Powerpoint presentation of Voctorian Britain. Rich and poor children similarities and differences.
Links to sites that give more information on this subject.
Powerpoint presentation of things that we see in the Autumn. Very simple .
Photographs and titles with an Autumn poem at the end for Foundation stage and a slightly harder poem for older children.
A presentation about what we see in the summer.
Both files are the same but movie format is better if not using same version of Powerpoint
A variety of photos showing things we see in the summer with a poem about summer at the end.
Its on a loop and timed so doesn't need to be advanced manually.
A simple presentation about you going into Space to find a new planet and meet some aliens.Some questions to ask to create a discussion.What 10 objects would you take with you? A simple song I created is included. Further verses could be made up by the class.
Images and sounds relating to fireworks.
Contains the firework code.
Could be used for poetry or ICT lesson on graphicsand using specific tools to create a firwork picture
What do we see in the Spring.
Photos and text to discuss things like plants, baby animals and the weather in the Spring.
Also bit on frog lifecycle and a spring poem
A simple presentation about pets with some questions posed re different pets.Link at the end to an RSPCA clip about looking after a pet and what that entails
General knowledge science questions.Solve the clue like in a crossword then find the word in the wordsearch. Originally set for Year 2 but could be used in KS2 for lower ability or just for fun!
Powerpoint looking at things we see in the winter months. Lots of points to discuss re weather and animals. Christmas is mentioned briefly
Ends with a winter poem.Most of the photos have been taken by me.
A selection of photographs taken of different things but which are not too obvious due to angle or something missing.
Should develop some discussion and sharing of ideas and why they think they know what it is.
On next click the answer is given and then a more obvious picture of the object.
A useful filler.
What do we call a baby kangaroo? Pictures of baby animals and their adult versions. A matching word to picture game.Then match the parent to its baby.
Names go to correct answer on mouse click.
Simple faces to copy and laminate. Then put in a basket to pass around during circle time. Each child chooses a face to represent how they feel. If they wish they can say why they picked this face. Good insight into how they are feeling.