more expansive answers.</p> <p><strong>Part 3: a blank Venn Diagram</strong> to directly compare the presidents’ lives. A4 and A3 versions.</p> <p>There’s also a much more detailed explanation with tips from how my students have responded to this activity.</p> <p>All word documents are fully editable: you may wish to tweak some of the instructions or questions to suit your class.</p>
1066: Hardrada & William: HIGHLY differentiated & flexible lesson.Quick View

1066: Hardrada & William: HIGHLY differentiated & flexible lesson.

<p>See how the format works FOR FREE!.<a href=""><strong>Get Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong></a> GRATIS.</p> <p><strong>Part 1: Cloze sheets</strong> (25 gaps) on each king’s life and career before 1067. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word is used once only. Differentiated four ways, 4 - least help to 1 - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>4: gap is __________________<br /> 3: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> 2: gap is d_________________<br /> 1: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly on TES, so please download the free version – <a href=""><strong>Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong> </a> – to really see how the differentiation works).</p> <p><strong>Part 2: 20 questions from the text</strong>. Questions begin with straightforward fact recall, becoming more challenging (broadly following Bloom’s Taxonomy), moving through analysis and ending on evaluative / interpretative questions. Version 1 of the questions provides a grid for students’ answers; Version 2 is for more-able students, answering in exercise books, with scope for more expansive answers.</p> <p><strong>Part 3: a blank Venn Diagram</strong> to directly compare the kings’ lives. A4 and A3 versions.</p> <p>There’s also a much more detailed explanation with tips from how my students have responded to this activity.</p> <p>All word documents are fully editable: you may wish to tweak some of the instructions or questions to suit your class.</p>
Jefferson Davis - Abraham Lincoln: highly differentiated and flexible lesson.Quick View

Jefferson Davis - Abraham Lincoln: highly differentiated and flexible lesson.

<p>See how the format works FOR FREE!.<a href=""><strong>Get Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong></a> GRATIS.</p> <p><strong>Part 1: Cloze sheets</strong> (25 gaps) on each president’s life and career. Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word is used once only. Differentiated four ways, 4 - least help to 1 - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>4: gap is __________________<br /> 3: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> 2: gap is d_________________<br /> 1: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly on TES, so please download the free version – <a href=""><strong>Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale</strong> </a> – to really see how the differentiation works).</p> <p><strong>Part 2: 20 questions from the text</strong>. Questions begin with straightforward fact recall, becoming more challenging (broadly following Bloom’s Taxonomy), moving through analysis and ending on evaluative / interpretative questions. Version 1 of the questions provides a grid for students’ answers; Version 2 is for more-able students, answering in exercise books, with scope for more expansive answers.</p> <p><strong>Part 3: a blank Venn Diagram</strong> to directly compare the presidents’ lives. A4 and A3 versions.</p> <p>There’s also a much more detailed explanation with tips from how my students have responded to this activity.</p> <p>All word documents are fully editable: you may wish to tweak some of the instructions or questions to suit your class.</p>
Watergate. Highly differentiated GCSE lesson.Quick View

Watergate. Highly differentiated GCSE lesson.

<p>This will allow you to deliver the Watergate GCSE topic <strong>from scratch</strong>, although it could easily be used as a plenary / revision / homework activity. Most of my students have additional SEND, so I tend to do this over <strong>two lessons</strong>. Also works well as an <strong>emergency cover-lesson</strong>.</p> <p>Try the format <strong>FOR FREE</strong>: download <a href=""><strong>Railways and the Industrial Revolution</strong></a> for nowt.</p> <p><strong>Part 1:</strong> Cloze sheet (25 gaps) on the Watergate affair: what it was, what it led to; the political context, the military context; consequences for U.S. politics and Vietnam War.</p> <p>Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word is used once only. Differentiated four ways, 4 - least help to 1 - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>4: gap is __________________<br /> 3: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> 2: gap is d_________________<br /> 1: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly on TES, so please see also previews of the bottom corners of the sheets, showing how the differentiation works). I let students in the same class choose their own level of differentiation - although I have very small classes (in a PRU), so it isn’t a big ask.</p> <p><strong>Part 2:</strong> 16 questions from the text. Questions begin with straightforward fact recall, becoming more challenging (broadly following Bloom’s Taxonomy), moving through analysis and ending on evaluative / interpretative questions.</p> <p>V1 of the questions provides a <strong>grid</strong> for students’ answers; V2 is for more able students, answering in exercise books, with scope for <strong>more expansive answers</strong>.</p> <p>Answer sheets for both parts (although final “free response” questions will generate a great variety of answers from students).</p> <p>All word documents are fully editable: you may wish to tweak some of the instructions or questions to suit your class.</p>
Vietnam Booby Traps. Video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Vietnam Booby Traps. Video worksheets, differentiated.

<p>See also <a href="">Vietnam War Tactics here</a>. Please ensure you can access the video before getting this resource. TES says that the video is unavilable - the video is available on YouTube.</p> <p>I use this film because glorifies horror and violence <strong>much less</strong> than similar videos, whilst still covering the content adequately. It also mentions the legacy of unexploded mines and untriggered traps in the area today.</p> <p>The film stresses the low-tech and improvised nature of the booby-traps. It covers weapons improvised from jungle materials: the mace, punji-traps, pit-fall traps, flagpoles, doors, pit-vipers, bamboo whips, biological contaminants; weapons improvised from enemy ordnance, inc. grenade-in-a-can, toe-poppers<br /> Find the film by searching YouTube’s <strong>Infographics</strong> channel for <strong>“Most Insane Booby Traps Used During the Vietnam War"</strong>.</p> <p><strong>17 questions</strong> for the <strong>19 min</strong> film. <strong>Differentiated</strong>! All versions look similar, but “B” version has subtle clues. <strong>Excellent subtitles</strong>: scripted, not auto-generated miasma. Questions right up to the end, no slack time. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Link to film on all sheets.</p>
Scientific Eye: Food Chains. Video worksheets, differentiated x3.Quick View

Scientific Eye: Food Chains. Video worksheets, differentiated x3.

<p>Completely revised in Dec. 2024: improved questions, layout, and answer sheet. Further differentiation. Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource.</p> <p>The film covers: basic terrestrial food chains, population increase and decrease, interdependency; production, consumption. Pyramids of number. Competition. Changes between trophic levels. Food webs. Windermere’s arctic char: ecological surveying, their place in the food chain. Zooplankton sampling. Algae and sewage run-off. Abiotic factors measured. Pesticides and bioaccumulation. Find the film by searching YouTube’s Tangwaap channel for Scientific Eye: Food Chains. Many other channels also host the video.</p> <p><strong>13 questions</strong> for the <strong>19-min</strong> film. Now differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has subtle clues, and “C” version asks pupils to circle the right answers from a choice of three, allowing pupils with <strong>literacy difficulties</strong> to access the work. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two separate links to the film on all sheets.</p>
Pankhurst on Trial: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Pankhurst on Trial: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can <strong>access</strong> the video <strong>before</strong> you get this resource. From the <strong>excellent</strong> BBC Teach &gt; Primary Resources &gt; History KS2 &gt; Tales from the Old Bailey series. See their History <strong>KS2: The Suffragettes</strong> website for <strong>extensive</strong> teacher notes and suggestions. Find the film by searching YouTube’s BBC Teach channel for “The Suffragettes (dramatisation) | History - Tales from the Old Bailey " or on the BBC Teach <strong>Tales from the Old Bailey</strong> pages.</p> <p>In 1912, Emmeline Pankhurst is on trial for inciting others to commit criminal acts. As the trial unfolds, witness testimony reveals the struggle for the right to vote. The question at the heart of the trial is whether Pankhurst’s words incited violent acts. The case is played out in the courtroom with dramatic flashbacks to illustrate the crime. The court reporter sets the scene and offers insight and context.</p> <p><strong>18 questions</strong> for the <strong>15-min</strong> film. Now differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version asks pupils to circle the right answers from a choice of three, allowing pupils with <strong>literacy difficulties</strong> to <strong>access</strong> the work. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two separate links to the film on all sheets.</p>
Tet Offensive: cloze sheets, differentiated x4Quick View

Tet Offensive: cloze sheets, differentiated x4

<p>Fully revised 23/11/24. I tend to use this more as a starter, rather than a plenary / revision, as it is a wide-angle view of a complicated chain of events, although one could easily use it as a plenary / revision activity.</p> <p>Cloze sheet (25 gaps) on the Tet Offensive: setting, October 1967 distraction attacks in the countryside, “sleepers”, short-term success, US embassy occupied, US and ARVN counter-attack, Communist failure. Scale of losses for Communists vs. US &amp; ARVN. A propaganda victory for the Communists, Eddie Adams’ photo (mentioned but not described in detail).</p> <p>Missing words boxed at the bottom of the sheet; each word used once only. Differentiated four ways, A - least help to D - most help thus: (e.g. missing word is durable)</p> <p>A: gap is __________________<br /> B: gap is d_________________<br /> C: gap is __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br /> D: gap is d __ __ __ __ __ __</p> <p>(this doesn’t display correctly here, so please see also previews of the bottom corners of the sheets, showing how the differentiation works).<br /> Answer sheet, easy to mark. PDF and DOC of everything.</p>
Emmeline Pankhurst: video worksheets, differentiated x3.Quick View

Emmeline Pankhurst: video worksheets, differentiated x3.

<p>From the excellent <strong>BBC Teach History</strong>: Emmeline Pankhurst and The Suffragettes series. See their website for teacher notes. Find the film on YouTube’s BBC Teach channel for “<strong>Emmeline Pankhurst and The Suffragettes | BBC Teach Compilation</strong>". Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource.</p> <p>Questions cover: Her childhood and influences, bereavement, the political context, her campaign, the political and legal response, gradual extension of the franchise. <strong>Lily Maxwell, the first woman known to have voted at a parliamentary contest</strong>.</p> <p><strong>17 questions</strong> for the <strong>16-min film</strong>. Now Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers</strong>, not write in correct ones, allowing pupils with <strong>literacy difficulties</strong> to access the work. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Links to film on all sheets.</p>
Pasteur, Koch, and Germ Theory. Video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

Pasteur, Koch, and Germ Theory. Video worksheets, differentiated.

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. A truly fascinating, entertaining, and informative account of the emergence of Germ Theory. The drama, hostility, rivalry, and politics of the scientific process.</p> <p>Contagion vs Miasma, Galen, Henle, Schleiden, Schwann. Pasteur and Kock: their rivalry and enmity; fermentation. Zymes; Pasteur and Bechamp: their rivalry and enmity. Lister and surgery, phenol and antiseptic surgery. Koch’s work with anthrax, and his Postulates. Vaccines and germ attenuation. Agar gel and the Petri dish. Terrain Theory and anti-vaccination. Viruses discovered. New technology brings new evidence. AIDS and HIV with respect to Koch’s Postulates.</p> <p>Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>Patrick Kelly</strong> channel for “<strong>Louis Pasteur vs Robert Koch: The History of Germ Theory</strong>"</p> <p><strong>17 questions</strong> for the <strong>39 min 56s</strong> film. <strong>Differentiated!</strong> All versions look similar, but “B” version has **subtle clues. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated miasma</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Link to film on all sheets.</p>
The Discovery of Penicillin: video worksheets, differentiated.Quick View

The Discovery of Penicillin: video worksheets, differentiated.

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. A truly fascinating, entertaining, and informative account of the emergence of Penicillin. The drama, disaster, triumph, policy, politics, and <strong>CASH</strong> behind the scientific process.</p> <p>Almroth Wright, WW 1 and the unsuitability of antiseptics, Alexander Fleming and St. Mary’s, lysozyme, his famous 1928 experiment. A brief history of penicillium before Fleming. Penicillin pharmacology and chemistry, mode of destroying gram-positive cell membranes. the Oxford interdisciplinary crew, Florey and Chain, Norman Heatley, Edward Penley Abraham. Funds from The Rockefeller Foundation. The mouse experiment. Gardner and Orr-Ewing. The sad case of Constable Albert Alexander. WW2 and USDA help. Deep tank fermentation. Crowfoot-Hodgkin and x-ray crystallography. Penicillin production, the economics of penicillin, OSRD funding. Penicillin praised in the print media. Overproduction and falling price. Problems with penicillin: allergies and resistance.</p> <p>Find the film by searching YouTube’s <strong>Patrick Kelly</strong> channel for “<strong>Penicillin: From Fleming to the Pharmacy</strong>"</p> <p><strong>17 questions</strong> for the <strong>29 min</strong> film. <strong>Differentiated!</strong> All versions look similar, but “B” version has **subtle clues. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated miasma</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark</strong>. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Link to film on all sheets</p>
Animal Experimentation: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Animal Experimentation: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Matters of Life and Death</strong> series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for very extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted suicide, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>Twenty-two-year-old James was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was five weeks old and is dependent on medication to stay alive - medication that has been tested on animals. Christina, a passionate animal rights campaigner, believes that experimenting on animals is ethically wrong and should be banned entirely. This short film explores the moral and practical issues relating to animal testing and encourages students to reflect upon the way in which animals are used in the modern world. It presents both religious and secular viewpoints, surrounding how we should view our relationship with animals, thus providing students with a spectrum of beliefs relating to the issues with which they can develop their own opinions and evaluate others in comparison.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>Is it ever right to experiment on animals? | Religious Studies - Matters of Life and Death</strong>"</p> <p><strong>15 questions</strong> for the <strong>9-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated chaos</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Saviour Siblings: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Saviour Siblings: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC ** Matters of Life and Death** series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for very extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted suicide, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>Although the practice is rare, it calls into question the ethical basis of creating life in order to save another.This short film outlines two contrasting viewpoints, prior to exploring a range of religious beliefs, thus allowing students to develop an understanding of both religious and secular views and to explore their own beliefs in relation to the issue.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>Is it okay to have a child to save another? | Religious Studies - Matters of Life and Death.</strong></p> <p><strong>16 questions</strong> for the <strong>10-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Abortion: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Abortion: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>From the BBC ** Matters of Life and Death** series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for <strong>very</strong> extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted suicide, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>Anna, having had an abortion at the age of 17, believes everyone should have the right to choose if they want to be a parent. Marie, a mother of a young daughter with Down’s Syndrome, believes that every child has the right to live. This short film explores the moral and practical issues of abortion, from both religious and non-religious perspectives. It provides students with the opportunity to evaluate a range of beliefs, prior to consolidating their own viewpoint.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>GCSE Religious Studies: What are the rights and wrongs of abortion?</strong>"</p> <p><strong>14 questions</strong> for the <strong>9-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated chaos</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Ethics: 6 x video worksheets, differentieated three waysQuick View

Ethics: 6 x video worksheets, differentieated three ways

6 Resources
<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Matters of Life and Death</strong> series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for very extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted dying, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>Each film is approx. 10 minutes, with approx 15 questions per film. Differentiated THREE ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has subtle clues, and “C” version requires pupils to cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, not auto-generated chaos (except “Saviour Siblings”). Questions right up to the end, no slack time. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Capital Punishment: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Capital Punishment: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Matters of Life and Death</strong> series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for very extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted suicide, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>Tom’s cousin Lynn was kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered at the age of 17. Her murderer was sentenced to death and executed by the State of Florida. Tom believes that the death penalty has brought justice for Lynn, and closure for himself and his family. Joe was charged with aggravated murder and sentenced to death in the State of Ohio. After spending 22 years on death row, his case was dismissed and he was exonerated. He now vigorously campaigns against the death penalty. This short film explores the moral and practical issues of capital punishment, from both religious and non-religious perspectives. It provides students with the opportunity to evaluate a range of beliefs, prior to consolidating their own viewpoint.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>What are the rights and wrongs of the death penalty? | Religious Studies - Matters of Life and Death</strong>"</p> <p><strong>15 questions</strong> for the <strong>10-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated chaos</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time.</strong> Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Assisted Dying: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Assisted Dying: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Matters of Life and Death</strong> series. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted dying, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>After a very serious accident 23 years ago, Paul was left almost completely paralysed. Receiving round-the-clock care, he believes that everyone should have the right to assisted suicide. Charlotte works as a hospice doctor and looks after patients suffering from a terminal illness. She thinks we should care for people until the end of their lives, and that others should never be put in a position of helping end someone else’s life. This short film outlines two contrasting viewpoints, prior to exploring a range of religious beliefs, thus allowing students to develop an understanding of both religious and secular views and to explore their own beliefs in relation to the issue.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>Should assisted suicide be legalised? | Religious Studies - Matters of Life and Death</strong>". The page includes extensive details, notes, and advice.</p> <p><strong>16 questions</strong> for the <strong>10-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated chaos</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Link to the film on all sheets.</p>
Just War: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Just War: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Matters of Life and Death</strong> series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; Religious Studies GCSE &gt; Matters of Life and Death page for very extensive details, notes, and advice. The series comprises: abortion, animal experimentation, assisted suicide, capital punishment, just war, sibling saviours.</p> <p>This short film is based around the example of the 9/11 terror attacks, asking how the USA should have responded to the tragedy. It explores the moral and practical issues of war, from both religious and non-religious perspectives. It provides students with the opportunity to evaluate a range of beliefs, prior to consolidating their own viewpoint.</p> <p>PLEASE be sure to watch the film before using it in lessons. Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>When is it right to go to war? | Religious Studies - Matters of Life and Death</strong>"</p> <p><strong>17 questions</strong> for the <strong>10-min</strong> film. This resource is much cheaper in the bundle. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated chaos</strong>. Questions right up to the end, <strong>no slack time.</strong> Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Geology video worksheets, differentiated three waysQuick View

Geology video worksheets, differentiated three ways

3 Resources
<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC Rock Types at Great Heights series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; GCSE Geography &gt; Rock Types at Great Heights page for extensive details.</p> <p>Each film is approx. 15 mins., each sheet has approx. 14 questions. Differentiated THREE ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has subtle clues, and “C” version requires pupils to cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, not auto-generated brainrot. Answer sheet. Very easy to mark. .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>
Cwm Idwal Tectonics: video worksheets, differentiated x3Quick View

Cwm Idwal Tectonics: video worksheets, differentiated x3

<p>Please ensure you can access the video before you get this resource. From the BBC <strong>Rock Types at Great Heights</strong> series. See the BBC Teach &gt; Secondary Resources &gt; GCSE Geography &gt; Rock Types at Great Heights page for extensive details. Roaches sedimentary processes and Castle Inn Quarry limestone also available.</p> <p>The team investigates Ordivician volcanics for clues as to their tectonic history. They spot the evidence which identifies the cause of subsequent erosion, including truncated spurs, roches mutonées, and moraines. Some tips on fieldwork and trad climbing.</p> <p>Find the film by searching the BBC Teach website or YouTube’s <strong>BBC Teach</strong> channel for “<strong>The Cwm Idwal slabs and tectonic activity | Geography - Rock Types at Great Heights</strong>"</p> <p><strong>14 questions</strong> for the <strong>15min</strong> film. Differentiated <strong>THREE</strong> ways! All versions look similar, but “B” version has <strong>subtle clues</strong>, and “C” version requires pupils to <strong>cross out wrong answers, not write in correct ones</strong>, allowing pupils with literacy difficulties to access the work. Excellent subtitles: scripted, <strong>not auto-generated brainrot</strong>. Answer sheet. <strong>Very easy to mark.</strong> .doc &amp; .pdf for all files. Two different links to film on all sheets.</p>