DensityQuick View


By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to: Define the word density and predict if materials will float/sink Explain why some materials are denser than others in terms of particles Explain the difference between the oil and ice cubes in water This lesson targets the misconception that air makes objects float, assess the pupils understanding throughout the lesson and provides the pupils with a challenging activity towards the end.
Cells, Tissues, Organs and SystemsQuick View

Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems

In this lesson pupils will be able to; Describe how the body is organised into cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms. Describe the various functions of the organ systems Explain why multicellular organisms need organ systems to keep them alive. This lesson included a video - with questions, a pop quiz, starter, plenary and exam style questions as well as activities.
States of MatterQuick View

States of Matter

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to: Describe the differences between the motion and arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases Describe the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases Understand the relationship between the kinetic energy of particles of solids, liquids and gases Lesson includes a video with hook questions to introduce the abstract topic, a definition with words to un-jumble, an AfL quiz and an exention piece of work at the end to challenge the pupils.
Energy BundleQuick View

Energy Bundle

8 Resources
These lessons cover the introduction of energy. How energy is transferred and what the future holds for energy resources. These lessons were targeted at KS3. By buying this bundle - you save 38%.
Cells Bundle LessonQuick View

Cells Bundle Lesson

6 Resources
This bundle includes 6 lessons covering the introduction of cells all the way to how they are organised in order to create an organism. The lessons were designed and targeted towards KS3. By buying these lessons as a bundle you would be saving 17%
What is matter?Quick View

What is matter?

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to : Describe a particle in terms of what one is and how small it is. Describe particles as being individual atoms of molecules. Understand that density is mass per unit volume.
Modelling ParticlesQuick View

Modelling Particles

By the end of this lessons, pupils will be able to: Use simple models to explain ideas and observations. Explain observations using more complex scientific ideas and incorporate ideas from more than one source into more complex models. Use competing ideas to develop complex models e.g. why ice floats This lesson addresses misconceptions pupils may have gained along their learning journey. Has AfL of the topic so far and a staggered activity at the end for pupils ability.
Cooling CurveQuick View

Cooling Curve

By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: Understand that substances can change state when heated or cooled. Describe how changes to the arrangement and motion of their particles can cause substances to change state Explain changes in state in terms of energy and particles Recognize melting and boiling point on a cooling curve Explain the shape of a cooling curve at a substances melting and boiling point This lesson stretches pupils understanding of the states of matter and the links between them. It is also a great opportunity for pupils to practice their graph reading skills.
Cost of Electricity and Energy UseQuick View

Cost of Electricity and Energy Use

By the end of the lesson, you will be able to: can compare the energy usage and cost of running different home devices I can suggest ways to reduce costs, by examining data on a home energy bill I know we pay for our domestic electricity usage based on the amount of energy transferred and can calculate it using the formula: cost = power (kW) x time (hours) x price (per kWh)
Renewable and Non-renewableQuick View

Renewable and Non-renewable

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to; Recall the names of the non-renewable and renewable sources of energy. Describe the energy transfers from energy resources to electricity in the home Evaluate the social, economic and environmental consequence of using a resource to generate electricity
Reducing Thermal Energy LossQuick View

Reducing Thermal Energy Loss

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Identify a thermal insulator as a material that allows heat to travel slowly through it Explain patterns in data and draw conclusions about methods of reducing energy loss. Evaluate different materials and their properties. Make links to reducing energy loss.
MusclesQuick View


In this lessons, pupils will be able to; Describe what a muscle is Describe the interaction between muscle and skeleton Explain why a person with weakened tendons would struggle to walk. This lesson comes with starter, plenary, AfL. Using the pupils prior knowledge of skeletons and cells organisation to help them.
Future EnergyQuick View

Future Energy

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to; I can suggest actions a government or communities could take in response to rising energy demand I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of different energy resources I know electricity is generated by a combination of resources which each have advantages and disadvantages
RadiationQuick View


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to; Know radiation is the transfer of thermal energy as a wave Identify examples of where evidence of radiation can be seen Compare and contrast the 3 ways that thermal energy can be moved from one place to another by heating
ConvectionQuick View


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to; Know convection is the transfer of thermal energy involved when particles in a heated fluid rise Sketch diagrams to show convection currents in unfamiliar situations Describe and explain convection in term of thermal energy transfer
Energy StoresQuick View

Energy Stores

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to ; Recall the different stores of energy Identify the different stores of energy in different situations. Explain what is meant by the conservation of energy. Activities, AfL, starter, plenary and exam style questions are all included.
ConductionQuick View


View thumbnail for the learning objectives. Includes a range of activities to introduce the concept of conduction and its use in the world.
Energy PathwaysQuick View

Energy Pathways

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to; Identify the energy pathway involved when energy is shifted from store to store in a range of real-life examples Describe how energy is dissipated in a range of situations Explain why processes such as swinging pendulums or bouncing balls cannot go on forever, in terms of energy. Activities included.
Human SkeletonQuick View

Human Skeleton

By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to; Describe the structure of the human skeleton. Describe the function of the human skeleton Explain the effects of conditions that weaken the skeleton and its abilities to protect. This lesson includes a range of activities, starters, exam questions and AfL
Observing Cells PracticalQuick View

Observing Cells Practical

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to; Use a light microscope to view specimen Draw and label the type of cells they have observed Explain how a more detailed image of the cell can be obtained. Video demonstration on how to use the equipment and carry out the practical is included.
Plant CellsQuick View

Plant Cells

In this lesson the pupils will be able to; name the organelles within a plant cell. describe the functions of the organelles within the cell. Compare and contract a plant and animal cell. This lesson is full of starter, learning objectives, plenary and exam style questions.