Quick Viewnjellis777Mock questions OCR Eng Lit (0)<p>Questions made for based on Hamlet, The Bloody Chamber and Dracula</p>
Quick Viewnjellis7775-a-day J&H, P&C, AIC, Mac (0)<p>Starters for the four Literature texts with some Language activities too.</p>
Quick Viewnjellis777H/W tasks (0)<p>A booklet created for students going into year 12 focusing on Malfi and carol Ann Duffy poetry</p>
Quick Viewnjellis777Jekyll and Hyde Language skills workbook (0)<p>A workbook containing tasks focused on embedding Language skills through the teaching of Jekyll and Hyde.</p>
Quick Viewnjellis777Of Mice and Men revision (0)<p>A few activities to work alongside studying the text.</p>