Context for A-level Romantic Poets (Poetry)Quick View

Context for A-level Romantic Poets (Poetry)

<p>Attached is 7 of the Romantic poets that are on the syllabus for A-Level English Literature:</p> <ul> <li>William Blake</li> <li>William Wordsworth</li> <li>Lord Byron</li> <li>Percy Shelly</li> <li>Emily Bronte</li> <li>John Keats</li> <li>Samual Colterige</li> </ul> <p>I made these sheets to make context for the poets a-lot easier to understand and also to have all of the information in one place, to revise off.<br /> The resource has also been checked over by an A-level English teacher to check the information on them is correct.<br /> Hope they come in as useful as they have for me and all my class.</p>