Leitmotif WorksheetQuick View

Leitmotif Worksheet

Brief description of Leitmotifs, then looks at 3 examples (Harry Potter, Goldfinger, Stars Wars) with a bank question 4 for student/teacher choice.
Musical FormsQuick View

Musical Forms

1 page PDF handout with visuals showing basic musical forms (binary, ternary, rondo, theme & variations)
Blues Characteristics WorksheetQuick View

Blues Characteristics Worksheet

A take home revision resource for students who have been learning about blues music. Asks for blues, dixieland, ragtime and then general blues characteristics.
Music Theory WorksheetQuick View

Music Theory Worksheet

6 Page music theory worksheet, designed as a take home revision / homework/ Covering articulation, dynamics, instruments of the orchestra, tempo, treble clef notation, notes on the piano.
KS3 Theory Revision HandoutQuick View

KS3 Theory Revision Handout

A 6 page handout designed as revision / homework. Covering Year 7/8 music theory. Treble and bass clef, simple time signatures, rhythms and rests, articulation, italian terms and signs, major scales, Triads, key signatures.
12 Bar Blues Keyboard Handout - C MajorQuick View

12 Bar Blues Keyboard Handout - C Major

This handout is to accompany the 12 Bar Blues in C Major on Keyboard unit. Is designed to be a ‘help’ document for students to have in front of them, as well as visual and verbal cues from their teacher.
Body Percussion Worksheet - From HomeQuick View

Body Percussion Worksheet - From Home

This worksheet is designed for students to be able to create a body percussion composition from home. It was created for students who are not able to print worksheets at home; they can just move the body percussion images into the boxes in Microsoft Word and perform at home.
Writing & Playing an Ostinato using Rhythmic NotationQuick View

Writing & Playing an Ostinato using Rhythmic Notation

This powerpoint is a lesson where the students end up writing an ostinato using standard rhythmic notation, and playing it on a any percussion instrument. The lesson is in the context of the Anglo Saxons, and starts off with activities covering beats, marching, tempo and ends with writing an ostinato rhythm using basic rhythms. Provides an example which the whole class can do together, and step by step instructions on the last slide. Also provides differentiation for lower ability students.
Music Theatre - Annie & Oliver!Quick View

Music Theatre - Annie & Oliver!

This powerpoint contains 3 lessons in sequence, detailing lessons aimed at Year 5/6 students. The lessons contain music theatre activities, with references to the industrial revolution (Oliver) and the Rights of a Child (Annie)
Brandenburg Concerto #5 Mov 3 Analysis AT HOMEQuick View

Brandenburg Concerto #5 Mov 3 Analysis AT HOME

This powerpoint contains sequential lessons about the set work, assuming students have some foundation knowledge of the set work (key, tonality, tempo, sections, form). It begins with a starter revising the above. It then has an in depth look across 4 lessons at the Harmony, Structure, Instrumentation and Texture of the set work, with pictures of examples from the score.It finishes with exam style analysis questions.
12 Bar Blues on Keyboard in C MajorQuick View

12 Bar Blues on Keyboard in C Major

This resource contains 3 sequential lessons, teaching students to play the 12 Bar Blues in C Major on the keyboard. It contains relevant cultural references to post-war music from the 1950s. This powerpoint should accompany the teacher leading the class in playing on the keyboard. A tablet with a keyboard app can also be used.
Home Learning: Instruments of the Orchestra KS1Quick View

Home Learning: Instruments of the Orchestra KS1

A worksheet for KS1 students engaging in home learning. The worksheet has 3 activities to learn the instruments of the orchestra, with videos, websites and questions. Based on assuming students don’t have access to pen / paper / printer / instruments, so no written questions provided. Can be adjusted for written questions. Students may need some assistance with reading the content.
Ostinato Composition TaskQuick View

Ostinato Composition Task

This lesson focuses on composition with an ostinato. It looks at the We Wil Rock You Ostinato, then the Puppet Pal video. The main part of the lesson is children creating their own ostinato based on the puppet pal video, but using fruit/animals.etc.
Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs ' Another One Bites the Dust'Quick View

Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs ' Another One Bites the Dust'

This worksheet has been used for students in upper key stage 2. It has been created under the assumption that students do not have a keyboard at home. Link students to an online piano website. It teaches students a short riff from a popular song - Another One Bites the Dust, with using treble clef notation, with links to the treble stave.
Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs - Bad GuyQuick View

Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs - Bad Guy

This worksheet has been used for students in upper key stage 2. It has been created under the assumption that students do not have a keyboard at home. It teaches students a short riff from a popular song - Bad Guy for them to play using an online keyboard (website provided). Also suitable for iPad piano apps, keyboard etc.
Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs - "Only Human"Quick View

Home Learning: Keyboard Riffs - "Only Human"

This worksheet has been used for students in upper key stage 2. It has been created under the assumption that students do not have a keyboard at home. Can be used with a keyboard, piano, xylophone, piano app on device, or online piano on a computer (link provided). It teaches students a short riff from a popular song - Only Human by the Jonas Brothers