I cut up and laminated each sentence strip, so the children could use whiteboard pens to write the missing CVC word in the sentence.
Sentences include HFWs.
My class are always getting b and d muddled up. These sheets focus on identify whether the pictures beginning with the letter b or d and writing the correct letter.
2 sheets-
1. writing the intial sound to match the pic
2. write the initlal sound to complete the word
Selection of words and pictures containing the digraph 'oi'. I've used them for reading & matching activities, write own label to match pic, draw pic to match word, hunt word/pic in the classroom etc. Also joined them together as a hanging display.
Pictures and speech bubbles for the story Mog and the VET. Children can write what the characters are saying, linking their ideas to the story. HA can also write thought bubbles, what people say and what they think can be very different!
Year 2 lesson plans and resources linked to the text Mog and the VET. 2 weeks worth of planning, involving hot seating, speech and thought bubbles, verbs, suffixes and planning and writing your own story.
Selection of words and pictures containing the digraph 'ie'. I've used them for reading & matching activities, write own label to match pic, draw pic to match word, hunt word/pic in the classroom etc. Also joined them together as a hanging display.
Selection of words and pictures containing the digraph 'or'. I've used them for reading & matching activities, write own label to match pic, draw pic to match word, hunt word/pic in the classroom etc. Also joined them together as a hanging display.
Based on the book Handa's Surprise, children can build their own sentences using the words provided, finish the sentences and write their own description of what objects they'd put in Handa's basket. Create for both shared and independent reading and writing.
Write a word or caption to go with the Farmer Duck picture.
Words are supplied for a simple read & match activity, or children can be pushed to think of and write their own words.
2 sheets requiring the children to solve the addition and subtraction sums and match the aliens to their spaceship. 1. Addition and subtraction 2. Addition only Can be easily adapted
Selection of words and pictures containing the digraph 'er'. I've used them for reading & matching activities, write own label to match pic, draw pic to match word, hunt word/pic in the classroom etc. Also joined them together as a hanging display.
Sentences taken from the story Mr Gumpy's Outing, with missing words. Find the correct words to complete the sentence: children chose an animal from the story and recalled the 'action'. Differentiated words- images with words to assist LA children