Quick ViewVenitaFeildenGenes introduction- fun with jelly babies (11)Pupils can make their own chromosome using jely babies.
Quick ViewVenitaFeildenAC and DC (5)I used this powerpoint to introduce the terms AC and DC to a bottom set year 11 class. Most of the class was AEL and SEN. Hope you find it useful.
Quick ViewVenitaFeildenSedimentary Rocks (8)I tried to make this presentation interactive by making a corresponding worksheet. The pupils had to fill out the worksheet while the powerpoint presentation answered the questions.
Quick ViewVenitaFeildenRefraction: Fun with Marmite (6)I used this powerpoint to introduce and then explain an experiment where pupils whipped a small blob of marmite, and it turned white.
Quick ViewVenitaFeildengrowing your own bacteria (0)learning about agar jelly and growing your own bacteria