Counting in 10sQuick View

Counting in 10s

<p>A very simple missing number worksheet of counting in 10s. There are 2 sheets: one is a pattern of 10s up to 100, the other is a pattern of 10s up to 200.</p>
Writing in the 3rd PersonQuick View

Writing in the 3rd Person

A short and basic introductory lesson about writing in the 3rd person. A starting point before embarking on a series of lessons about writing newspapers.
Connectives (and, but, because)Quick View

Connectives (and, but, because)

Short worksheet containing sentences for pupils to complete using the connectives: 'and'; 'but' or 'because'.<br /> Short and simple exercise for LA pupils, SFL pupils or EAL pupils.<br /> Can also be used as a form of assessment.
Counting in 2sQuick View

Counting in 2s

<p>3 different levels of worksheet for counting in 2s.</p> <ol> <li>A cut and stick with the numbers available up to 20.</li> <li>A missing number sheet up to 10.</li> <li>A missing number sheet up to 20.</li> </ol>
Comparing Biggest and Smallest Number to 100Quick View

Comparing Biggest and Smallest Number to 100

A short activity for pupils who can count to 100. This challenges their ability to recognise which number is biggest and which number is smallest. Can easily be edited to use different number or increase the range of numbers.
Addition to 10 Booklet - (Adding, Plus)Quick View

Addition to 10 Booklet - (Adding, Plus)

<p>Very Simplistic Addition to 10 Booklet for Early Years, First Level (KS1) or for use of remedial practise.<br /> The booklet follows a simplistic pattern with adding 1, then 2 and so on. Each time there will be a sheet to have a visual practise for subtraction and then a written practise example.<br /> At the end there are mixed questions for general practise and fact families for them to complete. The fact families are left blank so that teachers can differentiate with pupils.</p>
Reading kg ScalesQuick View

Reading kg Scales

Basic worksheet to introduce and display scales for pupils to read.<br /> This worksheet is a short and simple follow-up for pupils who are only just being introduced to reading kilogram scales.<br /> Draw on your own readings on the scale to set your own differentiation.
Equivalent Fractions PowerPointQuick View

Equivalent Fractions PowerPoint

<p>This is not a PowerPoint for introducing equivalent fractions - this is more of an interactive PowerPoint to practise equivalent fractions with your class.<br /> It contains some shape examples and and written examples for them to do.<br /> Suitable for a class discussion or interactive learning.</p>
Numbers and Word Matching - Cut and Stick ActivityQuick View

Numbers and Word Matching - Cut and Stick Activity

<code>Very basic and straightforward activity where the learners have to match digits to words. I've created three sheets: 0-12; 11-23; and various numbers within 100. These can all be edited and adpated to the level of your learners.</code>
Subtraction to 10 Booklet - (Minus, Take Away, Subtraction)Quick View

Subtraction to 10 Booklet - (Minus, Take Away, Subtraction)

<p>Very Simplistic Subtraction to 10 Booklet for Early Years, First Level (KS1) or for use of remedial practise.<br /> The booklet follows a simplistic pattern with subtracting 1, then 2 and so on. Each time there will be a sheet to have a visual practise for subtraction and then a written practise example.<br /> At the end there are mixed questions for general practise and fact families for them to complete. The fact families are left blank so that teachers can differentiate with pupils.</p>
Creating a Bar Graph Using Given InformationQuick View

Creating a Bar Graph Using Given Information

This is an extension task I have used with my class which has been slightly differentiated: The Premier League for your more able pupils and the SPFL for your less able pupils. Use squared paper to construct a bar graph/chart (or any other chart you like) using the provided information. This task would be particularly appealing to your football obsessed boys.
Adding Using 50p, 20p, 10pQuick View

Adding Using 50p, 20p, 10p

Very straightforward worksheet to test pupils on their ability to add in the tens column within a premise of money. Pupils can write on the sheet to show they can add using these coins effectively.
Cursive Writing - Phonemes, Diagraphs, EtcQuick View

Cursive Writing - Phonemes, Diagraphs, Etc

<p>Simple and basic worksheets for forming cursive letters and joining initial diagraphs etc. Every sheet has lines of practise, some have blank spaces with no guidance as a challenge. At the end of each sheet are some words that are written with the letters joined together.</p> <p>The diagraphs, trigraphs, etc are those found in the Scottish Active Literacy but are also applicable to most of Jolly Phonics.</p> <p>Worksheets were initially made using a downloaded font, then adapted and edited with a pen before being scanned and uploaded digitally.</p>
Computer HardwareQuick View

Computer Hardware

<p>An introduction to Computer Hardware. Consists of a simplistic PowerPoint and two matching activities.</p>
Treasure Island Comprehension QuestionsQuick View

Treasure Island Comprehension Questions

<p>16 Comprehension Questions based on the Classic Novel ‘Treasure Island’. To find and generate the questions, I used the ‘Treetops Classics - Oxford Level 17’ book.</p> <p>The questions are for KS2 and are based on the child reading and answering questions on the first half of the book, chapters 1-18 and then questions on the second half of the book.</p> <p>This is not a chapter-by-chapter comprehension sheet.</p> <p>Answers are included with the questions.</p>
Parentheses - Differentiated Task - CommasQuick View

Parentheses - Differentiated Task - Commas

<p>A very simple differentiated worksheet to complete on parentheses. The tasks include adding commas to a sentence to show where the parentheses are and short sentences where parentheses needs to be added.</p> <p>These tasks could easily be adapted for the use of brackets or dashes.</p> <p>Attached are editable word docs and pdfs for sending online.</p>
Timeline - Famous Buildings ActivityQuick View

Timeline - Famous Buildings Activity

<p>Simple Cut and Stick activity (or organising activity) to put the dates that buildings were completed in order according to their year.</p> <p>Used with IPC Buildings Unit but can be applied elsewhere.</p>