Complete grade 9 notes for The Merchant of Venice. Including: Context, Act Analysis, Scene Analysis, Structure points, Language and Style Points, Major Themes, Character Quotes which is all very useful for revision
A complete set of notes containing points for context, structure, language and form for the AQA GCSE English Literature grades 1-9 new from 2017.<br />
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This is for the power and conflict section and has been able to achieve grade 9 results
Complete grade 9 notes for GCSEEnglish Literature poetry anthology with themes structure context and language points for each of the poems, with supporting quotations.
Complete grade 9 notes for GCSE RE Philosophy for the topics: Beliefs about Deity (Christianity) End of Life (Hinduism) Religion and Science (Christianity) and Good and Evil (Christianity)
Complete grade 9 notes for GCSE Ethics for the topics: Religion and Human Relationships (Christianity) Medical Ethics (Christianity) Religion and Equality (Christianity)
<p>Full Research and plan for the 12.4 core practical with fully referenced research, equipment list, risk assessment, method, calculation assistance and bibliography for OCR A A Level Chemistry</p>
Timelines for the history subjects: America in the 1920s; The rise of Nazi Germany; The Vietnam War; Origins, Crises and the End of the Cold War.<br />
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These contain a list of all of the main topics which are necessary to be known for GCSE AQA History