GCSE Psychology Social Influence MindmapQuick View

GCSE Psychology Social Influence Mindmap

Mindmap covers content for the entire topic of Social Influence (GCSE Psychology - designed for new Spec) Ideal for revision lessons - Key studies are emboldened with helpful pictures to aid with memory. Print it double-sided on A3 sheets. Designed for AQA.
GCSE Psychology Crowd and Collective Behavior LessonQuick View

GCSE Psychology Crowd and Collective Behavior Lesson

This lesson covers crowd and Collective Behavior - Social Loafing and Dispositional Factors. Includes 2 worksheets, slides 9 and 10. Slide 9 is best used for A3. It is a great worksheet for them to note down definitions and refer back to during revision. SLIDE 10 can be used for A4 and simply cut in Half. Answer key is also provided for Slide 10 worksheet. Lesson Objectives are: To be able to define key terms within the topic of crowd and collective behaviour (e.g. social loafing, deindividuation, etc) To be able to outline and describe social loafing and dispositional factors (personality, morality) To be able to discuss key studies in relation to social loafing, culture and personality factors. Comes with starter and Engaging plenary.
A Level Introduction to Sociological Methods: DataQuick View

A Level Introduction to Sociological Methods: Data

Sociological Methods can be somewhat drab, this lesson tries to make it as engaging as possible. Beginning with a starter that gets the class talking about the topic right away, without realizing. Lesson objectives : Identify and define primary and secondary data Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative data Assess the validity and reliability of data using examples Includes worksheet best used on A3 paper on slide 12. Plenary uses exit cards which are attached in separate file.
Sociology GCSE Year 11 Sampling Revision lessonQuick View

Sociology GCSE Year 11 Sampling Revision lesson

A complete review of sampling in research methods for Sociology GCSE, comes with a worksheet (slide 15) that is best printed on A3 paper. Lesson objectives include: To be able to recall key terms in regard to sampling (e.g. sample frame, probability sampling and non-probability sampling) To be able to apply knowledge to scenarios and discuss whether they are representative To be able to critically evaluate the sampling methods in terms of representativeness and accuracy