IGCSE Drama - Devised Piece
<p>This is the booklet prepared to guide students as they are working on their group devised piece ahead of the Written Examination.<br />
It was created during the pandemic, after the students did not complete the devised piece as per CIE’s requirements in their first year of the course. This same piece will later be developed for the Coursework.</p>
<p>This booklet will become even more useful once the new curriculum of IGCSE Drama (0411) for examination as from 2022 whereby students can do the same devised piece for the Written Examination and Coursework.</p>
<p>The resource is broken down into eleven lessons. It contains the learning objectives as well as instructions for the activities to produce a devised piece over the course of 9 lessons and to reflect on the process and outcome in the form of 5-mark questions from Section A of the IGCSE Drama Written Examination. Lesson 10 is for the performance and lesson 11 is a reflection lesson whereby the class reviews their work. Furthermore, there is detailed information about requirements for answer an upper band long answer question, based on the mark schemes and examiners’ reports.<br />
The resource also contains practice question with scaffolding based off the mark schemes from CIE. This ensures the focus is on devising in order to answer the Written Examination questions.</p>
<p>Page length: 56</p>