German Constitution of 1871.  Features, Bismarck' Aims, How democratic was it?  Did Prussia dominateQuick View

German Constitution of 1871. Features, Bismarck' Aims, How democratic was it? Did Prussia dominate

16 slide powerpoint looking at the Constitution of 1871 and asking significant quetions What is a Constitution? Bismarck’s role in crearing the Constitution Aims of Bismarck in his domestic policy Overview of the Constitution The Kaiser The Chancellor The Bundesrat The reichstag How democratic was the new Constitution - source activity x2 Evidence for it being undemocratic Evidence for it being democratic Did Prussia dominate the new Constitution - task
Wars of the Roses - CausesQuick View

Wars of the Roses - Causes

15 slide powerpoint looking at the causes of the Wars of the Roses. Also includes a starter test and answers. Basic Family Tree - inc. task Detailed Family Tree - Inc. Task Causes of the WofR - Source task Overview of the causes of the WofR - Inc. video link Cause 1 - Consequences of the 100 Years War x2 slides - inc tasks Cause 2 - Problems with the Feudal System x1 slides - Inc tasks Cause 3 - Mental health of Henry VI - Inc tasks Rivalry between Margaret of Anjou and Richard Linking factors exercise Putting factors into hierarchy exercise.
Problems in the Balkans 1900 - 1913 - Causes of WW1 - Bosnian Crisis 1908 and Balkan WarQuick View

Problems in the Balkans 1900 - 1913 - Causes of WW1 - Bosnian Crisis 1908 and Balkan War

Problems in the Balkans 1900 - 1913 - Causes of WW1 - Bosnian Crisis 1908 and Balkan Wars 30 slide powerpoint lesson looking at the Balkans, Bosnian Crisis 1908 and both Balkan Wars. Also includes a knowledge assessment (and answers) on content from earlier in this unit. What do we mean by the balkans? Where is the Balkans Changing control in the Balkans - overview - task Reasons for the loss of Ottoman Control in the Balkans Source work on 'Sick Man of Europe X2 Why was the Ottoman Empire the Sick Man of Europe - information slide and exercise The Balkan Problem - source activity Definition of the Eastern Question - info slide Interests of the Great Powers in the Balkans in 1908 Background to the annexation of Bosnia - information slide Why did Austria want control of Bosnia - info slide The Buchlau Agreement -0 info slide Austrian annexation - info slide Austrian Annexation - source activity X2 The reactions of the Great Powers to the annexation - Info slide and video link Consequences of the annexation - X2 info slides The Italian -Turkish War 1911 The Balkan League and the First balkan War - info slide Map work on results of First Balkan War The Treaty of London - information slide Causes and outcome of Second Balkan War Consequences of the Balkan wars - info slide
Abyssinia - Italian Invasion and the League of Nations - Full LessonQuick View

Abyssinia - Italian Invasion and the League of Nations - Full Lesson

23 slide powerpoint looking at the Italian invasion of Abyssinia and the reaction of the league of nations. Who were the key players in the crisis? Background to the Crisis Why did Mussolini want to invade Abyssinia Wal Wal - inc. Link to video Full invasion Information slide - information Source work on invasion x2 The Leagues response to the invasion Cartoon - League’s response The failure of the league’s response Reaction of britain and France to invasion Hoare - Laval pact Hoare - Laval Pact - source work The end of Abyssinia - Inc. Link to video Overall consequences - league of nations
Richard the Lionheart - Good King or Bad King?Quick View

Richard the Lionheart - Good King or Bad King?

15 slide powerpoint looking at Richard I - Includes a starter test and answers Richard I - family Tree - Exercise Good King / Bad King table Richard I - pen portrait task based on supplied information Sources - Richard I - Good King Sources - Richard I - Bad King Richard the lionheart - info on the Crusades Map of the Third Crusade Sources on Richard abd the Third Crusade x4
Edward I - Wales - Scotland - Good or Bad King?Quick View

Edward I - Wales - Scotland - Good or Bad King?

This is a large powerpoint (several lessons) looking at Edward I and his take over of Wales and Scotland. It also includes a starter test (and answers) Pen Portrait if Edward I - Info and task Why the early Normans did not invade Wales - Source task The establishment of the Marcher Lords - Info The growth of independent Wales Reasons why Edward I invaded Wales and its consequences - info and task Video - Edward and Wales Welsh rebellion - info and tasks Castle - source task Video link - Edward I and Scotland Stone of Scone - task Soutrce task - Edward asked to decide on kiing Edward asked to decide on next King of Scotland - info Source task - Edward decided on John - Why? Scottish rebellion and task Edward invades Scotland - Task Battle of Berwick - source task William Wallace - into Battle of Stirling Bridge - including video link - task. Battle of Falkirk - Inf Death of Wallace - inc video link Edward I and development of parliament Edward I and religion Edward I - Good King or Bad king - Exercise.
Anglo-Saxon England - A Golden Age - Religion and CultureQuick View

Anglo-Saxon England - A Golden Age - Religion and Culture

16 slide PP Presentation with activities. HWK activity included. Anglo-Saxon religion and Culture - link to video. From paganism to Christianity Facts about Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England Anglo-Saxon Cultur - evidence from Sutton Hoo and Staffordshire hoard Anglo-Saxon literature (History Science and Beowulf (Inc. Link to video) Anglo-Saxon Buildings Anglo-Saxon villages Anglo-Saxon Churches Source work - Anglo saxon Culture V Norman Culture
Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - EventsQuick View

Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - Events

Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - Events 22 slide powerpoint presentation looking at the events of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion. Includes a starter test (and answers) looking at knowledge from events just preceding 1745. Who was Charles Edward Stuart 23 July 1745 - Bonnie Prince arrives in Scotland - details Illustration of the landing Sources on how ready Scotland was for a rebellion 19 August - raising of the standard - info slide Picture of the raising of the standard Taking of Perth The march to Edinburgh and Battle of Prestonpans Pictures of Prestonpans Picture of Charlie in Edinburgh Support fails to arrive for Charles - how did this affect planning Introducing the Duke of Cumberland Invasion of England to Derby March back to Scotland - effect on the Jacobite Army The Battle of Culloden
The Naval and Arms Races as a cause of WW1 - Full lesson and several sets of student notes 25 slideQuick View

The Naval and Arms Races as a cause of WW1 - Full lesson and several sets of student notes 25 slide

25 slide Powerpoint (inc. activities and sources) on militarism and the arms race as a cause of WW1. Also includes a starter knowledge recall test (and answers) on content from earlier in this unit. Also includes a worksheet chronology exercise. Also includes 3 seperate student handouts on Militarism / Militarism in germany / The arms and naval race. What is militarism - task Militarism - a definition Growth in arms - source activity Reasons why militarism increased in Europe - info slide and task Source on militarism Increased spending and number of soldiers - sources and activity Conscription - and task Spending source and task Arms race - why did it happen Britain and her navy - info Words of tirpitz and how Britain would have felt about these Song of German sailor - how does this explain German naval attitutudes German anti-British naval cartoon - source and task Dreadnought Naval statistics - source and question Sources - consequences of arms race x3 Arms race - chronology exercise How significant was the arms race as a cause of WW1 - source task
League of Nations - aims - structure - membership - full lessonQuick View

League of Nations - aims - structure - membership - full lesson

27 slide powerpoint presentation looking at the stricture, organisation and membership of the League of Nations - lots of source activities - a full lesson What were the aims of the League How did Britain, France and the USA disagree about the League Origins of the League Source work x on the origins of the League Agreed aims of the League Aims of the League - source work x2 Link to video Membership of the League - which countries did not join Why did the USA not join Source work on the effects of the USA not joining Joiners and leavers of the League - how and why membership changed Overview structure of the League The Council The Assembly The Secretariat The International Court of Justice The Commissions of the League Source work x3 on prospects for the Leagues success
Richard III - Reputation - Also covers Princes in the Tower.Quick View

Richard III - Reputation - Also covers Princes in the Tower.

Lesson on Richard III - Reputation - Also covers Princes in the Tower. Includes a full worksheet of historical sources and a starter test an answers. Richard III family tree - exercise Richard III - early life - Inc task How did Richard the III become King Early years of Richard III’s reign Overview of Bosworth - Inc task Reputation of Richard - source work (inc video link) Source questions x2 on Princes in Towers. Evidence exercise on were the Princes murdered and if so by whom.
Chronology / dividing time / anachronism.Quick View

Chronology / dividing time / anachronism.

18 slide powerpoint lesson with supporting activities and resources for the introduction of chronology / dividing time / anachronism. What is chronology - info slide Defining Bc and Ad - info and quick task Defining periods of time - task + extension task Defining time - Task and challenge task Differentiated tasks - need more help (task on dividing time) Already got it = task on how to work out centuries Check on progress exercise Anachronism exercise Anachronism exercise answers What is an anachronism - info slide Differentiated tasks - need more help (another spot the anachronism task with answers). Already got it - you draw your own anachronism. Check on progress exercise Dividing historical periods exercise (cards provided on activity sheet) Differentiated task - need more help - another task on ordering and naming time periods. Already got it - break down your life into labeled chunks Check on progress exercise. Also includes and anachronism and chronology task for homework
Hundred Years War - Crecy - Agincourt - Joan of Arc - Full lesson - lots of tasks and worksheetsQuick View

Hundred Years War - Crecy - Agincourt - Joan of Arc - Full lesson - lots of tasks and worksheets

24 slide powerpoint looking at Hundred Years War - Crecy - Agincourt - Joan of Arc - Full lesson - lots of tasks and worksheets - includes a starter test and answers, What presence did the English have in france sy the start of the Hundred Years war What caused the 100 years war Map exercise - overview of the 100 years war - inc. task Living graph of events in 100 years war Battle of Crecy - inc. video link and task Battle of Poitiers inc. video link and task Warfare during the 100 years war - the longbow Chaos in France - Treaty of Bretigny 1360 Background to Agincourt inc. video link Military line up at Agincourt - inc task Extensive source sheet to buid up picture of events at Agincourt Consequences of Agincourt Treaty of Troyes 1420 1422 - henry VI and the Daupine Siege of Orleans - background to Joan of Arc Joan of Arc - source task Joan and the Battle of Orleans French upper hand in 100 years war - inc. task The fate of Joan of Arc.
Kaiser Wilhelm II - Was he a Shadow Emperor - Power in Germany 1890 - 1914Quick View

Kaiser Wilhelm II - Was he a Shadow Emperor - Power in Germany 1890 - 1914

Full lesson looking at the debate surrounding the ‘Shadow Emperor’ theory. This includes a student handout covering the main points of each side of the argument and a starter test (and answers) looking at content from earlier in this module. Overview of the Rohl argument Evidence to support Rohl Task Overview of the Wehler argument Evidence for the Wehler argument
Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - Background.Quick View

Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - Background.

20 Slide powerpoint looking at the Jacobite Rebellion 1745 - Background. Also includes a starter test (and answers) looking at events immediately preceding 1745. How was the UK created - England in conquest - Question how would you feel if invaded? Family tree work looking at Glorious Revolution / Ann / James Stuart and George I - questions on each stage. Answers provided The Act of Settlement 1701 Reaction to the Act of Settlement 1701 Arguments for and Against the Act f Union 1707 Act of Union 1707 Source work on Act of Union - Queen Ann and Robbie Burns Sources and questions on the impact of the Act of Union The Old Pretender the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion
Ireland 1900 - Easter Rising.  Changing Attitudes Towards the British Empire.  OCR SHP BQuick View

Ireland 1900 - Easter Rising. Changing Attitudes Towards the British Empire. OCR SHP B

25 slide powerpoint looking at the relationship between Ireland and Britain. This concentrates on changing attitudes towards the British Empire from 1900 - Easter Rising in Ireland. Also includes a starter test (and answers) covering knowledge from this unit. Historic relationship between Ireland and Britain. Land seizure maps and task 1801 Act of Union and question Ulster Irish Nationalist Party - Home Rule Irish Republican Brotherhood 1910 Irish Election results - source question Unionism leaflets - source question Pictures of UVF and Ulster Covenant (with description) Easter Rising - events and aftermath Effects of Britains reaction to uprising Sources on effect of Britain’s reaction to the uprising x3.
German Unification and the Franco-Prussian War in overviewQuick View

German Unification and the Franco-Prussian War in overview

17 slide powerpoint looking at German Unification and the Franco-Prussian War in overview Germany in the Middle Ages Germany 1800-1815 Germany after 1815 Expanding Prussia - source question Zollveren Expanding Prussia - Source question Role of Bismarck 1866 Austro-Prussian War North German Confederation Causes of the Franco-Prussian War and question Events of the Franco-Prussian War Creation of Germany Reasons for French Defeat New Germany and relationship with France source question
WW1 Peace Treaties.  Germain - Neuilly - Trianon - Sevres - LausanneQuick View

WW1 Peace Treaties. Germain - Neuilly - Trianon - Sevres - Lausanne

29 slide powerpoint looking at the Peace Treaties with Austria / Bulgaria / Hungary / Ottoman Empire following WW1. Overview of the Peace Treaties How did the war end for the Austro-Hungarian Empire - info slide Territorial losses for Austria - info slide Other terms of the Treaty of St Germain Source based activity on the Treaty of St Germain x 3 slides Treaty of Trianon Territorial losses for Hungary Source based task on Hungarians outside the border of the new Hungary x2 Other terms of the Treaty of Trianon Hungarian reaction to the Treaty - source activity Economic effects of the Treaty of Trianon - source task The Treaty of Neuilly with Bulgaria Territorial losses imposed on Bulgaria Reaction to the Treaty - Source task Treaty of Sevres Territorial changes imposed on Turkey - info slide Areas of influence - info slide Other terms of the Treaty of Sevres - info sldie Reaction to the Treaty of Sevres - source activity Kemal and the War of Turkish Independence Terms of the treaty of Lausanne Treaty of Lausanne - source activity
COMECON and COMINFORM - Including Source Activity SheetQuick View

COMECON and COMINFORM - Including Source Activity Sheet

Powerpoint on Comecon and Cominform. Also included is Source sheet with questions on differing interpretations behind the establishment of Comecon/Cominform and Truman Doctrine / Marsahll Aid 8 slides in total. Information slide on Comecon and Cominform Link to video and questions on Comecon and Cominform Source activity comparing Comecon/Cominform with Truman Doctrine / Marshall Aid Comecon and Comiform Exam Question with AfL mark scheme
League of Nations in the 1920's - Success or Failure - Full Lesson - Lots of activitiesQuick View

League of Nations in the 1920's - Success or Failure - Full Lesson - Lots of activities

37 slide powerpoint presentation looking at the work of the League of nations in the 1920’s - was it a success or a failure? Information of the Vilna Dispute Was the dispute over Vilna a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Teschen Dispute Was the dispute over Teschen a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Aland islands Dispute Was the dispute over Aland Islands a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Upper Silesian Dispute Source activity on the Upper Silesian dispute Was the dispute over Upper Silesian a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Corfu Dispute Source activity on the Corfu dispute Was the dispute over Corfu a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Ruhr Dispute Source activity on the Ruhr dispute Was the dispute over the Ruhr a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Memel Dispute Was the dispute over Memel a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Iraq Dispute Was the dispute over Iraq a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Information of the Bulgarian Dispute Source task on the Bulgarian dispute Was the dispute over Bulgaria a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupil slide) Information of the Bolivia Dispute Was the dispute over Bolivia a success or a failure for the League of Nations? (Question for pupils slide) Source work on disarmament x2 Information on attempts to disarm Was the league successful (question slide) Info on Slavery Commission Was the Slavery Commission a success for the league of nations (Question slide for pupils) Info on Refugee Commission Was the Refugee Commission a success for the league of nations (Question slide for pupils) Info on the International labour Organisation Was the ILO a success for the league of nations (Question slide for pupils)