Physical/ Stylised Theatre - Bingo GridQuick View

Physical/ Stylised Theatre - Bingo Grid

<p>A document listing a range of Physical/ Stylised Theatre elements and techniques which will help with devising and constructing original theatre.</p> <p>This will also be helpful for applying techniques to scripted pieces too.</p> <p>Excellent for KS3, KS4 or KS5.</p>
Original Comedy Sketch - The Easter Story in 60 seconds and Advert about Lent!Quick View

Original Comedy Sketch - The Easter Story in 60 seconds and Advert about Lent!

<p>Original Comedy Sketch about the Easter Story. Fun and engaging way to tell the story! suitable for primary and secondary school students and church/ chapel services.</p> <p>1 section about misconceptions about Easter.<br /> 1 section about the Easter Story (in 60 seconds!)<br /> 1 section is a cheesy advert about how to observe lent!</p> <p>Easily adapted if required.</p>
Original Comedy Sketch - The Good SamaritanQuick View

Original Comedy Sketch - The Good Samaritan

<p>Comedy Sketch for assembly about the Good Samaritan. In News Report style with tips on how to be an upstanding citizen! Suitable for Primary School/ Secondary School/ Church and Chapel services and can be easily adapted.</p>
Media Studies - Self-Evaluation Checklist for Exam ResponsesQuick View

Media Studies - Self-Evaluation Checklist for Exam Responses

<p>A document aimed at self-reflection and assessment for students to follow. This checklist will ensure that students are ticking key boxes enabling their work to be well-structured, coherent and fulfilling key areas according to mark schemes in order for their work to be successful.</p> <p>Made for Component 1 and Component 2 of the EDUQAS Media Studies Specification in mind but this resource would be helpful for all Media Studies specs.</p>
Introduction to Sound Design KS4/KS5Quick View

Introduction to Sound Design KS4/KS5

<p>A series of slides on Sound Design with core terminology, guidance and teacher led exercises to assist with understanding of Sound Design in theatrical productions.</p>