Quick Viewtashatoni19French Greetings (0)<p>Children draw a picture of explain each of the french greetings - bonjour, bonsoir, bonne nuit, bon weekend, au revior, a demain</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19My worries (0)<p>Worksheet where children write times they have felt worries, how they feel when worried, how to make themselves feel better when worried and how to notice when others are worried.</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni192 digit addition rounding and adjusting (0)<p>2 digit addition rounding and adjusting using a number line</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Subtraction bridging number line to 100 (0)<p>Subtraction bridging number line to 100</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19bridging to 30 addition with number line (0)<p>bridging to 30 addition with number line</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Division with remainders using a number line (0)<p>Division with remainders using a number line</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Subtraction Strategy - reordering numbers to subtract (0)<p>reordering three 1 digit and 2 digits to subtract</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Counting forwards and backwards 4 digit numbers (0)<p>counting forwards and backwards in 1s for 4 digit numbers</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Rainforest - Design a Tropical Plant (0)<p>Design a tropical plant to live in a rainforest climate</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19My Worry Monster (0)<p>Worksheet where pupils draw their worry monster and think about how worries can lead to stress.</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Multiplying by 100, 1000 and multiples of 10 (0)<p>Multiplying by 100, 1000 and multiples of 10</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19dividing a whole number by a multiple of 10 (0)<p>To divide a whole number by a multiple of 10.</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19Rabbit's Surprise Birthday Rigby Star Purple Reading Comprehension (0)<p>Rabbit’s Surprise Birthday Rigby Star Purple Reading Comprehension</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19ch sound phonics word and picture flashcards (0)<p>‘ch’ sound flashcards - phonics pictures and sounds.</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19th sound phonics flashcards words and pictures (0)<p>th sound phonics flashcards words and pictures</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19ng sound phonics flashcards (0)<p>ng phonics flashcards - pictures and words</p>
Quick Viewtashatoni19sh word and picture flashcards (0)<p>4 letter sh word and picture flashcards</p>