Quick ViewhelenjdowdJekyll and Hyde timeline with key quotes for new spec GCSE (2)A timeline of key events, with quotes, for the new GCSE specification. Useful revision and teaching aid - and useful display.
Quick ViewhelenjdowdEDUQAS ENGLISH LANGUAGE - CLASSROOM DISPLAY (0)A classroom display to aid student understanding of the components of the new GCSE specification. With question stems and a breakdown of each component
Quick ViewhelenjdowdEduqas English literature room display (0)A display to breakdown each component of the new spec GCSE in English literature
Quick ViewhelenjdowdInternational Women's Day - discussion and writing a guide to gender eqaulity (0)A KS4 lesson, easily adapted to KS3, where students discuss the implications of gender inequality in the workplace, then write a one-page guide.