<p>These are the report card comments that I use when teaching Music to Grade 1 through 4 in Ontario, Canada. They are based on the Ontario Curriculum and cover the music strand of The Arts Curriculum document.<br />
They are 7 pages of comments, broken into high, medium and low skill level.<br />
This package includes a PDF (font protected) and a word doc (for you to edit - font and formatting may shift slightly).</p>
<p>These are the report card comments that I used in Senior Kindergarten in Ontario, Canada. They are based on the Ontario Curriculum and cover all topics (including Bible as I teach in a Christian school). They would be useful for anyone teaching children aged 4-6 in Jr. and Sr. Kindergarten.<br />
They are 22 pages of comments, broken into high, medium and low skill level.<br />
This package includes a PDF (font protected) and a word doc (for you to edit, font and formatting may shift slightly), it comes zipped so you will need to unzip it to access the files.</p>
<p>These are the report card comments that I use in Grade 1 in Ontario, Canada. They are based on the Ontario Curriculum and cover all topics I taught and commented on (including Bible as I teach in a Christian school).<br />
They are 14 pages of comments, broken into high, medium and low skill level.<br />
This package includes a PDF (font protected) and a word doc (for you to edit, font and formatting may shift slightly).</p>
<p>(It has been pointed out that there is only 1 strand of science comments, this is because at my school, we teach the Structures and Mechanisms strand independently and the Needs of Living Things, and Daily and Seasonal Changes integrated in our daily calendar routine so we don’t comment on them in the report card).</p>
<p>These activities are meant to be used in activity centers throughout the first or last week. I typically use them them to help assess my SK students in the first week and identify any specific areas of strength or weakness that need to be addressed expediently. They are also helpful for the last week of school to see progress and provide a benchmark for the next teacher.<br />
They are mostly print and go with only a few other resources that are commonly found in kindergarten classrooms (markers, stamps and stamp pad, stickers, etc).<br />
This package contains print-ready PDF’s (font protected) and the Microsoft Word files which can be adjusted to meet your needs (the font will need to be adjusted for what you have on your computer). If you are interested in assessment checklists to accompany these first week activities, please check my store for ‘Creative Checklists’ which pairs nicely.<br />
Activities included:<br />
1)Colouring Page – Use crayons/pencil crayons to colour the picture, add a picture of their favourite part of the first day of school. Extension: on the back, students can draw a picture of their family.<br />
2)Help the Frog – Colour all the number 1 dark green and other numbers light green. Extension: provide large grid paper so that students can create their own number mazes.<br />
3)Matching Pictures – Use a pencil/ crayon to draw a line connecting pictures that match. Below, trace the string of the kites. Extension: Add details to the sky around the kites such as birds, planes, etc.<br />
4)Rainbow Writing – provide markers as an alternative to crayons or pencil crayons. Students trace the lines, each one with a different colour. Extension: On the back, students can write and decorate their name.<br />
5)Self Portrait – students draw a picture of themselves on the first day of school. They should write their name on the line and colour in the eyes and write their age. Extension: Encourage students to match details in their picture such as their clothes, shoes, hair colour and style, etc.<br />
6)Stamp Your Name – Using alphabet stamps, stamp their name and shade in 1 box for each letter. Below they can practise writing their name on the line. Extension: On the back they can practise stamping their name again, or other words they know or see. Further, they can simply explore the stamps.<br />
7)Treasure Hunt – Print off shape cards and hide them around the room for students to find and match. Have students in the group hide them for each other to match and find. Extension: Have extra sets of shape cards printed for students to colour and take home.<br />
8)Write Your Numbers – Students practise tracing and writing their name for numerals 1-5. Below they can stick small stickers (stars are perfect, small smiles work too) on the larger grey numbers. Extension: Use play dough to create the numbers, stamp the numbers in play dough using stamps or just explore the play dough.</p>
<p>This package has everything needed to run a 6-8 week literature circle program - ideally for the novel Charlotte’s Web (although has the framework to be adapted to other novels also).</p>
<p>This file contains:</p>
<li>Picture and description for each Literature Circle Role</li>
<li>Chapter Notes (blank) for recording each week</li>
<li>Sample reading plan (PDF and editable)</li>
<li>Explanation for Teachers</li>
<li>Duotang Rubric for assessment</li>
<li>Homework Note</li>
<li>Self Reflection</li>
<li>Summative Project Ideas and Planning Sheet</li>
<li>Summative Project Rubric</li>
<p>Each of these files is provided in PDF (font and style protected), and pages, a few of them are also in .doc format for Word. If you want to edit it, you’ll need to have pages, but it is fully ready to use with only the PDF pages, just print and go.</p>
<p>This was developed for the Grade 3 level, but could also be used as high as Gr. 5.</p>
<p>This product has many activities that cover math, language, art and science expectations.<br />
I use it in my kindergarten classroom in the first week of school.</p>
<p>It contains:<br />
Math - Counting cards (match counters to a number), Patterning (cut and paste activity)<br />
Language - On the first day (draw and write activity), Upper and Lowercase matching<br />
Science - Day and Night Animals (sorting activity)<br />
Art - Trace Your Hand (paste a heart in the middle of it), Accordion Craft with 2 hands</p>
<p>This product has PDF versions of each activity (ready to print!).<br />
It also contains the Pages document that I created each activity with (so that you can edit it. Not font protected).</p>
<p>This unit is everything you need to run a complete, high quality research project on any subject in your class. It has all the student hand-outs needed, as well as lessons and an 11 page Teacher’s Manual to guide you through the 10 step process.</p>
<p>The C.H.I.R.R.P. Method is defined by:<br />
Content<br />
Hypothesize<br />
Inquire<br />
Research<br />
Report<br />
<p>Altogether there are 51 pages available in pdf format (font protected) and .doc (editable but font will appear different on your computer).</p>
<p>This tried tested and true method will help your students learn how to do high quality research and avoid plagiarism. It follows the MLA format as it teaches how to create a bibliography. This unit contains rubrics and reflection sheets.</p>
<p>Mad Minute Math is actually 3 minutes of math. This is a great routine to start right from the first day of school. It’s a short, no hassle assessment tool that helps to track progress, give students a confidence boost and frame conversations when an issue in math arises.</p>
<p>Each day students do one level, repeating that level until the skill is mastered. It starts with counting to 50, then moves on to backwards from 20, counting by 2’s, 5s, sorting shapes by corners, addition, measuring and other math skills. There are 59 levels in this package.<br />
To hand out - I have a big three ring binder with 15 copies of each level, a post-it marking the beginning of the next level, a class list tells me what level they are on, I flip around the binder, calling students up one by one. At the end, they bring it up to have it checked and they put it in a duotang independently. The whole process takes about 10 minutes.<br />
It is an excellent way to reinforce math concepts taught in class that may otherwise not be revisited regularly enough for some students!</p>
<p>Struggle to get your students to learn their spelling words? Tired of the frequent refrain of “I’m bored” whenever you assign spelling work? No more! With this package, the variety and hands-on approach with help any student master their weekly words.</p>
<p>This package includes 21 printable activities and 39 hands-on activities that can easily be done with common items that are likely already around your house or classroom.</p>
<p>In my grade 1 class, we run these activities for approximately 3 weeks. Some are repeated more often according to student preferences and needs. There are 4 centers per week because of the spelling test on Friday and the frequency of 4 days weeks.<br />
These centers take about 20 minutes each day to complete and are great to pair with silent and shared reading to fill an entire period (40 minutes).<br />
Further, these centers allow me to work with individuals while the group is doing something meaningful and useful.</p>
<p>This package includes all the printable centers in both .doc (editable) and pdf (font protected) format. It also contains a list of all 60 centers.</p>
<p>This is designed to be printed off (2 sided) and handed out to parents to help with ideas of what to do outside of school besides worksheets and more school work.<br />
Sometimes you have an eager parent who would like more “work” for their kids, or sometimes you have a struggling student who needs reinforcement at home but is too active to sit still for even more time at home. Either way, this booklet has 20 ideas with descriptions to help encourage reinforcement at home.<br />
Ideas include: baking, sorting laundry, grocery shopping, writing thank you cards, sewing and other crafts. Detailed descriptions explain in brief how to make these activities more academic.</p>